David DeAngelo – Interviews With Dating Gurus – Payton Kane
DYD interview – Payton Kane Place
[1 CD – MP3]
I just finished up a KILLER interview with agentlemen who has one of the best first date”routines” I’ve ever heard. It’s “brain dead” simple… and SCARILYEFFECTIVE.The best part? You can learn it in about 10 minutes… andstart using it the SAME DAY to make a womaninterested and EXCITED about spending more timewith you… often on the same night of yourdate… if ya know what I mean… This new friend of mine is the host of acontroversial radio show that thousands tune intoeach week just to hear what he’s going to saynext… He pulls no punches when giving guys the goodson what REALLY works with women. You won’t findany B.S. or psycho-babble here. His advice has already helped a ton of guysbecome more successful with women… one of theguys he helped even offered him one hundredTHOUSAND dollars as a thank you for helping himturn his life around… and this is BEFORE myfriend was ever on the radio. Bottom line: He knows his stuff. Here are just a few of the secrets he shared inour candid interview:- How to give a girl the most SPECTACULAR firstdate of her entire life (She’ll be bragging to herfriends… and more importantly… calling YOUafter you hit her with these KILLER strategies)- The single best “date” to have with a woman ifyou want to “get physical” with her that samenight- A smooth trick to use at dinner that gets her”in the mood” BEFORE you leave the restaurant(My friend will show you how to turn an ordinarydinner into a sensual experience that turns awoman on)- An easy and “rejection-free” way to startphysical contact with a woman- The one big mistake guys make when planning adate that guarantees you WON’T “get physical” withher- A simple move to use when doing a “cheers” thatlets a woman know you are the type of CONFIDENTman she is looking for- What to say to a woman when you get her phonenumber that GUARANTEES she’ll answer when youcall… or call you back IMMEDIATELY if she missesit- Exactly WHEN to call a woman after you get herdigits (Wait too long and you look like a wanna-be”player”… call too quick and you’ll come off as”needy”. Use this simple rule of thumb toeliminate the guesswork)- How to set up the date the very FIRST time youget her on the phone (Do this to get her EXCITEDand looking forward to hanging out with you)- The very BEST question to ask a girl on a firstdate (Use this to spark her interest at the verybeginning… or as a “fallback” if you run out ofthings to say)- A bold but ULTRA-EFFECTIVE way to start physicalcontact with a woman that is GUARANTEED to turnher on (This one will surprise you… but it’sactually one of my personal FAVORITE techniquesthat I use on EVERY woman I meet to make her wantme… and so will you)- The exact amount of time you must wait to give awoman a compliment IF you want it to be effective- A simple trick that allows you to talk to REALLYhot women WITHOUT getting nervous- The big secret naturals use to get women to HITON THEM (Only 1% of men will ever figure this oneout… which is why is works nearly EVERY TIME)- An original, fool-proof way to avoid coming offas “needy” (If you’re not sure if women see YOU as”needy” then chances are they DO… so, be sure toadd this one to your arsenal IMMEDIATELY)- A simple way to trigger SEXUAL ATTRACTION in awoman within MINUTES of meeting her that you canlearn in 3 minutes and start using TONIGHT!- The 3 things every man MUST have to attractwomen (Guys that have 2 of these things will do okwith the ladies… but EVERY “natural” I’ve evermet possesses all 3)- An incredibly easy way to desensitize yourselfto approaching women… even those you might THINKare “out of your league” (Do this “in the field”the INSTANT you feel the fear coming on to giveyourself a RUSH of confidence women notice)- A hilarious trick to use when you make eyecontact with a woman that forces her to keeplooking at you and looking at you… andeventually APPROACH YOU!- A simple change you can make to the way you lookthat ANY guy can do to instantly give himself anextra “point” on the looks scale- A powerful way to catch a woman’s attention inthe first conversation and let her know you arethe BEST CHOICE she can possibly make- A technique you can use to project “charisma”that makes women open and receptive when youapproach them- Why women don’t want “easy” men – my friend willshow you how to create a challenge and play thefun “cat and mouse” game that women LOVE (Use thisto keep a woman interested and ATTRACTED to youfor as long as you like)- The best response I’ve EVER heard to thequestion “Are you gay?” (I have a feeling someguys get this a lot… LOL)- How to subtly let a really hot women know youare out of HER league (If you’ve ever heard abouta REALLY hot girl chasing a guy, it’s probablybecause he used this KILLER strategy. Here’s howto position yourself as a guy SHE should chase)- And much, much more… As you can see, my friend gave away THE STORE. Just one of the techniques he shared couldchange the responses you get from women FOREVER…and you need to hear them. The best part about the information he sharedis that you can start using it IMMEDIATELY… no”hard work” required. I’m going to release it as this month’s editionin my “Interviews With Dating Gurus” monthly CDaudio program. If you’re already subscribed, be cool. It’ll be in your hands soon. But, if you’re not? Then you need to sign up IMMEDIATELY. This interview is “hitting the presses” THISFriday morning… so, if you want it, it iscrucial that you are signed up by THIS Thursdaythe 10th before Midnight Pacific Time. And trust me. YOU WANT IT. If you’ve ever had problems getting a SECONDdate with a woman you are into… there is a verygood chance that this interview will tell you WHY. There’s also a very good chance that you willuse SEVERAL of the tactics with every woman youmeet FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. But, you have to be signed up by THURSDAY atMIDNIGHT to get your hands on ’em. Oh… and by the way… when you sign up, I’malso going to send you a “Starter Kit” with 2killer DOUBLE (2 CDs each) interviews… on me. I chose these 2 particular interviews for theStarter Kit because they are 2 of the best I’veever done… and I want to “wow” you from thestart. These 2 interviews will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF…plain and simple. I’m going to send them to you at no charge asmy way of saying “thanks” for giving the program ashot. I guarantee you’re going to love every one ofthese interviews… and I’ll be surprised if youdon’t listen to them until the CDs WEAR OUT. What if you don’t? If you take the time to order these interviewsand listen to them… and the information insidedoesn’t improve your success with womenIMMEDIATELY… then I’ve wasted your time. And Iwant you to keep ALL OF THEM on me. That’s right. I want you to try these out at MYRISK. I am that confident that you are going to lovethem as much as all of the other guys I’ve sentthem to… and I’m willing to bet on it. So, don’t wait! Get in on this by Thursday atMidnight… or you’ll miss out on this particularinterview. And if you’re serious about beingsuccessful with women.. this one is NOT to bemissed. Go here to subscribe and get this greatinterview right now… and remember, you’ve onlygot until Thursday at midnight. So, hurry up man!http://www.DoubleYourDatingProgram.com/e/10000/InterviewSeries/ I’ll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
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