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David Barron – Power Persuasion

David Barron – Power Persuasion 2003
[5 CDs – MP3, 1 Workbook – PDF]



This is the 2003 Version. Probably the same as the current version without the bonuses. Workbook included.Description:”Finally, a unique selling method that shows you how to lock up the sale BEFORE you ask your first closing question.”You’ll get the exact words to say that turn prospects into clients and clients into raving fans!Once you know the secret its simple and easy to double your closing rate… Do you want to know how the best sales people seem to read the minds of their clients even before they close the sale?Do you want to break free from guessing how to get what you want?Do you feel that you’re trapped like a rat in a maze, running all the time but not going anywhere? Don’t you feel frustrated and outright powerless?Do you constantly dream about getting what you really want and truly deserve in life, but only wake up to the harsh reality that your dreams will never come true?It’s Time To Do Something About It NOW!If you’re you sick and tired of endlessly working hard… trying to close the deal… struggling to make the appointment, or make it stick… begging for referrals… you can now have the tools of POWER PERSUASION right at your finger tips?POWER PERSUASION is all about ending the hard work and making your life easy.POWER PERSUASION is a term I’ve coined to reflect the ability to Influence ANYONE on a deep level. POWER PERSUASION is not merely about presenting facts but being able to pull at heart strings and implant thoughts with uncanny ease.That is POWER PERSUASIONIn fact, you can use amazingly simple yet powerfully effective strategies of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that can help you get everything you really want – fast, easily and without resistance!Are you ready to make a change and move powerfully towards the good things in life, like:The business you always dream of?The perfect clientele you want to work with?The three or four day work week?The wealth you want to fulfill your dreams?And the love, attention and respect you deserve?In all likelihood, you are… You might have assumed that you are stuck with life like it is…WRONG! It’s all within reach!In this complete persuasion training course you’ll learn the negotiation and influence techniques used by the government special forces and the military to deal and win sensitive negotiations without the “strong arm tactics” of brute force.These same tactics of persuasion are not the old way you used to sell, influence or persuade. In fact, they are so out of the “main stream” that, till now, they’ve only been taught to an elite few.Author and professional speaker, Cork Graham, spent a number of years working with different government and military units in some very dangerous places. He tells me that POWER PERSUASION is INCREDIBLY SIMILAR to what those shadow warriors used in their “special operations”……Imagine working to do something as impossible as “turning” an enemy agent to their side and doing it with ease and skill. That is what POWER PERSUASION is about…Please understand, in Cork’s position he not at liberty to tell exactly how similar these methods are to his experience. All that he can say is “I’m very impressed!”Imagine how POWER PERSUASION can skyrocket your sales.The essence of POWER PERSUASION comes down to knowing what to say and knowing why it works. Based in the science of Neuro Lingusitic Programming POWER PERSUASION is a collection of the most powerful phrases, words, and hypnotic language patterns in the English language!Let’s just stop for a moment.I understand what it’s like to feel frustrated and powerless in sales and social situations because that was me. Every sale seemed like a battle to overcome every objection you can imagine. The turning point came when I realized that by understanding how the mind works it was like mind reading. Sales seemed to come effortlessly because I was speaking to people on a deeper level.And…….the objections disappeared!Since then I’ve managed to distill POWER PERSUASION down to its simplest and easiest parts.Here is just a sample of what what you will get that will help you skyrocket your sales:Sleight of Mouth and Softener Patterns (This will turn a hard edged comeback into a kitten soft phrase that anyone can accept.)Recruiter Patterns that will help enroll people in your product or service in spite of their concerns. (These are the techniques at your hands that have been used by the best military recruiters in the world.)The Reciprocity Pattern. (This is one of the simplest phrases around that will help instill a sense of indebtedness in the people with whom you use it.)Linguistic Single and Double Binds. (This will always give your prospect a choice – to always choose your product or service.)Nominalization Mastery AKA “Fun With Nominalizations” (Learn why a politician speaks persuasively enough to woo entire countries.)Punctuation Ambiguities – Very subtle, Very Powerful. (Turn what you say into a powerful subliminal message that impacts everyone at an unconscious level – and they’ll never even notice.)Interspersing Facts and Commands (Make what you say flow naturally into suggestions and commands so that people naturally want to follow your lead.)Future Pacing (Show you how to effortlessly paint your goals and outcomes into someone else’s future.)embedded Commands/Hidden Directives (Without doubt one of the most powerful tools of covert persuasion known to man, pioneered by the legendary Milton Erickson. Some people have paid thousands of dollars to learn this technique alone.)30 Second Trance Induction (This is a simple pattern that combines all the previous patterns into a rapid 30 second hypnosis induction that I use daily in my clinical practice.)Most importantly, you’ll learn what it takes to combine all of these techniques and more to make every word you say and everything you do a component of your persuasion personality.In addition to the workbook and the audio CDs POWER PERSUASION includes the CD “Foundations of Persuasion” which gives you the needed understanding about why THIS REALLY WORKS and how to USE THIS INFORMATION with the greatest effectiveness.This program is not merely an e-book nor is it just an few CDs for you to listen to. This is a complete training course with workbook that will propel your persuasive power into the new millennium.POWER PERSUASION Is Your True Skill Of Ultimate Success!!By learning and mastering persuasion you can sell more, get picked for the promotion over the next guy, land your dream job, get more of the right attention from the people you find attractive, and persuade your way out of sticky situations!By Using Persuasion Skills You Will:Effortlessly Close More Sales! Get Those “Romantic Encounters” That Everyone Else Just Talks About! (Imagine creating instant rapport with anyone even BEFORE you meet them.)Naturally Convince Your Boss To Give You The Raise You Deserve!Instantly Negotiate Better Deals For Yourself!Remove preconceived notions about your products and services.Easily present your service without ever “overselling”. You’ll find each persons “hot button” so that they make the sale for you.Impress Your Future Employer And Land Your “Dream Job”.Feel More Confident In Your Ability.In teaching POWER PERSUASION, I’ve known people who really wanted to test what it could do for them so they appled for jobs they were in-no-way qualified for…and they got job offer!Let me give you a little warning…Because many of the POWER PERSUASION techniques came out of the field of psychology, a lot of psychologists and counselors are not very happy knowing that these secrets are being exposed. They say that applying these clinical techniques of influence in a sales or persuasion setting is like giving a hand grenade to a 14 year old.But sooner or later, something as monumental as POWER PERSUASION is going to be taught to sales people. I feel that it should be taught correctly. So I’ve put aside all the warnings and raised eyebrows from therapists in their ivory towers to get this in your hands.


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