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David Gikandi – Wealth Consciousness Library –

Wealth Conscious Library
[34 ebook(pdf), 18 video(mp4), 57 audio(mp3)]



Dear truth seeking friend,If you’ve been a seeker of wealth and your own ever illusive ‘Holy Grail’ for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve come across many “secret wealth information” books and programs that claim to deliver or attract wealth and financial and life freedom — freedom from bosses and DEBT, struggle and suffering, dependence on jobs, schooling … to every negative financial condition..You may already have discovered — to your dismay — that those books and programs seldom live up to their claims and promises. While some of these do offer honest but misguided information, some are deliberately deceptive. They often make misleading promises that might prove to be more financially dangerous in wealth and livelihood than beneficial to those who struggle financially due to the lies and constant mystification of money and wealth perpetuated by society.If you have set out to create and maintain true wealth for yourself and your loved ones these are 3 of the most important questions to ponder:Do you ever wonder how some people seem to almost luckily “stumble” upon money without really working hard while you try various methods to strategically get ahead in life but seem to wind up right back where you started?Do you ever wonder if financial freedom, success, wealth abundance or just plain getting rich is only for certain people and that maybe (for reasons unknown) you just don’t fall into that select group?Perhaps at this point in your life you’re starting to think that a life worry-free of money is simply the destiny that awaits certain people while a life of poverty awaits others?Well if you answered yes any of these, there are GOOD NEWS! SO, I suggest you shut your cell phone off, close out your e-mail and invest the next 5 minutes reading every single word on this page because what I’m about to share with you just might truly change your life as it did for me.Here’s just a small sample of some of the phenomenal, hard-to-find, virtually unknown, but proven wealth creation breakthroughs that almost no one knows about — even some well known prosperity teachers and coaches:Money Is Just An Illusion, A Shadow Of Something Else. The first step to having wealth is to know what it is. And few people know what it really is, in and of itself. What is wealth? What causes it? What causes the cause of it? It all starts with money, the world’s symbol of wealth. But then things must move deeper than money for you to even begin to understand wealth in financial terms, the same way the truly wealthy understands it. Understand that money is just a shadow… (See pp. 9-15, Audios 1,2)Images Of Your Mind Are Directing Your Life: The Blueprints Of Life. The force of life takes instructions and turns them into things and new moments out of the quantum energy field. What type of instructions does Life take so that it may create each new moment in your day? In what format and specifications? Well science and creation have been discovered to have never been separate to begin with. And either consciously or unconsciously it is images of the mind that each and every wealth person uses to create wealth for themselves and those around them… (See pp. 49-56, Audio 8.)‘Level Confusion.’ Level Confusion can be the reason you have yet to reach the wealth consciousness levels you desire. A lot of suffering and ‘failure’ comes from level confusion. What are the levels? They are Being, Thought, Word, Action, Physical Form (Body). When we say Body, I don’t just mean your body, I mean all physical things, including your body. Well level confusion has been finally identified and reversed so that all levels work together for real wealth consciousness and creation…. (See step 7, Audio 8.)What Can Never Save You Permanently And What Can. Have you noticed how your situations keep repeating themselves until you undergo a major breakthrough? For example, some people are always having money problems. When they fix one, sometime later another crops up and with some people it’s relationship problems. As much as this has been addressed by many experts for years, it hasn’t been until recently that this ‘replay’ inner-mechanism has been successfully able to be ‘reset’ for permanent change… (See step 10, Audio 11)Money: How To Use The Symbol, Its Deepest Secrets And How You Fit In Finally Revealed. Money is not the real thing; it is only a symbol of the real wealth inside you. Even though money is not the real thing, we still need to know how to use money. It is a full circle, a full cycle. It is the end of many other things that make up wealth consciousness, but it is the beginning of the experiencing of wealth consciousness as material wealth. Money is a symbol of wealth and the beginning of the experiencing of wealth, so that we may know how wealth tastes like experientially… (See p. 211, Audios 39,40,41,42)For now, lets briefly get back to that ‘select group’ of seemingly lucky ‘certain few’ who seem to have all the wealth they wish for; well, the truth of the matter is that if you are not part of that select group, your chances of achieving financial abundance are not only impossible but every attempt that you make to get rich and acquire wealth will result in you losing even more money.And isn’t that what we hear all the time? “That in order to succeed, you must take action”. Or how about “The key to success is having your goals written down.”Or my personal favorite, “skip the lattes (or, insert favorite treat here) and invest the money instead, so that in 30 years from now, you have some money put away.” Wait, what??!How do I know this? Because at one point in my life, I was a frustrated member of the “doomed” crowd (for lack of a better term). I’ve only done all of those things and still failed miserably.And as far as the latte thing goes; I don’t know about you but I want to achieve wealth now…not in 30 years from now. And I certainly don’t believe that the key to wealth is giving up your daily visit to your favorite coffee house.I’m sure Sir Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Bill Gates and the rest of them drink whatever kind of coffee they like.My point is that I had tried everything and either failed or wound up with even less money than I had every time I tried something that was supposed to be the “key to massive financial abundance and freedom.” You know, the ‘shinny object syndrome’ where we go after everything that woos us with promise of a better life?First