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David Berceli – The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process

David Berceli – The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process (2009).pdf
[1 ebook – PDF]


This new exclusive material is the result of the Step-by-step Trauma Releasing Exercises group buy.This group buy is still open and the group buy forum is listed at: Revolutionary Trauma Release Process:Transcend Your Toughest TimesAuthor: David BerceliPublished: 2009Description: 1 PDF  – 218 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.Foreword by Dr. Robert Scaer.This book explains, in simple language, the effects that stress, anxiety, and trauma have on our mental well- being and our physical health. We discover that trauma is par for the course in any life, but that even the most damaging events can become a pathway to a more fulfilling and meaningful experience.The magic of the approach of David Berceli’s Trauma Release Process is that it is versatile and can be used to affect a wide range of hyperarousal states such as anxiety, irritability, exaggerated, startle response, etc. It can often be utilized by individuals without professional guidance. However people with physical and/or psychological conditions would be wise to use these exercises in collaboration with a medical professional. This process can be used as either a stand-alone process or in conjunction with other modalities.Therapists, counselors, life coaches, together with emergency response personnel, will find the Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) detailed by Berceli a powerful adjunct in their work of restoring wholeness to human life everywhere.The web site for this book is at:…Please keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to everyone who is supporting this small group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:… Thanks, Mazen


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