C.W. Pollard – A Comprehensive Couple’s Guide To Oral Sex : Learn To Communicate & Satisfy
A Comprehensive Couple’s Guide To Oral Sex – C.W. Pollard.epub
[1 eBook – 1 Epub]
Oral sex is one of my favorite intimate activities. There is a certain magic that exists between two partners engeged in oral sex, fellatio or cunnilingus, that just does not exist anywhere else in the sexual pantheon. Honestly, many times, in my life I have felt that oral sex is even more intimate than actual sexual intercourse. I love to go down on my commited partners, however, oral sex is something I would never consider with casual partners or one night stands. The magic is just missing. I’m sure many of my readers would agree. Many of my firends have been to prostitutes and not one of them has gone down on them. Hopefully, these empirical facts will help to put things in perspective. Oral sex is an act that truly reaches its zenith between two loving partners. However, through my own research, I know that this act is too often ignored to the unsatisfaction of one or both partners in the couple. I hear one of two complaints frequently. The first is that oral sex is not even present in a relationship. One or both of the partners simply won’t do it. The other is that oral sex, when it happens, is bad, short and misguided. There are two distinct problems here. The first of these is a technical problem. Learning how to have intercourse is pretty basic. In fact, the lay it out for you in school. Oral sex, on the other hand is not so striaghtforward. This requires skills that they don’t teach you in health class. You have to pick it up as you go along and all too often, people just don’t get the instruction that they need to truly blossom at the art. Dealing with this, very surmountable, problem is the first aim of this book. The two chapters (originally published as separate books) will take both of the lovers through a very technical, easy to understand and follow class on both fellatio and cunniliingus. Once you have read through these pages, and given the techniques described a try, I am sure you will quickly become proficient at pleasing each other.The other problem that this book is designed to address, is the communication gap that so often exists between partners where oral sex is concerned. The main source of this absence of talk seems to come from a fear that a person is no good at oral sex and is afraid of cirticism. Well, working thorough these chapters, together, and reading the material, together, will quickly help to get you talking on the subject. Neither one of you should be afraid to point out something that you think that you would like to have done to you, or that you would like to try with your partner. Conversely, hopefully as you read these pages, you will encounter information that will make you ask questions and nourish a dialog. One way or the other, I am confident that the two of you will soon be building bridges to oral sex and not walls. I wish you all the luck in the world.File Size: 241 KBPrint Length: 100 pagesPublisher: Overunity Publications (November 27, 2011)http://www.amazon.com/Comprehensive-Couples-Guide-Oral-Sex-e…
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