Off, To Answer A Common Question Likely Circulating In Your Mind Now; Getting Rich And Acquiring True Wealth IS Only For A Select Group Of People – It Has Been Since Ancient Times…But, that’s OK, because this select group of people which represents only about 3% of the world’s population are not selected by anything or anyone outside of themselves. They are the selectors, not the selected.This means that anything I offer you here today, or anyone anywhere else offers you, will not itself make you wealthy, or a millionaire. Sound like a bad thing? Well this is actually great news, no, it’s amazing news!Why? Well, since all humans are created with unlimited potential, then any of us can select to be part of that ‘select group,’ at will! The key is to develop the same consciousness and skills in the area of wealth. In other words – a wealth consciousness.Did You Know?: The word Elite comes from the Latin elire, meaning “to choose,” from which we also get the modern Spanish word meaning the same, elegir.Expecting any piece of information or any other external thing to itself change who you are is like falling back on the false belief I mentioned earlier; that there is some power somewhere giving preference to some lucky people and showing total disregard and abandonment for some other ‘unworthy’ souls. But only when the right information is composed to engage, enlighten and reveal your dormant self to your waken, then you naturally merge with the message, becoming one with and truly benefiting from it.Stay with me through the end of this page and that is exactly what you’ll finally be able to experience once and for all…Anyway, here’s where it all takes an interesting twist; You see, many of those in the top 3% of the truly wealthy and free have throughout history been a very well-meaning group. The problem was that not all have always been conscious of the exact reasons they or their families were part of that elite 3% who own 99% of the entire amount of wealth in the worldThey knew they were blessed and were even grateful for their place in society, but they were unaware of the real but unconscious reasons responsible for putting them there. Sadly, like the rest of humanity they too subscribed to what most believed and still do; that a greater power must favor them over others and therefore they must be part of a holier, exclusive, chosen group. Unfortunately that is just how they’ve thought for centuries.Some did eventually discover the truth and the real, learnable-by-all, universal laws at work which led them and their families to their elite status. So they studied, worked hard to mastered what they discovered. They documented and shared with others of equal status in society. They developed methods to teach this knowledge to others of similar social status so they would all create even greater wealth for themselves and each other.Many were elated that they had discovered the real reasons behind their fortunes and ideal lives. For the first time, they actually knew that they were in control. For the first time ever, humans realized that if attaining wealth and life freedom was a matter of learning actual skills, then those skills could be taught to others. They actually held the keys to the freedom of the masses and even the entire planet from the poverty and pain and suffering that plagued humanity.I know that all this may not be ground breaking news for you, but what I am going to share with you in a moment something Guaranteed to be the exact proven information and path used by history’s (and today’s) most notable wealth creators to create great wealth, consciously or unconsciously, in all areas of life for themselves and those around them. But first please read on – there’s more… But Why Was This Ancient Life-&-Wealth-Freeing Knowledge Kept From Humanity AND You Since Almost The Moment It Was Discovered?I’m sure you’re asking yourself … if these discoveries are indeed such amazing “breakthroughs” and “skills” that can really be taught to anyone and can really offer anyone on earth truly fulfilled lives through Life & Wealth Freedom– alleviate the suffering and financial bondage of the masses – why weren’t you taught it in school, the media and by your caretakers? Here’s why:Your caretakers, parents, guardians, etc. simply didn’t know. They could not give you something they didn’t already have, something that wasn’t given to them by their own parents. Surely we can agree that in most cases and likely in yours too, if your parents knew for sure there was a sure skill to have true Life & Wealth Freedom, they would have given that to you without a second thought.In fact, they did give you what they knew. And in my case and likely yours too, well meaning as they were, this consisted of information that led you to the same mistaken path to wealth that the rest of the masses were taught; hard work, sacrifice, suffering, employment, not to rattle the establishment and hope for the best. In other words, slavery.The media and school play a huge part too. But these days much of the media companies and those politicians who eventually decide what schools are going to teach, also get their curricula and scripts from higher and departmentalized levels of command that even they don’t really know exactly where it all originates.And this brings us to the MAIN REASON why you never hear about these discoveries in the mainstream…These discoveries have been suppressed, literally buried, a reason for assassinations and deliberately kept away from you and humanity since the day they were discovered.To see why some have committed terrible acts against humanity in order to keep this information from reaching the masses, we have to go back to the time when the 3% discovered that Life & Wealth Freedom was a matter of skill, and not a matter of higher-power selection.As they went on making new discoveries about this new God-like ability to create in their own lives, some became very eager to share and teach this to the masses. They envisioned a world in which everyone on earth could live in prosperity and peace. A world free of injustice, envy and greed – a true paradise. And yes, this information can absolutely be used not only for this purpose, but to do the same for you and in your life!Unfortunately, this vision of freedom was not shared and agreed with by everyone in the 3%. They did not totally understand the unlimited, abundant nature of this power and did not trust its ability to support all of humanity. They combined their already warped theories of power and elite status to mean that this new knowledge was proof their theories were correct. They