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Dan Denerstein – Fun To Know Keyboards

Fun to Know KEYBOARDS.avi
[1 DVD rip]


KEYBOARDS LESSONS – BEGINNERS If you are really interested in mastering the art of playing Keyboards this DVD of lessons for Beginners is right for you, This DVD will make you master all the basics of playing Keyboards explaining keyboards advantages with sounds Demonstration, Posture and hand position, Middle C and Visual note identification, Note names and fingering, Five finger exercise in C, C Chord, Intervals, Sharps and flats, Exercises in D, E, F, G, A and B, and other major chords, Scales—C, F, G, Inversions, Chord progression, learn to play the Blues with Twelve Bar Progression and more. The Keyboard lessons on this DVD are provided by Dan Denerstein. During his forty-five year career Dan has taught piano/keyboards to hundreds of students. Dan has developed a teaching method specifically designed to teach people the language of music and how to transmit it. His method promotes a harmonic and rhythmic sensibility that is often ignored in traditional methods. Dan is a keyboard player/vocalist who covers genres from pop to rock to reggae to blues and jazz, Dan has played all over the country as a solo act, sideman and bandleader. His soulful vocals and engaging piano style provide “a wealth of entertainment every time he sits at the keyboard.”


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