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Critical Bench – Fix My Knee Pain

Critical Bench – Fix My Knee Pain
[7 MP4 – 1 PDF]

Description Mike Westerdal, CPTPowerlifter, Best Selling Fitness Authorand former sufferer of knee painIt’s true, close to 36% of all exercise related injuries affect the knee joint, making it close to the number one cause of pain suffered by those who love working out.Doesn’t that make you wonder how some people are able to train with 100% effort month after month, without ever having to slow down due to a nagging injury caused by knee pain or soreness?  They don’t have to take time off, or carefully select what exercises they can and can’t do.If so, I’ll tell you how they do it.But first I’d like to share with you 4 Tactics to Eliminate Knee Soreness that were taught to me by injury specialist and exercise physiologist Rick Kaselj, MS. I’ve spent a lot of time and money consulting with Rick, so be sure to pay close attention and take notes. These 4 strategies could be the difference between a nasty re-occurring knee blowout versus taking the fast track to the pain free “limitless” workouts you crave and deserve.VIP+ NowPU+ NowUser NowEven though its available to ALL, it is still Exclusive. DO not leak.


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