thought; “if I am already in this elite position above most of mankind, then this knowledge must be used by those of the same elite status to acquire more wealth and keep the masses in the dark.”Others who didn’t quite understand the message either, still believed that lack and limitation were imposed upon the unfortunate. They thought it was dangerous and irresponsible to enlighten mankind with this knowledge because in their minds there simply was not enough wealth to go around for everyone on earth. They believed that like them, the masses would acquire great wealth and cause those who already had wealth to lose it. Believing this they figured power would just change hands, since there just wasn’t enough for everyone.But as you’ll learn from the Life & Wealth Freedom Pack; abundance is unlimited and itself abundant – meaning there is an abundance of everything, including lack. And because of this lack-consciousness so many never break away from the abundance-of-lack they receive. But more on this later.Sadly, those who opposed this secret be released to the masses used violence, deception, war, persecution, ridicule and anything they had to use, in order to ensure mankind would never be revealed the key to Life & Wealth Freedom. Needless to say that times got even rougher for mankind and for many centuries we’ve experienced very dark times here on earth.>>>Fast forward to today: Humans are now more connected with each other than any other time in history. Thanks to new technological advances in communications, information cannot be kept from the masses. Some governments and religions still censor and control the information shared by those they rule over, but lets just say that the western and developing worlds keep a closer eye on their would be censors and oppressors, although we still have a long ways to go.Because of all these great advancements in communications and civilization, the old methods of oppression and censorship have become much less effective. Being recently rediscovered, this great knowledge now has a seemingly indestructible infrastructure of distribution and multiplication. The momentum is strong and people just like you are waking in unprecedented numbers all around the globe.If you’re ready and feel you’ve had enough of the misinformation, enough of the lack and the limitations and you are finally ready to enjoy and experience the Life & Wealth Freedom that is your birthright…the same knowledge that has brought much controversy and war to ensure you would never benefit from…using the same knowledge that’s been used by that elite 3% consciously and unconsciously to reach their wealthy status — then it IS your turn!“I must tell you that your material, site, and insights are… well I don’t find the word … are Life Changing! It’s like reading and meditating on what we ‘always’ knew but this time in a clearer, focused language. … such deep spiritual insights into the origin, order, and laws of the Universe. Anyway I am enjoying “Marcus Aurelius,” and “Ralph Waldo Emerson” at the moment. David If you happen to read this message, Have a Great Day And thank you again for you were the one the hand of Providence chose to send me what I needed to replenish my soul at this time of my life. -Joel Bomane“As a member and publisher I have so greatly benefited from your thought processes that my entire life is changing. I am currently working on a major project. At first I was absolutely unsure of the reason for me as a woman to undertake such great task. Later I read a quote by Margaret Thatcher “It may be the cock that crows, but it is the hen that lays the eggs”, which convinced me marginally. Then your spiritually scientific encouragement changed my life to the degree that I consider myself important enough to actually do it. May you inspire millions with your purpose.” -Ina BliSo, Who Am I – And Why Should You Believe Me?My name is Nelson and a few years back not only was I flat broke, but every single time I put a plan together to get ahead, it completely backfired on me leaving me with less money than I had before I took action to try to change my life. But that’s not all; aside from my almost “gifted ability” to fail at everything I did and lose money, my health then started to deteriorate…At 24 years old, my thyroid began to fail and soon after, I suffered an adverse allergic reaction to the medication that was supposed to make me better which totally destroyed my liver.And to make a very long and emotional story short; basically one night I went to sleep and woke up days later in a hospital miles away from my home and was told that I just had a life changing liver transplant. Oh yes, this is how I found out I needed a liver transplant, AFTER it had already happened and I woke up with a new liver. Talk about a paradigm shift!Getting a matching transplant so fast is not common and sadly, most people in my situation do not make it, so I was and still am very blessed.Time went by and as much as I’d rather not admit it; as much as I wanted to be grateful for my new gift of life, I actually found myself feeling guilty and becoming even more stressed out by the very concept of not being as grateful as I thought I should be…and this just added more to my frustration.Add to that not having any health insurance and needing around $1300 per month worth of the different transplant rejection medications I must take each day to stay alive. With no steady income at the time, this was a “catch 22″ and financial abyss that I couldn’t see my way out of at the time.Unfortunately we don’t all enjoy great (or even bad) health insurance here in the United States, even those who need it most. But that’s a conversation for another time.It was then that I found myself withdrawing and retreating from friends and family, failing at my sales job and just having a huge gray cloud over me even in the sunniest of days.But Then, Everything Changed….I Found It! This Was Something That Flipped A Switch Within Me And Changed My Entire Life AroundI began to attract money, perfect health, relationships and opportunities that I never had before. I was finally starting to experience what it was like to live on the other side like all the people whose lives I truly desired.“So What Exactly Is The Secret To Transforming My Life Nelson?”I know that’s probably the question that you want an answer for right now so let me explain how all of this works:The reason why a select group of people experience life on almost magical levels while others fail miserably can be summarized with one word, ‘being.’ These people, either consciously or unconsciously, have changed their “being”.Your “being” is your spiritual structure. If it is aligned with your purpose the way you wish it to, you will live the life that you deeply long for and desire. If it is not, you will experience a life filled with unwanted events.The only difference between you and those who are actually living the life that they really desire is your spiritual structure, being.You see, you may already know that you must change your being in order to change your life. But the question is “HOW?”How do you completely change your outlook on life when there is no consistency and some things you try may succeed, but likely, most turn into a failures?    How do you completely change your outlook on life when there is no consistency and some things you try may succeed, but likely, most turn into a failures?    How do you change your spiritual structure when noting goes right?    How and when do you get what you sense is right around the corner when it’s so easy to start believing that it’s a vicious cycle that never ends?You experience failure so you try to change your outlook on life but then something else fails and you just can’t seem to break the cycle and this, then makes it nearly impossible to change your “being”.And that’s exactly what was happening to me before I discovered the secret of changing into a real and lasting state of being that truly served me and those around me.Here’s how it happened:You see, most of the knowledge about wealth distribution I discussed above came after I started to relentlessly seek and devour any information about money and wealth creation I could get my hands on. I searched the internet, read countless books and ebooks on money, wealth, law of attraction and anything else that promised to be the answer to acquiring wealth and life freedom.I found that most that I thought appealed to me, really actually appealed to my ego and the consciousness I had already developed through society’s teachings about wealth and money.It was in a moment of desperation and frustration for all my fruitless searching for the key to wealth that always seemed to mock and evade me that I let go. I actually felt for a moment that I might just give up. I was over it. And then, just as if by magic, there it was…I had landed on a website. And you could ask me today how I got to that website and I would be completely honest to tell you that it was just there, on my screen, and that to this day I have no idea what I clicked on or if I clicked on anything. It was just there.Enter – the funniest book title I had ever seen; A Happy Pocket Full Of Money by David Gikandi…In a hurry? Click to Get The Life & Wealth Freedom Pack Now.The Life & Wealth Freedom Pack is Not an Expense… It’s Money, Wealth and Life by Design Enlightenment That Can Put You on The Natural Path to Life & WEALTH Freedom You Were Born to be OnIt has escaped no one’s attention that our economy — not just in the United States, but the entire world — is in miserable shape. Jobs are scarce, businesses are going out of business … and money is tight for manySo why would you buy what your mind may be trying to convince you is yet another ‘program’ about wealth — especially when you’ve probably tried numerous programs, business opportunities, books, or even coaching?Here’s why: Although there are countless of books, programs and get-wealthy promises out there that may appear effective, in actuality……well meaning as they are, most of these target your mind (where ideas and concepts live) and are not designed to truly impact you personally and manifest change from your very core!Yes, it’s true. Erroneous, inaccurate, poorly researched and recycled factoids, half-truths and “marketese” abound in this field … all passing as life changing wealth information.Turning to The Life & Wealth Freedom Pack, on the other hand, is not another needless expenditure. Rather, it’s an investment that will pay for itself many times over.Consider this:Money is changing direction, morphing and evolving all the time. Like everything in creation, this too is the nature of money. Banks, companies and governments are irresponsible and sometimes downright careless with our finances, property and increasingly, our basic rights. The Life & Wealth Freedom Pack is meant to allow you to see through the matrix of manufactured confusion and smoke mirrors meant to keep you and those around you stuck and bound forever.That’s because the information presented in the pack weaves itself into the core of your being, from within. To be blunt, this is different. It’s almost like the words and the way they’re arranged work as a special combination to strike you from your very core. It makes its way to deep within you so you’re able to be present with the information and evaluate and assimilate it at your own free will – effectively bypassing limitation, mental blocks and the resistance you have built toward so called ‘wealth education’ after many years of failed attempts. (See the preview of steps to wealth below.):How a Book With a Funny Title Changed Everything. Written for the Layperson…But Compelling Enough to Change the Curriculum of the Experts!One afternoon about 5 years after my transplant, in what I can only refer to as one of my lowest and simultaneously, highest moments of my life, I stumbled upon one single and little known author who not only changed the course of my life, but shook my being and very existence from the inside out with his ‘unusual’ knowledge about everything we require in life to live a truly extraordinary life by design.That little known author is David Cameron Gikandi. David is a Kenyan writer and entrepreneur who worked as a creative consultant on the hit money “The Secret.” He was based out of Australia, but now lives in his native Kenya where he is now an important part of that country’s real estate market growth.You may now be saying to yourself; “There are thousands of books, authors and writings out there. So, what’s the difference?This is a valid question. And, if you have not heard of David, but are a student of the Law of Attraction and similar paths and approaches to living the life of your heart’s desires, then chances are you have already been exposed to David’s powerful material and knowledge.When I came across David’s work that afternoon of despair, the single book of his that I discovered was “A Happy Pocket Full of Money,” his best known work.I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that when I first read the title of this book that was advertised to ‘change everything,’ I laughed a little inside. I thought; “yeah, I’m sure this will be a great book to read to my then 4 