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Christopher Wallis – What is Tantra really Helsinki satsang

Christopher Wallis – What is Tantra really _ Helsinki satsang
[Webrip – 2 MP3, 1 RTF]


Description Exclusive! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!What is Tantra Really?Satsang and discussion in Helsinki Product page:…This exquisite satsang in Finland nailed the essence of the Tantric vision of reality unusually well.  Full of sweetness and intimacy, yet conveying life-changing insights, this recording is a must-have!Hi, I’m Christopher, also known as Hareesh. I wrote the book Tantra Illuminated, about the little-understood spiritual tradition of Tantric Shaivism. There’s a new generation of professional scholars of the Yoga tradition who are also practitioners, and I’m proud to be part of that small but growing community. BiographyChristopher Wallis, also known as Hareesh, was introduced  to Indian spirituality at the age of seven and initiated into the practice of yogic meditation at sixteen. His degrees include a B.A. in Religion and Classics from the University of Rochester, an M.A. in Sanskrit from U.C. Berkeley, an M.Phil. in Classical Indian Religions from Oxford, and a Ph.D. on the traditions of Śaiva Tantra from Berkeley. He received traditional education at yoga āshrams in upstate New York and India in meditation, kīrtan, mantra-science, āsana, karma-yoga, and more. He currently teaches meditation, yoga darśana (philosophy), Tantrik philosophy, Sanskrit, mantra-science, and offers spiritual counseling. Hareesh is the Founder and Head Faculty of the Mattamayura Institute. His teachers, mentors, and gurus, in chronological order, include: Gurumayī Chidvilāsānandā (dīkṣā-guru and mūla-guru), Paul Muller-Ortega (Śaiva Tantra and Classical Yoga); Alexis Sanderson (Śaiva and Śākta Tantra and Sanskrit); Marshall Rosenberg (Nonviolent Communication); Somadeva Vasudeva (Śaiva Tantra), Dharmabodhi Sarasvati (Tantrik Yoga); and Adyashanti (Meditation). Hareesh is the author of Tantra Illuminated: The Philosophy, History, and Practice of a Timeless Tradition. Testimonials    ““Chris Wallis’ Heart of Recognition class has been a transformative experience in my yogic education. The text itself and Chris’ translation and commentary are moving, powerful, and applicable to so many facets of our life and inquiry as yogins. Yet beyond the text, it was Chris’ dedication to his students and to addressing and anticipating their need for background information to more fully access the text under study that made the class a singular experience. And it was Chris’ ability to foster a sense of kula through sharing, dialogue, mantra recitation and laughter that transformed what could have been only a class into true satsang. I look forward to continuing my studies with Chris for many years to come.”— 2010 Heart of Recognition Student    ““Chris Wallis and the rest of his facilitators have planted a seed of hope that the world is a loving place and they showed me how to tap into this loving energy. Silence, stillness, and deep breathing are now a vital part of my everyday life. I thank Chris for this.”— U.C Berkeley Student    ““I wish that my life and schedule would have allowed me to attend more of Hareesh’s beautiful classes. Each evening that I was fortunate enough to be there was more of an experience than a class – a gathering of a powerful community, working with amazing teachings and a masterful guide to feed our souls to the point of perfect satiation. He is so articulate and has a way of making these Ancient Teachings accessible to those truly wanting to receive them. He also cares deeply for the practice and all those who choose to partake in it. Thank you Hareesh for being a glistening mirror, reflecting the truth and love within all hearts.”— Student San FranciscoUpload by adishonerv69, my own purchase.Note: the sound is a bit too low, you might want to increase the volume while listening to this.This product was contributed in support for the newly proposed GB:The Recognition Sutras/Pratyabhijña-hrdayaIf you like this kind of material and are interested in going deeper, please support the GB.We need more pledgers for this time-sensitive GB, it ain’t gonna happen if you just download and not chip in.Open to all


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