Clifford Mee – The Power of Conversational Hypnosis
Clifford Mee – The Power of Conversational Hypnosis
[16 CDs – MP3]
::.CD quality version.:: Want to convince people to do whatever you ask?”Who Else Wants To Discover ARebel Psychiatrist’s Amazing SecretThat Lets You Put People Under YourSpell Quickly and Easily … and GetThem to Do Anything You Want?”Now you can unleash your natural ability to… * Influence anyone to follow your lead * Get clients and customers to happily buy more * Negotiate with stellar success * Compel colleagues to do what you suggest * Get just about anyone to say “Yes” * Convince children and teens to obey your instructions * Keep your lover(s) eternally loyalMore HighlightsYou will master the 4 stages of Conversational Hypnosis :1. How To Absorb Their Attention2. How To Bypass The Conscious Mind3. Access Unconscious Responses4. Amplify & Direct The Unconscious ResponsesGrasp the essential power of the 3-stage Pond Exercise to radiate authority and trustworthinessHow the Echo Effect builds a powerful connection between you and your subjectDiscover the hypnotic secrets of the Hakalao from Huna and how it adds power to Dr. Erickson’s covert methods of everyday trance inductionHow to use the secrets of your subject’s personal trance words …. (traditional persuasion techniques actually rob you of the ability to use them, while Igor’s hard-won expertise allows you to double or triple their persuasion-power!)Excel in the 3 basic voice tones, including the essential Command Tone that triggers an irresistible desire to follow your orders in 76% of all people (and when you combine it with the other techniques, your compliance-rate jumps into the 90’s)Your hypnotic suggestions build energy and power when you use your expertise in the 3 Principles Of Suggestion 1. The Authority Principle 2. The Compounding Effect 3. The Yes Set (you will learn exactly how to create a tiny little “yes” in the mind of your subject … then a larger “Yes” … and a larger “Yes” … until your subject is vibrating with the desire to shout “YES!!”How to use Hot Words to build emotional power into your hypnotic commandsThe entire 8th Session is a masters-level tutorial on how to speak to the unconscious mind (giving it commands) while at the same time carrying on a natural-seeming conversation with your subject’s wide-awake conscious mind( I promise you will be blown away by how simple and easy this ultimate power-principle really is! )Exactly how, when and where to use Preconscious Priming in order to make your subject feel it’s the most natural thing in the world to agree with the statements that you deliver immediately after the Preconscious Priming.—You will often receive a big hug and an enthusiastic “thank-you” for changing someone’s mind!How to use the “tip-of-the-tongue” experience to boost your persuasion-power.The “Bushy Brained” method of story-telling. The wilder and more unreal the story… the more power it has!How to play the “Forest Gump Game” with your unsuspecting subjects. Easily gaining agreement will be just like a box of chocolates!Why even beginners in Conversational Hypnosis can use embedded Commands (powerful hidden hypnotic directions) to quickly surpass more experienced persuasion experts…. even if the experts have decades of experience.In fact, the less you know about what the “experts” try to tell you, the faster you will be racking up new sales, persuading supervisors and co-workers that they should do as you say, and getting results you could only dream of before.How to use simple “Stacked Realities” to instantly make sure you are ready for anything your subject might say or do…. resulting in a predictable and repeatable result no matter how difficult the situation is.Finally win the High Status Game and the Low Status Game(hint… both are equally useful depending on the results you want … low-status allows others to open up to you. It’s a softer and more yielding form of dominance).Control the unseen flow of Status Signals (Time, Body Language, Use of Personal Space) in order to radiate the command presence of great and powerful leaders.Learn exactly how to use Eye Contact to establish the power position (WARNING — you must do it correctly or you will blow it all by being viewed as aggressive and hostile).The correct method to “invade space” to lower your subjects feeling of status….which automatically increases their suggestibility.How to observe and exploit the Territorial Behavior of groups to establish your Leadership Position.Power up with the 3-Step Gilligan’s Breath (named after Dr. Erickson’s student Stephen Gilligan) that will allow you to project stillness, calm and trust into your subject.How often have you wished someone you were persuading would just calm down? Now you will calm them with Gilligan’s Breath in under 20 seconds!Discover the 4 simple ways to intensify any emotion or feeling in your subject. 1. Direct Suggestion Techniques 2. Stacking Anchors (building several similar feelings into one trigger of your choice) 3. Sliding Anchor Process (increasing the intensity of any feeling … for example you can take the feeling of pleasure and “kick it up a notch” and then link that pleasure in your subject to purchasing your product … or just saying YES at the right time)Easily become an expert in The Persuasion Paradigm. 1. Absorb Attention 2. Bypass The Conscious Mind 3. Induce the Desired Feeling or Emotion 4. Intensify the Feeling or Emotion 5. Link the Feeling or Emotion to Desired Action! This 5 step process is not taught anywhere else!3 Work BooksThe Power Of Conversational Hypnosis Full Transcripts & ManualHow To Master Conversational Hypnosis – All 4 Cheet SheetsHow To Destroy Resistence With Stories Cheat Sheet16 Audio Cd’s -Conversational Hypnosis CD 01 – The Power Of Conversational HypnosisConversational Hypnosis CD 02 – Beyond Rapport And Signal Recognition SystemsConversational Hypnosis CD 03 – Hypnotic Language FoundationsConversational Hypnosis CD 04 – The Authority Strategy: Tactics To Ensure SuccessConversational Hypnosis CD 05 – Emotional Triggers: Controlling Inner Pictures & FeelingsConversational Hypnosis CD 06 – Advanced Hypnotic LanguageConversational Hypnosis CD 07 – How To Destroy Resistance With Stories Part OneConversational Hypnosis CD 08 – Conversational Inductions: How To Deal Directly With The Unconscious MindConversational Hypnosis CD 09 – How To Destroy Resistance With Stories Part TwoConversational Hypnosis CD 10 – Advanced frame Control: How To Irresistibly Lead Any InteractionConversational Hypnosis CD 11 – Conversational Trance Formulas: Getting Exactly What You WantConversational Hypnosis CD 12 – How To Master Conversational HypnosisConversational Hypnosis CD 13 – Bonus CD 01 – Shadow & Stealth TacticsConversational Hypnosis CD 14 – Bonus CD 02 – Advanced Secrets To Bypass ResistanceConversational Hypnosis CD 15 – Bonus CD 03 – Conversational Hypnosis In Action: The Super Hypnotic Storyteller InductionConversational Hypnosis CD 16 – Bonus CD 04 – Top Secret: Breaking The Hypnotic Storyteller Code4 Extra Bonus CDs As MP3sand more!~I know there is a dupe around here on this site but its really bad quality. This is the CD quality version.~Enjoy!
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