year old nephew.”But something told me, a feeling really, that I had to keep reading. It all felt like I had landed on a ‘magic website’ if you would…a special place and one that answered my need and my desire directly, and it was meant to be. I decided to find out more. That decision changed everything, and needless to say; I’m glad I chose to give the book with the funky title a chance.So, I bought it, downloaded it and began reading on the spot! And it was right then and there, in the middle of reading this masterpiece that I decided to contact David. I could not contain my excitement and had to pause to tell him about the life he had helped to give new meaning to…to rebirth.And by the way, to this day, I am friends with David Gikandi and regularly talk with him via email and facebook.A Happy Pocket Full of Money is a powerful wealth of knowledge with somewhat of an incomplete title that quite simply, on it’s own, is responsible for the facilitating hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to discovering, reconnecting, reacquainting and familiarization of themselves with who they really are and clear up their paths to their own direct access, power and ability to literally co create directly from the source of all life!As I went on evaluating this new book with a funny title that was supposed to change everything, I discovered that among the many enlightened personal development personalities who have raved about A Happy Pocket Full of Money was Bob Doyle, someone whose work I admire today, but had just recently discovered at that time. Bob is a renowned teacher of the Law of Attraction and featured master in the hit, world wide sensation movie The Secret.In fact, I soon discovered that Bob actually credited A Happy Pocket Full of Money for filling a void in his business curriculum and catapulting his own success. He credits David’s writings and teachings, all which make up The Life & Wealth Freedom Pack, and you will soon find out more about, with providing him the missing knowledge, guidance and direction to take his own career to the highest of levels which he now enjoys.Like me, Bob had numerous ‘aha moments’ when he read A Happy Pocket Full of Money. Bob has even publicly stated that he believes that it has “given him permission to fully experience what he already knew to be true for years.” And just like Bob, I too wanted to take David’s writings to the world and to others who want more, to those who are searching for answers in challenging times, or those who just simply like knowing how things work and what really makes up their own life’s events, experiences, circumstances and creations.To my delight and amazement, I discovered that David’s complete library of equally powerful writings focusing on every aspect of human endeavor; wealth, happiness, purpose, health, love, life design, growth, success, and just being at peace in life.Graciously, David granted me along with a handful of wealth and prosperity coaches and executives, exclusive rights to offer his life’s work to their private clients. But in my case, David granted me permission to distribute his masterpiece to you and to those whose minds are fascinated by science as well as the magical and love to learn the hidden how and why of true wealth while being able to apply it in their own lives.This is something that I truly believe was meant to be since shortly after this, David changed his pricing, business models and stopped allowing others to distribute his work. However you found your way to this page, know you are meant to be here reading this right now. You’ve landed on one of the most special places in the entire Internet and I guarantee you that this moment is an event that you will celebrate for years to come!The cool and unexpected part about this special permission from David was that not only could I tell you about his book, “A Happy Pocket Full of Money” which was the first book of his I read.. but, I could tell you about his complete collection of equally powerful and paradigm shifting writings, powerful videos and deep-anchoring audios, . Materials that are sure to help you and your loved ones rediscover your sweet dreams and be fully conscious of how and why they are materializing right before your eyes, all of them!Here are 4 more rave reviews from wealth creation experts who areamazed by the content in The Life & Wealth Freedom Pack:“You have done the wonderful work of a master weaver bringing the invisible elements that works behind manifestation of true prosperity and wealth in our lives..”“Just finished your book on “happy pocket full of money”. The name itself brings joy and happiness. You have done the wonderful work of a master weaver bringing the invisible elements that works behind manifestation of true prosperity and wealth in our lives. In my individual work of creating awareness of self and society at many levels I often encounter great fear — fear of unknown. People do not want to know beyond what they know because it shifts their worldview dramatically.I was looking for a way to give them universal tools that awakens the self-power and what better way to get attention than something that every individual is struggling with – having enough money to get by. Your book is simply amazing and I recommend it to everyone, including those who have plenty of money but little joy or passion for life.”-Mita, Founder, Seek 2 Know“Your material is by far, some of my very favorite. It has brought me clarity and understanding on several key points.”“David, as I suspected, I am completely thrilled with your material. And that is putting it mildly. I could go on and on about it, but I want to get right to the point. I am a teacher. I have given several workshops on “Reality Creation” around the country. Your material has added to my arsenal of knowledge in a huge way … The Universe is delivering a wide variety of material to me that shows me very definite ways to “teach” what I know – and better still, to LIVE it. Your material is by far, some of my very favorite. It has brought me clarity and understanding on several key points. In essence, it has given me “permission” to fully experience what I have known to be true all these years … I’m extremely interested in doing workshops based on your material.Quite frankly, I feel the WORLD needs to hear these messages – and this is what I do. I teach as I am learning myself. I am a “conduit” if you will. I have no fear of putting myself in front of people and sharing the information that the Universe funnels my way, and in fact, I believe it is a large part of Who I am, and Why I am here … Finding your site was a DIRECT response to a request I submitted to the Universe – on many levels… Thanks again for making this material available to me. It is quite a Gift, in my mind.”