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Christopher Jaros – Heart of God ~ Special Edition

Heart of God – Special Edition
[2 FLACs]



SHARING THIS ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNEDTHIS IS A EXCLUSIVEKEEPING IT THAT WAY WILL BE APPRECIATEDHeart of God ~ Special Edition by Christopher Jaros[FLAC]Experience magnificent and extraordinary power, flow and beauty of chinese gongs, blended with real cosmic pulsars! (headphones or good 2.0 speakers are recommended, setup your comfortable volume)A pulsar is a star, whose heart was opened, and which are kept by the power of his magnetism. Pulsars are cosmic clock synchronization, the nervous system of the universe. Inside them, the laws of physics are different. One of them, known as M1 or NGC 1952 – is located nearby, in the Crab Nebula in Orion (constellation of Taurus). Away by about 6300 years of light, was born as a result of supernova explosion (supernova is also the source of the elements of life), which was recorded in 1054 by Chinese and Arab astronomers. Its melody is one of the most unusual. The signal from the radio telescope listening, converted to sound, and then slowed down a few octaves – sounds like a human heart beating in normal rhythm. The cosmic scale, such a signal can coordinate the development of life and consciousness in all solar systems in the region. Probably the nickname “The heart of God.” Discover what carries the message of the song of the heavenly heart and treat yourself to the soothing sounds of singing bowls and sound to play cosmic gong. As they say the words contained in a meditation – “May the love, truth, beauty, faith, harmony, peace and divine particle, will be released to the universe. Let your guardian angel will bring you home to the Heart of God.” Many great moments of meditation and contemplation.UNIVERSAL Caution note: While various types of vibrations, pulsations and holoacoustic effects occurring in the recording are due to natural sound structures used in the music production process, in That suggest you take the same safety Principles, like in case of recordings with binaural beats or any other psychoactive music. Generally speaking Indications These say about caution and consultation with your doctor in case of epilepsy, pregnancy, mental disorders or other health related doubts. Do not drive while listening, and do not operate any machines. These materials as and sound recordings, although they may be used as a Therapeutic Tool, they themselves – are an artistic expression and so they Should Be Considered. The author does not take the responsibility for any Consequences coming out from use of These materials. Also, remember, that ‘although a dry recordings can be used as a great Addition to support and / or supplement the treatment, healing and recovery – keep in mind, that’ dry recordings will not substitute proper medical diagnose nor care, and they Should Be not used as a replacement in this area.Description copied from Google translator


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