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Dan Buettner – The Blue Zones 9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest

The Blue Zones, Second Edition_ – Buettner, Dan.pdf(1)
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Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by the Raw Kitchen and Natural Health GB GB status -Open GB thread – Buettner – The Blue Zones  9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest…Publication Date: November 6, 2012Since publishing his bestselling The Blue Zones, longevity expert and National Geographic Explorer Dan Buettner has discovered a new Blue Zone and launched a major public health initiative to transform cities based on principles from this book. The Blue Zones, Second Edition is completely updated and expands his bestselling classic on longevity, drawing on his research from extraordinarily long-lived communities–Blue Zones–around the globe to highlight the lifestyle, diet, outlook, and stress-coping practices that will add years to your life and life to your years.The new Blue Zone is Ikaria, Greece, where strong, sweet wine, family, and a Mediterranean diet all play a role in longer life. Also new in this book is a reading group guide, designed for groups to read about, discuss, and implement many of the simple changes advocated for better health.A long, healthy life is no accident. It begins with good genes, but it also depends on good habits. If you adopt the right lifestyle, experts say, chances are you may live up to a decade longer. Buettner has led teams of researchers across the globe–from Costa Rica to Sardinia, Italy, to Okinawa, Japan and beyond–to uncover the secrets of Blue Zones. He found that the recipe for longevity is deeply intertwined with community, lifestyle, and spirituality. People live longer and healthier by embracing a few simple but powerful habits, and by creating the right community around themselves. In The Blue Zones, Second Edition, Buettner has blended his lifestyle formula with the latest longevity research to inspire lasting, behavioral change and add years to your life.Region by region, Buettner reveals the “secrets” of longevity through stories of his travels and interviews with some of the most remarkable–and happily long-living people on the planet. It’s not coincidence that the way they eat, interact with each other, shed stress, heal themselves, avoid disease, and view their world yield them more good years of life. Buettner’s easy to follow “best practices” and list of healthy lifestyle choices from the Blue Zones will empower readers to live longer, healthier, more fulfilling lives.ReviewRead about one of the Blue Zones in this October 2012 article from The New York Times, “The Island Where People Forget to Die”: the AuthorDAN BUETTNER is an internationally recognized researcher, explorer, and author. His company, Blue Zones®, specializes in educating people about health and well-being, based on the latest in global science, social science, and psyschological research through massive community public health initiatives. In addition to his notable presentations at the TED conference and two featured appearances on Oprah, he has been a guest on Fox and Friends, CNN and Dr.Oz. Visit Dan Buettner’s website at The author lives in Minneapolis, MN. PLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS  GB Thread …


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