-Bob Doyle, star of the hit movie The Secret and teacher of wealth programs based on the information contained in the “Wealth Conscious Life & Wealth Freedom Pack.”“It was like finding a key to the puzzle of life.””David, I am so grateful to have found your work (^o^). They are simply priceless! You words are like beacon of light that shine brightly to guide my path. When I was introduced to your work, it felt as though suddenly all my innate knowing had been articulated and translated into words. It was like finding a key to the puzzle of life. Thank you David to reminding us of our magnificence and infinite possibilities that is always waiting to manifest through our next thought…”-Mariko, Founder, Prosperity Promises“For a long time I felt there was some hidden knowledge the average person was destined to not ever know or understand, and I was right.”Thanks to this publication I was able to discover and work on my ingrained negative expectations associated with money. I wish I could share with you all the emails I get on a daily basis from souls looking for relief. These people are looking for solace from their mediocre lives of dreams never manifested, failure, loneliness, and feelings of being “lost”. A Pocket Full Of Money (from the Life & Wealth Freedom Pack) is what I urgently recommend anyone, doesn’t matter how successful (unsuccessful), happy (sad), or contented (discontented) anyone may think they are, to read this book. Lives could be made more glorious and exciting with just being exposed to the information David Cameron shares in [A Happy Pocket Full of Money].For a long time I felt there was some hidden knowledge the average person was destined to not ever know or understand, and I was right. This eBook lays this hidden information at your footstep for you to act on or push away, it’s up to you. It’s my prayer you purchase this book and apply the uncommon knowledge to your life everyday, designing it filled with passion and purposeful living, setting yourself free from the limited and impossible thinking thought to be true by the misguided masses.-Regena English – Editor, St.Mary Publishing Company of HoustonYou See, All Types Of People From All Walks Of Life Are Shattering Outdated Limiting Beliefs In All Areas OF Life While Creating Brand New Lives By Design With The Wealth Conscious Life & Freedom Wealth Pack.This Is Way Beyond “Motivational Writing” This IS THE Life Enhancing, Soul Shaking, Multiple Aha-Moments, Eye Opening, Elevated God-Knowledge Of The Ages Which You’ll LOVE & Use For Ever & Ever – I Am Certain Of It!What I have done for you here today is a first for David’s materials! I’ve combined the powerful information presented in the book, bringing it to you in instant MP3 audio download with the accompanying ebook so that you can absorb and internalize and become one with the information much faster. Sure, you can either listen or read depending on how you prefer to learn, but the option to listen on the go is important in today’s fast paced world.But That Isn’t Everything!One of the most effective components of the Life & Wealth Freedom Pack is having both, David Gikandi and Bob Doyle himself, team up to help you discover and be your wealthy self – for good! So brace yourself for the most enlightening and smooth path to wealth you’ve ever embarked in as these 2 superstars and world renowned wealth/life masters teach you each area that makes up Wealth – through CONSCIOUSNESS.Do not make the mistake of thinking you’ll be getting a bunch of feel-good motivational ‘information.’ Each piece that makes up the Life & Wealth Freedom Pack was carefully crafted with the ancient knowledge of the ages that will connect you directly to your wealthy self as David and Bob together elevate you to the levels in wealth and life consciousness you are here to reach and deserve.This is David’s collection of soul shaking materials being brought to you on this one single site at one amazingly discounted price for what I’ve named “The Wealth Conscious Life & Wealth Freedom Pack”; but, more about that a little later. Now find out why this new and exciting path to wealth through real wealth consciousness will likely become your most valued ever. Read on…The “Wealth Conscious Life & Wealth Freedom Pack” has been referred to as the most powerful information ever written and recorded about knowing money, personal happiness and fulfillment and that which causes all of them, along with your personal relation to them and active role in the direct and immediate creation of it all!…and now, here’s why your life just transformed the moment you landed on this page…Oh and by the way; thanks to getting that liver transplant I told you about earlier, I’ve been able to see the world by participating in a number of international and national transplant athletic events. I also started Transplant Café which is one of the fastest growing internet social networks for the transplant community plus many other amazing projects. All of which I am certain I would not have ever even pursued if I hadn’t had the knowledge I offer you here today, to fuel the inspiration that came from my adversity.If you’re like a lot of people searching for real freedom for themselves, their loved ones and finances and you’ve been yearning to nourish, revive and shed light upon the soul…to transport it to a place that won’t just feel like home as it did for me, but that WILL BE home, then you have my word that you won’t ever have to look any further.I want to show you a place that will remind you, as it did me, of your infinite ability to have anything you desire, NOW. A place where doubts don’t exist – even in concept. And, it will do the same for You! You will finally be the certain-manifesting power of your own life predictably, consciously, purposely and with unquestioned anticipation – and you’ll know this place maybe for the first time!A Preview of What You’ll See Inside…when you preview The Life & Wealth Freedom Pack risk-free. Here are just a few of the money and wealth truths you will learn in your Life & Wealth Pack. Truths which are deliberately used today and through the ages, by history’s kings, queens, presidents and heads of state, today’s rich and famous, to celebrities and sports stars to create and maintain great wealth for themselves, their families and their exclusive circles of friends and business partners – Then, feel free to listen to the Free sample chapters added after each preview