Christian Carter – Meeting The One
Christian Carter – Meeting The One [4 DVDs – Rip, MP3s]
[4 DVDs – Rip, MP3s]
If You’ve Gone From Wondering WHEN You Will Finally Meet The Right Man And Fall In Love… To Asking WHY There Aren’t Any Good Men Out There And Feeling Scared That You Might NEVER Meet The Right Man For You… Then It’s Time For You To STOP Making The Dating Mistakes That Drive Good Men Away And Keep Too Many Good Women Like You Single And “Loveless” Forever… Get Ready To Learn Exactly What To Do And Say With Men To Not Only Identify The Right Man For You And Transform First Meetings And “Dates” Into Amazing Connections… But Quickly Have A Man Grow With You From “Hello” To “I Love You” In No Time FlatDear Friend,Can you tell me… why in the world would a great woman not have a great man who wants to be with her?It just doesn’t make sense, does it?Over the last few years of helping women to better understand men and have more successful relationships, I can’t tell you how many times this question has come up…And I’m constantly amazed by how many INCREDIBLE WOMEN I meet who are unnecessarily sitting at home alone.But now… FINALLY… I am pleased to tell you that after years of seeing how so many incredible women are unable to find great men who love them for who they REALLY ARE, at long last I have an answer.I’m very excited about what I’ve discovered, and I can’t wait to share my answer with you for 3 reasons:I’ve discovered that there is just one dangerous yet easy to fix mistake that is single-handedly responsible for why most great women do NOT have a great man in their lifeNearly EVERY woman I’ve shared this with has told me that hearing this was the one thing that really made everything come together for them… and that this information allowed them to take their love lives to a level of happiness and excitement HIGHER than they ever thought possible…If YOU are frustrated with men and dating and the way your love life is now, I am 100% CERTAIN that what I am about to tell you will not only change the way you think about men and dating forever… but give you the POWER to change your current situation faster and more effectively than anything else you could possibly do, period.Now, I can’t wait to share the answer I’ve found with you and let you put it to work in your own life…But let me first give you a quick “primer” on how and where this answer came to me… and why it allowed me to see what’s going on for most women with men and dating so clearly…One thing I’ve been paying more attention to in my life lately is HOW WE AS PEOPLE CAN HEAL.For me, thinking about all this was prompted by some recent health concerns of my own that have turned out to be a blessing in disguise.To make a long story short… a while ago I started thinking about how in more of our “Western Medicine”, the focus of the treatment you receive is often about alleviating the SYMPTOMS you’re experiencing.And while this helps you FEEL BETTER in the short term by clearing your immediate problems… the long term effects aren’t too long-lasting.On the other hand… more of the “Eastern” approach to health and healing places a focus on the body as an entire system that’s “interconnected”. And from this perspective SYMPTOMS aren’t a focus of concern in the healing process. Instead, a focus is put on identifying and treating the UNDERLYING CAUSE of the symptoms.As I sat and thought about this, it started to become clear to me how this whole approach to medicine and to healing not only related to my life… but I started to see some PROFOUND TRUTHS that related to what most women experience with men, love, dating, and relationships…Suddenly everything became CRYSTAL CLEAR to me about what was going on at a deeper level – most women are spending their precious time and energy focusing on trying to “fix” all the symptoms in their love life… which of course is leading them nowhere, and keeping them from finding and “healing” the ROOT CAUSE of it all.The more I thought about this, the more I started to see a fascinating process happening for most of the single women around me… and a new reality came into clear view.[…]…
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