Dale Comstock of TRS Direct – Delta Firearms (Video – 1 MP4 )
Dale Comstock – Echo – Firearms.mp4
From the TRS Direct sales letter…We have a very deep connection to DELTA Force Special Operations, through Dale Comstock. This man is the real thing. Ten long, bloody years in Delta Force (as surgical explosives expert, and Team Sergeant on a Delta Assault Team). He was also an instructor for Delta’s Operator Training Course — teaching, yes, self-defense (including sentry take-outs, close-quarter combat fighting, and expert weaponry). He was trained as a weapons expert in the Green Beret. Twice decorated for Valor, and turned down the Silver Star because he was “just doing my job”. Given the Bronze Star anyway, with the “V”. A shy and super-effective hero, who kicks major league ass.He’s created 4 videotapes for you. We call the series “DELTA Mojo”, because it’s such spooky stuff — including super-advanced skills and bad-ass “jerry rigged” security devices that he’s used all over the world to create safe havens for himself and his loved ones… and to quickly take out anyone who screws with him.You know how Hollywood loves to use special effects to make actors like Tom Cruise look so tough and sophisticated (like in “Mission Impossible”)? Well, most of that stuff is pure bullshit… but it’s based on exactly this super-secret know-how that Dale reveals here! You won’t be Spiderman — but you will (finally) possess the ultra-shrewd, super-lethal skills of the best operatives on the planet!This is real-world self-defense, offense and “booby trap” security.And you can see for yourself why so many people want to KEEP it all a secret.The “ECHO” video reveals:Expert ballistics knowledge of your weapon (including climb, recoil and natural mechanical hesitation specifics that ONLY top weapons experts ever learn)! How wind, humidity, temperature and gravity will affect your weapon. (Skip these secrets and miss your target half the time — know them, and up your accuracy to “black op” levels overnight!) The best guns to choose, how to handle all the options of every gun available… and the best ammo for “tactical home use”. (Includes how to prevent wall-penetration of ammo.) And more: Safety tactics the professionals use (that amateurs never learn) to ensure maximum control even under extreme stress… Spec Op tricks to rig your clothes for fastest possible access to weapons (like using fishing weights)… best targets to choose in any situation (hint: head shots are almost always a bad choice!)… and why hitting a subject with a single shot may only piss him off.(Unbelievable things about real-life combat you could ONLY get from someone who’s been in the shit!)
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