below:As you read, ask yourself; How would finally knowing and understanding just some of the contents below, from The Life & Wealth Freedom Pack change my life, my loved ones’ and the lives of those influenced by me?Part 1 of The Life & Wealth Freedom Pack –Get ready to get your pockets happy, very happy!:How And Why Money Is Just An Illusion, A Shadow Of Something Else; The first step to having wealth is to know what it is. And few people know what it really is, in and of itself. What is wealth? What causes it? What causes the cause of it? In this chapter, we start with money, the world’s symbol of wealth, and then move deeper… (See pp. 9-15, Audios 1,2)The Proven Steps To Wealth And Happiness; Get ready for the journey, at the end of which you will know how to create all the wealth and happiness you ever wished for—Now—without any limits. Here, you’ll discover many timeless truths about who you really are, what you are doing here, and what this game of life is all about… (See p. 13, Audio 3)The Truth About Quantum Physics: Knowing What You And The World Are Made Of Is The First Key To Knowing How To Becoming Wealth Conscious; You may be wondering what quantum physics has to do with wealth and happiness. Well, you had better believe that it has everything to do with it! How can you build a house if you do not know what a house is made of and how it is constructed? Quantum physics begins to explain how everything in your world comes to be. Learn how you are in direct manipulation of your entire physical world… (See pp. 17-32)Did You Know?: The word Freedom comes from German (literal, modern-day translation, “freiheit”), but is actually closer in derivation to the German word ‘Friede’, which means “peace.”Finally, The Truth About Time: It Does Not Exist Except As You Say It Does; Time is a very funny thing. The biggest trick time ever played on us was to make us think it was real, and that we were under its full control. Yet time is a complete illusion, a strong and persistent illusion. What wonderful news that is! Time is an illusion created by you. Once you understand how this illusion is created by you, you then begin to recreate it as you wish, consciously and deliberately instead of unconsciously and accidentally as you may have been doing. What is time? What do I have to do with time? How should I think and be about time so that I may experience wealth and other things in larger quantities faster? This chapter will begin to answer these questions and in other chapters in this book, these concepts will become more real to you… (See pp. 33-48, Audios 5,6,7)Learn How The Images Of The Mind Are Directing Your Life: The Blueprints Of Life; The next step to getting wealthy is to know how life works. In other words, how does the force of life take instructions and turn them into things and new moments out of the quantum energy field? What type of instructions does Life take so that it may create each new moment in your day? In what format and specifications? This chapter answers these questions for you. They are the most basic questions, but they must be answered first before we get progressively deeper into the essence of wealth. In fact, you may have heard the principles in this chapter before, yet few people understand them fully and even fewer use them, despite their simplicity. Here’s how to finally get this and put it to use right away… (See pp. 49-56, Audio 8.)Know How Your Thinking And Speaking Are Impacting Your Results: The Instructions Of And For Life; Closely related to images are thoughts. Just as life is images of the mind expressed, it is also thoughts of the mind expressed. In other words, life is the mind expressed. Your external reality is the densest part of your mind without any separation. The separation between you and your outside world is illusionary. As we get into this chapter, you will come to see firsthand how this is so, scientifically and spiritually… (See pp. 57-71, Audios 9,10,11)Did You Know?:The word Money comes from the Latin word “moneta” which originally meant “warning”.How To Really Bring Your Goals To Fruition: Goals; The Road Map To And In Wealth; Learn why there is a certain way in which you should set your goals. What are goals really supposed to be for? Goals get you thinking in the right way to wealth. Goals focus your thoughts, format them in the right way for the universe, and keep your images consistent and nonrandom. Hence, there is a right way to set goals. A lot has been said before on the importance of setting goals. This is nothing new. What you are about to now see, however, is quite likely new to you. Setting goals is well enough, but setting goals correctly is tremendously powerful. Welcome to the world of powerful goals! You will now see how you should set goals to get to wealth fast… (See pp. 72-87, Audios 12,13,14)Learn All About Being: First Cause, The Beginning; Being is state, such as being happy. You cannot explain state, or can you do a state. You can only be a state. You cannot do happiness; you can only be happiness or be happy. Creation works as follows: being causes thinking, which causes speaking, which causes doing, which puts in place the system to receive and experience what you created in your being and thinking. Being is the First Cause. Finally, learn how to first be, then attract, then have wealth and everything that comes with it that your heart desires… (See pp. 88-96, Audios 15,16)The Truth About Acting: That Which Receives; “By thought, the thing you want comes to you, by acting you receive it.” –Wallace D. Wattles, Author, The Science of Getting Rich. In this chapter we explore where acting fits into the puzzle of creating wealth. Contrary to popular belief, acting is not the most important part of creating wealth. It is a vital part, but just a piece of a much larger puzzle. Here’s the truth about this important piece, the other pieces and the puzzle… (See pp. 97-102, Audio 17)The Truth About Certainty: The Most Powerful Force And The Antidote To Failure; Certainty, faith, belief, is a necessary part of creating wealth or anything else for that matter. It is that which gives the universe a go-ahead to do as you wish it to do. You see, you cannot become a state without certainty, for such becoming is unbecoming. You cannot be happy if you are unsure that you are happy. You also cannot create goals without certainty, not only in their accuracy but also in their coming to reality for you. This chapter will help you become the certain manifestor you were born to be… (See pp. 103-111, Audios 18,19)Did You Know?: The word Power comes from Latin root posse, which