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Carlos Xuma – Alpha Immersion

Carlos Xuma – Alpha Immersion
[4 DVDs – Rips]



This is the latest program from inner game guru Carlos Xuma.This is his first time on video – and boy, is there a lot of it!Over 12 hours of video in total. We’ve done these as 700Mb rips to avoid the bitching I know you guys love to do The quality might be a little sore as each DVD was 3 hours long.Just to be clear – these are just the 12 hours of seminar from the DVDs.None of the DVD extras are included. For those, please download the ISOs that we will upload in a week or so – they have the full menus and all the extra little snippets.Usual exclusive rules apply:VIPs/Elites: Can download immediatelyPower Users: Can download 7 daysUsers: Can download after 14 daysDVD 1:——–# The difference between great people and everyone else# How you’re sabotaging your results when using ‘canned’ lines# How your inner game takes care of your outer game# The biggest challenge you will face in performance and attitude# The Big Mistake you make when you learn the Art of Attraction# Rules Exercise to break your limiting beliefs about women# The 4 critical components of High Social Value# The Rule for communicating your value you must never break# How to use Attraction and Rapport together for maximum effect# The one thing all men and women seek and how to use it# The 4 Essential Skills to get a woman attracted and involved in you# Why a woman will hold back from demonstrating attraction# The 5 step progressive plan to get you out and meeting women# The one belief you adopt that will allow you to approach ANYONE# The 3 calibration factors you must make to a woman# How most men condition themselves against meeting women# Inner game techniques to change your thinking and self-confidence# The Authority Experiment to feel your natural Alpha power# How to test with ‘open ended’ closers# Dozens of Topic shortcuts to use at ANY time# The 3 rules of Dancing and how to handle it# What you MUST do with cold or aloof women# 2 Steps to balancing attraction and rapport# The 2 rules of sexual initiation# The 4 steps of Approach Anxiety and how to break it# The 6 Rapport and Comfort tools and how to use them# 5 Power Questions and Quiz Questions that put you in the driver seat# How to reveal information and history# What to do when you’re not getting her interest indicators# 6 Surefire topics to talk about with a womanDVD 2:——–# How do you express mutual interest?# The Shy 100 exercise to overcome your fear of approaching# The 4 closing techniques to escalate# How to isolate a woman from a group# The 5 rules of teasing and playful conversation# The 11 initial strategies of approach# What your speech rhythm communicates# The Ultimate Goal of bar & club pickup# Examples of Direct openers for any situation# Use the other guy’s failure to approach# 3 REAL Game openers and how they work# Visual Examples of approach body language – the walk-up# How to close up the distance with a woman# Three forms of powerful eye contact# How do you bridge distance to touch with a woman# 3 Indications of Interest to watch for to approach# 3 Critical concepts of body language# 2 Greeting types and how to handle them# Calibrating your kino to the environment# The places to touch her to turn her on# How to handle it when she pulls back# The 5 body language Indicators when she’s seated# 3 Definite touch indicators of a woman’s interest# The 4 ‘accidental’ kino touches from a woman# How a woman will play with objects when she’s interested# How to use your iPod to build trust and rapport# Maximizing your look to increase your appeal# The 8 top appearance factors you must control# How to use a woman’s perfume to get closer to her# How to get a number when the group dynamic goes ‘weird’DVD 3:——–# How far to help your woman and avoid over-investing# How to communicate your strengths without bragging# How to use your past relationships to build attraction# REAL methods to overcome challenges# How to communicate your status through qualification# ALPHA body language, how to use your hands# Famous Alpha Man Examples# The one trait that Alpha Men have that women respect# Where using technique will ruin your success with women# How to use Autogenic Training to program your attitude# EXERCISE: Positive Mind Conditioning Scenario# Four Mind Control Tools to keep you confident# How to override bad moods and negative thinking# The fastest way to change your mental state# How to manage Fear and anxiety# The 5 Second Technique to conquer your fears# The two essential ingredients to improve your skills# Should you date someone from work?# What do you do if your girl is hit on aggressively?# How to turn your competition to help you# Understanding the Female Mindset and Beliefs# Sexual Tension, and why guys are afraid of it# What flirting REALLY is, and how to do it# The 5 rules of women’s resistance# How to TALK to women – and WHAT to talk about# How to re-channel your sexual energy in healthy ways# The 4 post-game outcomes to manage# The 5 Don’ts for a date# How to establish the best foundation for keeping a womanDVD 4:——–# Answering her challenges – Why she challenges your questions# Redirecting her questioning and keeping it REAL# Handling a woman’s need for validation# Why it’s not REAL for women to be the initiator# Recognizing when a woman is trying to control you# How to tease a woman effectively# Understanding what her questions mean# Why you want to avoid too many cocky responses# Storytelling – how to construct your stories# The Elevator Speech and how to use it# What women interpret from your decorations# Designing the woman you want and get her# Handling the real complication in breakups# How to prioritize activities correctly# How to stay Immersed and Motivated in the Alpha Mindset# The Hidden Key to Success with Women# What you should never do when you’re in a bad mood# The two kinds of self-confidence and how they work# Why success builds and failure continues to crash# FEAR – What it is, and how you are immobilized by it# The Authority Rule – how to get away with anything you want# How you take control of your life – and your skills with women# Why you’re not a ‘fake’ by improving with techniques and skills# Why being YOU is the most important step in attracting women# 2 things you must eliminate in your beliefs to change# The 3 areas you have the power to change in your life# The 2 kinds of congruence – and how this sabotages your success# The one State you must show to create attraction# The 3 distinct energy-generating habits of Alpha Men# How to analyze, evaluate, and learn from your performance


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