Dantalion Jones – The Encyclopedia of Mind Control
The Encyclopedia of Mind Control
[1 PDF]
January 3, 2012The Encyclopedia of Mind Control: Strategy, Natural and Man Made is just under 500 pages of discussion on hypnosis, NLP and technology to control and influence the human mind.Some of it you’ll find familiar but there is a LOT that is leading edge. The review of mind control devices from the U.S. Patent Office is mind boggling!In the first half of The Encyclopedia of Mind Control, The Natural Strategy of Mind Control is about understanding ourselves and the way we communicate (You’ll learn how the mind works and how we can all be influenced outside of our control). Some of this may be familiar to serious students of persuasion but it also makes interesting suggestions toward new applications of this type of influence.Much of the material is information released by the CIA under the Freedom of Information Act. These are reports, papers and limited research on the application and effectiveness of mind control techniques.The section on PSYOPS (Psychological Operations) includes a full list of sources and details the research done to produce influence on a mass scale. This includes:Carrier wavesPsychotronic WeaponsRadio Frequency WeaponsBRAIN-WASHINGA summery of devices used for mass influence.The end result of reading The Encyclopedia of Mind Control: Strategy, Natural and Man Made is a combination of fascination and fear.
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