Christian Throne – Factors of attraction
Factors of attraction
[3 eBook – PDF]
Hi peeps,This is the result of group buy from URL Cost :$47″How To Have Women Dropping Their Panties And Begging You For Sex Within Seconds Of Meeting Them …”Learn How A Skinny Ugly Nerd Stole The Secrets Of The Best Pickup Artists And Used Them To Seduce The Most Beautiful Women In The World!Dear Friend, My name is Christian Thorne. You probably already know me by now. I’m sure you’ve read some of my articles around the web, right? Maybe this is the first you’ve ever heard of me. In any case that’s not what’s important right now. What is important is that you’re right here reading this page. You’re here because you have problems with women and you’re looking for a little guidance. You don’t have total and 100% choice in who you date or have sex with. You’re not alone, most men are the same way. There is a difference though, that difference is right now in this very moment in time you have a chance to make the most important decision in your life. The decision to get your sex and relationship life in order. I want you to do something for me. Think for a minute and picture a beautiful woman. I’m not talking average beautiful, I mean the most beautiful woman you’ve even seen in your life! Do you have a picture of her? Good! Now imagine yourself walking up and starting a conversation with her and within a few seconds she’s totally into you and she can’t keep her hands off you! Feels good right? Now imagine yourself waking up next to her the next morning after a wild and crazy night of the best sex of your life. Feels awesome huh! Well I have news for you, that can and will be your reality if you choose to make it happen! What I’m about to share with you is so much more than dating advice. “Who Wants To Know How To Seduce Women And Have Them Begging You To Have Sex With Them…” You’re the same as I was 4 years ago, depressed that I couldn’t get the women I desired. One day I made a decision that I wasn’t going to accept this and I’d do whatever it took to get what I wanted! I was searching around the web and found an underground community of pickup artists. I was immediately intrigued by their stories of being able to seduce any woman they desired. It became my main mission to meet them and learn all of their secrets. One by one I met with and trained side by side with some of the best pickup artists in the world. I traveled around the United States, Europe, Australia, and even India soaking up every secret tactic and seduction method I could. I was seducing and having sex with some of the most beautiful women in the world. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine my life could be like this! I’m not overly attractive, I don’t have tons of money, but yet I can go out and pick out a woman and have sex with her within minutes of meeting her. How do I do this you may ask? Because I know what women are attracted to! It’s as simple as that! It’s so simple I can teach you how to do this. Once you learn the secrets that invoke such a strong attraction and sexual energy with women you to can go out and sleep with a woman the same night you meet her, night after night. Hell, have a different girl for everyday of the week if you want!”Listen Closely, Here’s How It Works…” The key all lies in biology. A woman’s attraction part of her brain is like a set of switches. Once you flip the right switches she can’t help but be attracted to you, it’s instinct! I’ve spent years developing what it takes to be able to flip those switches and I’ve gotten it down to such a science that these switches can be flipped in a matter of seconds! Here’s the kicker: Attraction has nothing to do with looks, money, the kind of car you drive or any other superficial BS. You could be dressed like a bum and still score ass! Let me take a stab in the dark here, I’m going to guess that you’re a pretty intelligent person right? Wanna know how I know this? I know this because ironically some of the most intelligent men are the ones who have the most problems getting laid! Why do intelligent men have such a hard time with women? Simple, it’s because they’re using a logical mind to try and attract a woman, but a woman will never respond to logic! If you only take one thing away from our conversation take this: Using Logic will never gain a strong attraction or sexual energy with a woman, you will fail 100% of the time. You MUST know how to connect with her emotions! Let me explain… A woman’s brain and a man’s brain are very different. As men we think very logical and base attraction on appearance. This is why when we see a hot girl our auto response is “I want to have sex with her” without knowing ANYTHING about her, not even her name. Women on the other hand make decisions based on emotion or how they feel in relation to a certain person or situation. This is what makes picking up women so easy! You just need to know what to do to make her “feel” a certain way towards you and she’s putty in your hands! Think about it, how many times have you seen a woman with a