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Dariel Fitzkee – Trilogy

Fitzkee Trilogy
[3 eBooks – PDF]


Book One of the Fitzkee Trilogy: SHOWMANSHIP FOR MAGICIANSComplete Discussion of Audience Appeals and Fundamentals of Showmanship and PresentationShowmanship for Magicians takes up the subject of presenting of magic to gain the greatest audience response, including a detailed analysis of spectator appeals and how to incorporate them into the presentation of magic. Step by step, you will learn how to create a favorable reception through choice of material, style of performance, character of work, timing, pointing, pacing, building up to climaxes, emphasis, routining, arrangement of material, and in many other ways. Some of the subjects covered in the 25 important chapters are:Music * Rhythm * Youth * Sex Appeal * Personality * Selling Yourself * Color * Harmony * Sentiment * Romance * Surprise * Unity * Character * Situation * Costuming * Grooming * Make-Up * Personal Behavior * Confidence * Rehearsal * Physical Action * Group Coordination * Precise Attack * Economy * Brevity * Punch * Instinct * Grace * Effortless Skill * Music * Spectacle * Contrast * Comedy * Getting and Holding Attention * Types of Audiences * and more! Book Two of the Fitzkee Trilogy:THE TRICK BRAINA Thorough Handbook on the Mechanics of MagicThe Trick Brain is no mere book of tricks. It incorporates one of the most amazing ideas ever developed in magic. Dariel Fitzkee reduces all magic tricks to only 19 general, basic effects. Then he examines all the possible ways of combining any of these effects. He shows how to develop new tricks from old and how to evolve new plots and methods.Then, you are introduced to The Trick Brain–an ingenious system, devised by Fitzkee, that actuallysuggests new effects… tells you what you will need to develop… actual things to use–and finally… how to do the trick–even suggesting alternate methods! Book Three of the Fitzkee Trilogy:MAGIC BY MISDIRECTIONAn Extended Explanation of the Magician’s Application of the Psychology of Deception.Magic By Misdirection applies the psychology of deception to the art of magic. It makes clear the psychological devices and methods you can use to deceive your audience:Disguise Attention Control Simulation Dissimulation Interpretation Maneuver Pretense Ruse Anticipation Diversion Monotony Premature Consummation Confusion Suggestion… and others! Fitzkee supplies practical examples in the form of tricks incorporating and utilizing these principles.If you want to save ratio , then go to  there you will find an online version of the books to read.So have fun with it!!


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