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Caroline Markolin – German New Medicine Tutorials 1-5

German New Medicene fixed
[ 6 MP4, 128 PDF ]

Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by The New Biology Phase 2 GB Caroline Markolin – German New Medicine Tutorials New Medicine is a new paradigm of medicine, but it is also a new consciousness. It is the awareness that our organism possesses an inexhaustible creativity and remarkable self-healing capabilities. It is the recognition that each cell of our body is endowed with a biological wisdom we share with all living creatures.For generations, the medical authorities have enslaved and imprisoned the human mind with a fear of diseases. The knowledge of the Five Biological Laws allows us to re-connect with Nature and to regain our trust in her creative and intelligent force. Thanks to Dr. Hamer’s unfailing integrity and his dedicated research over the past three decades, we can now become free of that fear.TUTORIAL STUDY GUIDELINE: In order to become familiar with the basic principles of GNM as well as with the GNM-specific terminology, we recommend that you begin your studies with THE FIVE BIOLOGICAL LAWS as the foundation of German New Medicine®. GNM TUTORIAL ONE to FIVE explain each organ-related Significant Biological Special Program in detail. You will learn how specific biological conflicts (DHS) manifest during the conflict-active phase, which symptoms are typical for the healing phase, and what has to be expected during the Epileptoid (Healing) Crisis. The teachings also emphasize the practical and preventive aspects of GNM with many examples.THIS IS RATIO FREE (ONLY UPLOAD COUNTS) IF YOU JOIN THE GB BELOWPLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS  GB Thread Times TBA ONCE GB CLOSES


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