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Consciousness Engineering – Tom Chi – How To Think Like Google

Tom Chi – How to Think Like Google
[Video – 3 MP4s, 3 AACs, 1 PDF]



An episode from Vishen Lakhiani’s ‘Consciousness Engineering’ monthly program.This episode is an interview with Tom Chi, Inventor at ‘Google X’ who are responsible for such products as Google glass and self-driving cars.Includes an introductory video and comes with a bonus video discussion called ‘Does God Exist?’, as well as audio versions for listening to when out and about.Some very useful and profound ideas and techniques here.Enjoy!===How To Think Like Google with Tom ChiThis month we feature one of the sharpest minds of our generation. Tom Chi, co-founder of Google X and the creator of the Google Glass, shares techniques he uses to hack productivity and increase his efficiency in learning.Tom has systems of living that will help you be more effective in the way you work on projects and make decisions as well as systems to put you in a state of constant learning.This session with Tom also comes with an added bonus chapter: a 30-minute conversation around an interesting topic. When I asked Tom, “What keeps you up at night?” his response took us to explore the subject of: “Does God exist?”. Tom shares what he’s figured out about this, and his answer will really get you thinking.Hope you enjoy this month’s session.Let’s get started.


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