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Christopher Jaros – Explorers’ Journey I : The Beginning (Conscious Sound Technology)

Explorers’ Journey I – The Beginning
[7 FLACs]



SHARING THIS ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNEDTHIS IS A EXCLUSIVEKEEPING IT THAT WAY WILL BE APPRECIATEDExplorers’ Journey I : The Beginning by Christopher Jaros[FLAC]Experience the original Conscious Sound Technology, perfect for peaceful relaxation, emotional release, cleansing and balance, and for serenity of mind and spirit (multiple listening to adjust auditory perception, headphones recommended, setup your comfortable volume).Fast relaxation and release of accumulated tension and effective fight against stress – in today’s fast-moving times, seem to be desirable. Explorers Journey will even apply to the sound massage with the use of conventional speakers. Soundscapes of each track individually or in any combination – can be used as background for the conduct of a word or as a base for meditation and self exploration. Part 1 is ideal for sleep and no obstruction in the case of migraines.A unique musical journey, done in proprietary technology Conscious Sound. You can listen to each album in its entirety “as is”, but because each song is its own musical theme, a good solution is to loop the selected tracks. If the disc is too intense to hear the whole work only with selected songs or any combination thereof.01. The Journey Begins Here (09’45 “)02. The Travel (03’10 “)03. Song of the Dancing Heart (15’00 “)04. Joyful Life (10’45 “)05. Storm and After (09’30 “)06. Re-Discovery (05’40 “)07. The Journey Continues (04’40 “) Conscious Sound is a technology that allows tuning states of consciousness into different moods, and specifying – to feel quite specific configuration. For example, the “joy” is the general mood of consciousness, but the accompanying feeling of “open heart” or “going beyond themselves” or “meeting” – are already in concrete form of the expression of joy. Aware of the sound is not of course tell you “what you have (z) do” or “how to behave,” but setting in the right mood – precisely tell “how you feel” or “what you feel.” Sure, any music act in some way, moody, but in the case of Conscious Sound – the effect is more repeatable, tangible and targeted, as well as working in a much wider range of applications.Aware of the sound does not generate the content of logical experience, though gives them a direction, it means that you can experience extraordinary inner journey, but what appears in them – it is yours. Conscious Sound operates at the level of cellular languages, which operates the nervous system. It has no verbal or information or hidden subliminal stimuli. There are only certain patterns in sound-vibration, which correspond to specific configurations of moods and feelings, and that “talk” to the nervous system of the brain. Conscious Sound is working effectively, because in a way that naturally leads to release of a variety of conditions conducive to mental and physical and emotional tension, thereby facilitating better get in touch with different levels of “I” (with the body, the subconscious, inner child, aspects of a larger whole, etc).This is an interactive technology passively. It is paradoxical that although the recordings are static (unchanging), Conscious Sound – largely involves attention, causing involuntary start focusing on sounds, to listen to it and follow the “inside”. In turn, the more they are listening and fused with the sound you hear – even more changes to the content of music, which I fish out (to a lesser extent, a similar situation also the usual music). In the process of getting a deeper listen to the sonic space, and dipping into it, finally get to the point where you hear a very sharp and clear a melody – vibration-tonal essence. Except that the process of getting into the Conscious Sound is also fine-tuning the process of consciousness, and when you reach a certain threshold, the focus point – your consciousness (her mood, feeling and movement) – unwittingly achieves a specific configuration.Why are these patterns? Patterns are a replica of the recorded states of consciousness. It looks something like this. Is a person who enters into a mood, a state of consciousness or feeling (however you call that combination), and is a device that emits a signal partially penetrating the human body. Emitter like biofeedback apparatus, on the one hand, while the issue – through x-rays, on the other – is like a large diaphragm microphone or receiving. The emitted signal encounters resistance, and this causes feedback, the stream is amplified or blocked, modulated or modulated in some way, and the diaphragm automatically responds to these changes in the flow and starts to vibrate differently, generating a quasi-holographic resonance “line of least resistance”. Registering these changes in emissions is only half way. The signal contains objective information in the form of vibration, but in itself is not very useful as a carrier wave, especially in recordings that reach the ears and the headphones through the facial-cranial bones. The second step is to “copy” of vibration by using something like “modulator” and place it in a properly crafted combinations of sound, usually a simple melodic lines, built on progressive chords and harmonics. It is simple and difficult. While the interactive signal emitter may even be a musical instrument, such as meat or Chinese gong sound (which are known to interact with the body, emotions and human consciousness), the challenge is finding the right piece. This is not the sound aesthetics or taste, but the question of specific features in sound-vibration, and a kind of “comply” with the physiological signals (so you can trigger specific responses). Similarly, when it comes to programming the appropriate modulator.Since then this advanced technology, whether you are free to hide something undesirable? No. Interactive emitter / recorder picks up the signal bits of information (both conscious and unconscious, but physiologically active), but its main feature is that everything that comes into contact with it – it is also obvious, and thus conscious. It is not possible encoding states of discrete, hidden and unspeakable, because the reaction is always one type – public, like the physiological response (which either is or it is not). Emitter, as the process of further processing – also acts as a so-called. Window discriminator, filtering less important features of the state of awareness and strengthening the distinctive expression. So, what is of little significance, remains at the level of noise / interference, and what is in the foreground – is enhanced and aligned, thus becomes sharp. A replica of the state of consciousness is therefore sensible and either is suitable for use in the Conscious Sound works or not. Are marketed only proven materials, and “sour pearl” end up in the proverbial drawer for educational purposes.The different generations differ in configuration register. These differences are almost imperceptible (at most, the feeling that “something is different”) on the headset-class consumer / media (in the price range as the 150-200 PLN?), But become very clear for better listening, while the first generation loses most advantages and details of sound, the other becomes more transparent and spacious. Recordings of this type are quite difficult to achieve sound.Description copied from Google translator


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