Chemist – Oneitis Obsession Destroyer
[eBook – DOC]
Something I threw together that some people might find helpful…This is a short report containing a selection of techniques to help you erase those constant thoughts of “the one” from your mind.So, if you’ve decided now that you no longer want to go the AFC route of obsessing over a girl then these powerful exercises will give you a sense of freedom and open up the doorway again to you being able to claim yourself as “the prize”.If you’ve found yourself stuck with repetitive thoughts and images about one girl…If you’ve had those disturbing ideas of marriage…If you weren’t able to get her out of your head…You can leave those behaviors behind you and decide now to go forward with a renewed sense of freedom and possibility.Love is a mental process, and we can fall out of love even easier than we fall in love. If we know what our recipe is. Lets get cooking….
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