guy who you can tell treats her badly or they seem to fight all the time? You see this all the time! Logically she may know that he doesn’t treat her right or that they fight all the time but he makes her “feel” a certain way and that is what makes her attracted to him! She can’t help it! I’m going to be very honest with you right now, if you can’t handle beautiful women practically begging for you to have sex with them then my book is not for you. I’m serious, women are going to be trying to jump you every chance they get all because of the strong emotional attraction you’ll be able to build with them within seconds of meeting them! I’ve dated models, actresses, strippers and even porn stars! Hell one time I even had a tele-marketer call and I seduced her over the Phone just for fun! You see all women are emotionally the same, that’s what makes Factors of Attraction 100% fail proof. The program works on every woman every time in a matter of seconds. NO exceptions!! If you want you could set out and try to learn this stuff on your own, but I’ll warn you now a lot of the stuff I can teach you is not so obvious. It could take you years and still you might not be able to get laid as easy as I do. I’m giving you all the secrets you need, everything I’ve learned in over 4 years of learning from the best, plus night after night of trial and error social experiments so that you can go out and get laid TONIGHT!Most Men Will Never Be Good With Women I know you and every guy out there wants to be good with women but why then will 99% of men never reach their full potential? One reason is because most of the information in mainstream books, tv, movies, and magazines, is the WRONG information. At best mainstream information tells you how to treat a woman once you are in a relationship but there is no mainstream information that even comes close to telling you how to attract her initially. If you follow the advice of mainstream media you will have a 0% chance of reaching your full potential with women! The biggest reason most men will never be successful with women is because they do NOTHING! There is societal view that if you have to learn how to become good with women then you a lesser man than someone who is “naturally” good with women. This statement couldn’t be more false. Learning how to be good with women is no different than learning any other kind of skill like reading, writing or learning how to talk. In fact its my view that it’s the single most important skill that is NOT properly taught.You Must Learn To Be Successful With Women You can learn these life skills that are necessary to become successful with women. This is where I can help you. I’ve spent the last four years perfecting and honing my techniques with attracting women. I now have it down to a complete science but I’ve never really shared what I’ve learned with anybody else. That is until a couple friends of mine started to notice all of the hot women I was constantly hanging around and wanted to know what the heck was up. I started sharing some of my techniques with them and they were blown away! They started to see massive success in their own dating lives using what I had taught them. They kept bugging me saying “Christian you should write a book… dude, you have to write a book…” I have to be honest with you, I never set out to write a book or even tell anyone what I was up to. It was all for myself! Then one night I was talking with one of the friends who I’d been helping and he told me how thankful he was that I had helped him get his dating life in order and how much it had changed his life. This really struck a chord with me and I realized how selfish I was being by keeping this information just to myself, when it could potentially help thousands of guys who have the same problems attracting women I used to have. So I took the time and wrote down all my thoughts, techniques, and views on the subject of attracting women and I put everything in a brand new book titled “Factors of Attraction” This book sets the record straight on exactly what you need to get this area of your life handed and dispels all mainstream myths and I tell you the right ways to attract women that will really get you results. If you’ve never had a girlfriend and don’t know anything about meeting and attracting women then my book is for you. Even if you’re already good with women I guarantee my book will help you improve to an unstoppable level. Whether you’re looking to become a total ladies man and have a different woman every night of the week, or you’re looking for that special someone that you can really have a lasting relationship with, my book can help you. Everything in my book comes from my own experiences backed by years of perfecting my method. Like I said, I spent years learning this stuff the hard way! In my 106 page book you’ll find 100% original content that you won’t be able to find anywhere else, I guarantee it. The beauty in the way I teach you is that after you’ve implemented the techniques and ideas from my book fully into your life you’ll notice that