Career Library TV – Brilliant Public Speaking
Brilliant Public Speaking
[1 DVD Rip (8 MP4s)]
This is a rip of the DVD here: fear of Public Speaking is said to be even greater than the fear of death. Yet mastering this skill can make the difference between success and failure in life. Those who learn to speak confidently tend to earn more money, are more popular and get what they want in life. You just have to look at Dragons Den to see the number of people who go away empty handed because they cannot present effectively.The good news is that Public Speaking is something that can be learned, and you can be great at it.This DVD features top speakers, bookers and public speaking coaches revealing their inside secrets as to what makes for confident presentations. With over 20 chapters of superb advice, this is the definitive step by step guide to an inspired presentation.Whether you are preparing for an interview, presentation or wedding speech this DVD will have you speaking confidently in no time at all.
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