Combat Grappler – Gladiator Training Manual
Combat Grappler – Gladiator Training Manual [ 1 Book – PDF ].pdf
[ 1 Book – PDF ]
First question you may be asking is, “Why create a program for us to train athome?” That is the short, unedited version of your question I bet! Ask anyone else, andthey want to be at a gym with the high tech equipment, the cool machines, “theatmosphere”, and bla bla bla! Hey, I am not here to pull any punches, so pay closeattention and we’re gonna get you rolling on a tough program. A program to help youkick butt and take names! That is, if you decide to stick to the programs and bust yourbutt with them!Now, here are my reasons, some of them, for keeping you out of a commercialgym, and training in your own home. First of all, I do not want you training at a gymwhere they make you feel like an outcast because you break into a sweat every time youtrain! These gyms have employees who will shake you down like the Sopranos to ensureyou have left no trace of sweat behind on that last pretty machine you used! Create yourown world, your own atmosphere! Turn that garage or basement into a dungeon, a placewhere no one can steal your thunder. Pump your favorite CD and set aside a time of 30 –45 minutes that is undisturbed. Put up your own posters and pictures that will motivateyou. Remember Rocky 3 and 4, where Rocky goes away to train? Well, he needed thatenvironment to get back the Eye of the Tiger. People look at you in a funny way in thoseridiculous pretty gyms when you have The Eye of the Tiger.Next reason is you MUST STAY AWAY FROM ALL MACHINES!!! These arethe worst enemy of all athletes, especially wrestlers. A machine guides you through apredictable range of motion & limits the amount of force you can apply. As a wrestler,everything you do on the mat is ever changing. A wrestling match or practice is neverabsolute. We can never say that every time we hit a low single your opponent reacts thesame way. Your opponent can react an infinite number of ways! Free weights help yourbody develop more balance, they recruit more muscles to work together and theystrengthen tendons and ligaments to help reduce your chance of injuries.
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