Darryl Bailey – Dismantling the Fantasy
Dismantling the Fantasy
[1 eBook – EPUB, MOBI]
This post is brought to you by all those who are using their third-eye to give Illusion the evil-eye(or something. I don’t know. was the best I could come up with.)The Enlightenment Book Group Buy.**** elib.tech Exclusive **** Help us keep elib.tech all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community. Thanks for keeping elib.tech awesome!~Amazon Page~Product Description:An Invitation to the Fullness of Life If you move into the deepest teachings of any great spiritual tradition, at some point you must move beyond the tradition itself and any idea of enlightenment. What is it that remains when the spiritual path, and even enlightenment, is transcended? Dismantling the Fantasy is a consideration of the movement out of thought itself. This may sound extreme or even impossible, but again it is a simple consideration of our potential, and you can easily understand it from the life experience you already have. Darryl Bailey was drawn to meditation at age fourteen, he spent the next seventeen years exploring awareness and concentration practices from Christian, Hindu, Sufi, Taoist, Buddhist, and Western psychology sources. He then spent a further nine years apprenticed to mindfulness teacher Ruth Denison and another six years as a Buddhist meditation monk in the Thai forest tradition, under the guidance of Ajahn Sumedho. In both situations he was asked to begin teaching. Along the way, there was recurring contact with the independent philosopher, Jiddu Krishnamurti, as well as a significant connection with the Advaita sage, Robert Adams. “I find Darryl’s writing refreshingly clean, crystal clear, unpretentious, simple, radical (to the root), and poetic. This is one of the finest books on non-duality I have come across.” Joan Tollifson, author of Bare Bones Meditation and Awake in the Heartland
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