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Christian Carter – Natural & Lasting Attraction

Christian Carter – Natural & Lasting Attraction
[4 DVD rip + 1 PDF]



In case you didn’t already know, David DeAngelo’s company is now also teaching women about how to ‘pickup’ men.David DeAngelo doesn’t actually do the teaching, instead Christian Carter does that.Anyway, this is the ‘Advanced Dating Techniques’ DVD set for women, entitled ‘Natural & Lasting Attraction’. You might want to take a look at this for the day when a woman starts using these techniques on you…His guest speakers are: Marie, Katherine Scott and Doc (all of whom have been interviewed by David DeAngelo in his ‘Interviews with Dating Gurus’ interview series.==============================================-quote-Could It Really Be This EASY To Create A Lasting Connection With A Man That Goes Far BEYOND “Physical” Attraction… And Sparks A Deep Emotional Bond Inside Him… To Where He Feels Literally Addicted To Being With You, And ONLY YOU, Forever?The Answer is “YES”… And If YOU Want To Eliminate All The Insecurity That Can Come From LOSING The Guy You Really Want, And Start Experiencing The Love, Attention, And Respect You Deserve From A Man, REGARDLESS Of His Emotional Hang-ups… Then This Will Be The Most Important Letter You’ll Ever Read… Here’s What You’re Going To Get… Over 6 full hours of digitally recorded material on 4 DVDs An accompanying workbook full of teaching slides and aides A detailed track listing for quick access Here are a few more of the exciting things you’ll learn in this program: A proven, step-by-step plan to get you OUT of the “dating game” and into the arms of the RIGHT man for you in the fastest amount of time humanly possible Have you ever tried to communicate something that was very important to you to your man… and it seems like  he just couldn’t hear you… or WOULDN’T? In this program, you’ll learn exactly what’s going on in a guy’s mind, and how to communicate with him in a way that gets him to actually listen to you… understand you… and take to heart what you have to say The single most powerful way to really “get” to a man and lodge yourself in his mind so thoughts of you keep popping up… and actually interrupt his day! (I secretly LOVE when a woman does this to me… because it lets me know she’s something special and I should spend more time with her) The secrets of those “naturally attractive” women who never seem to go through all the fuss and hassle that other women endure (Here’s how to use their strategies to get a man to want YOU for more than just a fling) How to completely avoid the resistance some men have with love and connection that most women struggle to get past… so you can bypass this whole unnecessary process of “dating games” and experience love naturally… The REAL reason why men sometimes lose interest in a woman after they get physically involved with them for the first time (If you’ve had this happen with more than one or two men there is a good chance you are making this mistake… and it’s CRUCIAL that you learn what it is and how to fix it) What to do when you find yourself falling for a guy “friend” (Here’s the smooth and comfortable way to make him yours WITHOUT taking any risk of “freaking him out”) How to create INTENSE EMOTIONAL ATTRACTION that gets a man to choose YOU over another woman who is younger or better looking than you are A deadly mistake even confident, experienced women make that they THINK will make a man like them more… but actually drives a man AWAY because it makes you look “clingy” How to show a man you are interested in him in a way that makes him more and more interested in YOU each time you do it A deadly mistake that makes even confident women come off as “clingy” and even desperate to the one man they are REALLY interested in (Luckily, this is easy to avoid when you know what it is) How to spot and identify an immature man QUICKLY… so you never again waste your time and heart on someone who doesn’t deserve you How to control and channel your own feelings to enhance your life… energize those around you… and magnetically attract the type of man YOU want (Learn this one simple thing and you’ll never again have to worry about a man seeing you as “clingy”) How ATTRACTION works for a man… step-by-step (when you KNOW the steps it’s easy and natural for you evoke powerful feelings of love and connection in a man without actively “trying”) How increasing a man’s awareness of emotional connection can make him more emotionally connected to YOU… (I’ll show you exactly how to do this in a way that a man thinks is FUN and gets him more involved in the relationship) 4 easy but often overlooked ways to improve your love life that you can start doing TODAY and will give you INSTANT results How to program your brain to actually FIND YOU LOVE (Sadly… many women are actually programmed to REPEL the men they want the most. I’ll show you how to shatter these defeating patterns and create new habits that bring the right kind of man into your life while at the same time repelling the “losers”) How to “size up” a man and know if he’s the right guy for you long-term, or someone with whom you should keep it “fun and casual” (It’s important that YOU start dictating the way your relationships go… and you’ll now be in control because you’ll know INSTANTLY the exact kind of man you are dealing with) My simple 4-step process for cracking a man’s “social persona” and getting him to show you the REAL side of himself that he doesn’t share with anyone else (Doing this will make any man feel a deep and powerful connection with you… so be careful who you decide to share it with) A “secret” way to make a man feel special that NO WOMAN has ever done to him before (doing this makes him want YOU more… because people instinctively like people who make them feel good) The real reason why men become “distant” – I’ll show you how to keep this from happening in the first place… AND how to easily “fix it” if it’s already happened to you How to pinpoint and identify the things that are holding you back from having a successful relationship with a man (I’m going to get brutally honest here and share some things your friends will NEVER tell you… and men don’t want you to know, but it’s about time you did) A sure-fire way to get a man to see you as his BEST and ONLY choice (this is especially crucial to know if your guy is a “catch” and has options) “Chemistry” Explained: How to spark feelings of sexual passion in a man that he CANNOT ignore… and more importantly, KEEP THE FEELINGS ALIVE throughout the course of your relationship The “instant judgments” men make about women when they first meet them (Here’s how to pass his tests and pique his curiosity from the get go) A sure-fire fix for a stale relationship – Here’s a way to instantly reignite the PASSION and FIRE and make him hot and bothered for you for as long as YOU like How to keep a man’s level of interest and attraction for you GROWING as your relationship goes on – using this strategy the longer you are together, the more sexually and emotionally attractive you’ll become to him How to find and eliminate the pre-programmed NEGATIVE strategies that might have cost you true love in the past… so you never have to worry about the man YOU want choosing someone else World Renowned Experts Share Their Secrets… As a special treat, I’ve invited several friends and peers to be my guests on stage. These are men and women who have been experts in their fields for YEARS, and are the people I respect most in their area. And let me tell you, there’s NOTHING like listening to and learning from the most knowledgeable experts in each important area of dating and relationships… I’m talking about the VERY BEST here… ===============================================Isn’t it nice to learn the tips and tricks of the opposition?before it was here as audio only the full DVDEnjoy


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