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Dave Elman Complete Medical Hypnosis Course plus Ebooks

Dave Elman Complete Medical Hypnosis Course plus Ebooks [32 CDs + ebooks]
[32 CDs + ebooks]



Dave Elman’s  COMPLETE  Medical Hypnosis Course was only meant  for the ears of Doctors and Dentists etc..I was told that this was transcribed from the original LP set.There are 32 CDs, most around one hour long.  One of the cd’s cuts off early.Also included is a CD containing a Hypnosis E-Book Collection,This CD includes Dave Elmans book Hypnotherapy, originally named Findings in Hypnosis, which is his classic used as a reference book for this course.Some of the covered subjects:Extensive experience with the Dave Elman induction    including advanced stages reached from this basic inductionHypnoanalysis and Regression (extensive coverage)HypnosleepWaking Hypnosis and Waking Suggestion Sonambulism and Compounding (fractionation) Hypnosis to the Coma state Medical and Dental Anesthesia     Including the Magic Spot Hypnosis for pregnancy and birth     including Dave Elmans record for the pregnant woman     and a separate record for her doctor. Breaking Hypnotic Seals Hypnosis with children and with problem children Dave Elman tells a story, as a metaphor, for children fearful     of the doctor, dentist experienceMedical relaxationAnd on and onThere are at least 5 CDs which are the actual records Dave Elman presented to the doctors, as part of his course. The rest of the CDs contain the participation with the class.This can sometimes become tedious because you hear the doctors practice Dave�s instruction, yet, this can also be very helpful, because you hear Dave catch and correct their errors as they make them.This is definitely a course for serious hypnosis students.


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