you’ll never have to “try” to attract women again, you will automatically attract women on your own. All of a sudden you’ve been transformed into a man that “naturally attracts” women.”Do you have to be a good looking guy, or have lots of money for this to work?”The Answer is NO. The concepts and ideas will work for you regardless of your financial status or your physical appearance. The reason is that what attracts a female to a male is completely different than what attracts a male to a female. You MUST understand these differences if you ever want any hope of succeeding with women and I cover this subject in great detail to give you a full understanding of this very important key concept.I’m Also Going To Give You Two FREE Bonuses Just for trying my program, I’m going to give you two FREE ebooks that give away some of my BEST KEPT SECRETS!Deep Spot Orgasm Secrets BONUS #1: Deep Spot Orgasm Secrets You are about to learn to attract an abundance of women into your life and I want you to be confident that you have complete knowledge of how to give a woman extreme pleasure! In Deep Spot Orgasm Secrets I give away my personal techniques that I’ve used to make dozens of women scream with ecstacy! Inside I’ll give you my “Frisbee Flip” and “Tornado Twister” technique. These techniques are part of my personal arsenal and are not available anywhere else! The Deep Spot is not very well known or even talked about in mainstream culture. It’s a secret only the best ladies men in the world know about, and I’m going to share EVERYTHING with you! Some of my clients have told me that this bonus alone is worth more than the cost of my entire program!Exotic Dancer Guide BONUS #2: Ultimate Guide To Success With Exotic Dancers Exotic Dancers are a unique niche group of women that require certain guidelines if you want to be successful in taking them home. While sometimes it can seem difficult, Exotic Dancers can be the easiest women to seduce! I’m going to show you how to be successful in attracting beautiful Exotic Dancers. Even if you have no interest in picking up Exotic Dancers, this guide is a great example of how to understand a woman’s world and you can apply this technique to every other woman you meet! Follow the guidelines I lay out for you and Exotic Dancers will be like putty in your hands!The value of these bonuses is worth at least $70 alone. I’m going to give them to you FREE just for trying my program.Here’s What You Have To Do When you click the order link you’ll be taken to a page where you input your credit card information (You can also order with PayPal or an eCheck) When you buy with my secure order form you will be able to download the book immediately along with the free bonuses in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. The files will open on any Windows, Mac, or Linux computer running Adobe Acrobat Reader or compatible PDF software. These PDF files are fully printable! The whole process takes only a matter of minutes. Your transaction is totally secure using the latest in SSL encryption technology. I proudly use Clickbank to sell my products, they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. This is a one time fee only. You will never be re-billed. Your purchase will discreetly appear on your bank statement under the name “CLKBANK*COM”.What’s It Worth To Change Your Life? Let me take a minute and ask you a question. What if my book could help you get just one or two more dates with some attractive women? How much would that be worth to you? What if my book helped you get laid with the absolute woman of your dreams? How much would that be worth? What if my book solved every single problem you now have with meeting and attracting women and allowed you to get this area of your life totally 100% under control? How much would that be worth to you? Five hundred dollars? Thousands? Maybe more? Well I can tell you I’ve invested well over $5,500 into getting my dating life handled but I’m not charging anywhere near that. I truly want to make sure anyone that needs this information can have access to it. This 106 Page Book Plus Bonuses Home Course normally sells for $77 in it’s offline “physical” format. But thanks to a special arrangement I’ve made with the publisher, and thanks to the fact that we’ve made the entire course so that it can be downloaded immediately to your computer, I’m able to offer it to you for only $47. That’s a savings of $30.00! The reason I can offer it at this super low price is because the course is delivered to you over your computer and I don’t have to fork over any shipping, storage, or manufacturing costs. So I pass the savings on to you. Also, I’m offering it at this low price because this entire “internet sale” is part of a marketing test I’m trying out. Frankly, I plan to raise the price by an extra $30.00 (at least) in the very near future. But even at a higher price, it’d be a bargain because this program has proven it can work with anyone!VIP -15 daysPower Users- 30 daysUsers-Upgrade to Power User.
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