means to be able.How Cause And Effect Really Work To Create Wealth In Your Life: The Prime Law Of The Universe; Here is the most important law of the universe. Here is a prime key to wealth consciousness. If you live by this, you cannot fail to get wealth. The understanding and living by the law of cause and effect guarantees that you will never fail to cause the events you wish to experience, and your predicting outcomes and knowing the real causes of your situations. Follow the instructions in the chapter to learn this law well and understand conditions as explained in other chapters and you will be well on your way to wealth and happiness…! (See pp. 112-121, Audios 20,21)Here’s Why Conditions Are Just Fantastic Illusions That YOU Control; Your being wealthy already exists scientifically and spiritually. All you need to do is shift your awareness, your consciousness, to that part of you that is already wealthy. There are no conditions of that part existing—nothing can stop it from existing because it already exists. But you can create other outcomes that look like conditions. So a wealthy you and a non wealthy you all exist simultaneously, but you are experiencing only one of them, you are conscious, awake to, and aware of one. In this chapter, get ready to shift your awareness to the wealthy you…! (See pp. 122-133, Audios 22,23,24)Learn How To Unlock Your Personal Code For Success: You Can Never Fail; Concerning wealth, no condition has been more misrepresented than success and failure. Many people think you can either succeed or fail. Well, failure is yet another illusion, and success is all that there is. This is such a profound truth that you should make every effort to understand this chapter… (See pp. 134-138, Audio 25)“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” -US President, James MadisonUnderstand Why You Should Never Want: You May Desire, But Never Ever Want; In regards to wealth, the most important word to watch out for is want and all its equivalents. Wanting communicates to you and to the universe that you do not have something (first mistake) and that you are in a state of not having it but wishing you did (second mistake). The problem is compounded by the fact that wanting is a perpetual state. In itself, it has no finality. Think about it. You can never get what you want, never. It only looks like people get what they want, but they never really do so. Here’s why… (See pp. 139-143, Audio 26)Need A Hand To Discover Your True Life Purpose? Here’s Why Are You Here And Why This Is Essential To Wealth Consciousness; What is your purpose? Your purpose is separate from your goals. What is your purpose, why are you here? Only by knowing and declaring your purpose and holding it high every day can you move forward fast in the right direction to wealth for you, and have a great time doing so. The right question is, why did you choose to come here on earth? Finally, the help you need to help answer this… (See pp. 144-147, Audio 27)What Is This Consciousness Exactly? You Experience What You Are Awake To; This book is largely about wealth consciousness. But what is consciousness? It is being awake to something. Wealth consciousness is being awake to wealth. Wealth has always been there, of course, but you may not have been awake to it. You cannot experience what you are asleep to. Consciousness is the set of attributes and capabilities that enable you to be awake to a state of being or a set of experiences. So, my friend, wake up! – Here’s your wake up call… (See pp. 157-162, Audio 29)“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal — that there is no human relation between master and slave.” -Leo TolstoyWhat You Must Know About The Self – YOU: The Architect Of The Universe; It is now time to look at First Cause, that from which everything arises. Know thyself—so has it been said throughout the ages. Your Self, your spirit, or your soul, whatever you are used to referring to it as, is the real you. The rest are just your tools. Your personality and body and ego are just temporary tools of your Self, that which will always remain even after you drop everything else. Your Self is First Cause of your entire world. Any state you find yourself in must be caused by Self. Your thoughts come from your Self. Your desires come from your Self. Can you think of anything in the world that does not arise from the spirit? Even wealth has First Cause, Here’s how to identify yourself in it… (See pp. 163-185, Audios 30,31,33,34)The Proven Methods To Experience Real Abundance: You Can Have It All and In Fact, You Already Do; You are one with the Source, one with All That Is. This makes you abundant. At your highest level, you are naturally ever-presently abundant—there is nothing you have to do, and you cannot be anything other than abundant. Here we look at aspects of this abundance and how to make it materialize in your life. You are One with All That Is… (See pp. 191-197, Audio 36)Learn This Vital Truth About Money: How To Use The Symbol, Its Deepest Secrets And How You Fit In Finally Revealed; Money is not the real thing; it is only a symbol of the real wealth inside us. Even though money is not the real thing, we still need to know how to use this money. It is a full circle, a full cycle. It is the end of many other things that make up wealth consciousness, but it is the beginning of the experiencing of wealth consciousness as material wealth. Money is a symbol of wealth and the beginning of the experiencing of wealth, so that we may know how wealth tastes like experientially. Here you will learn the two primary uses of money and how you must use the symbol… (See p. 211, Audios 39,40,41,42)Click The ‘PLAY’ Button Below For An Instant Free-Sample Of Part 1(length 9m, 04s – turn up your speakers!):Part 2 of The Life & Wealth Freedom Pack -Save your life, each and every day!:Get ready to have it all come together! The Purpose of this important part of your Life & Wealth Pack is to Save Your Life! J Well, actually it’s 13 steps to Life & Wealth Freedom. 13 powerful steps to help you release yourself from littleness and suffering; negative thoughts and experiences; fears; feelings of insufficiency; conflicts; lack and shortages, and worries – and to do so every day until it becomes natural. Listen or read this life saver daily – in the morning and evening – and keep it in mind all day as you go through your life.It is designed to work with part 1 of your Life & Wealth Freedom Pack to increase your peace of mind and life fulfillment through understanding and activating your true powerful Self. It is a step in leading you out of struggle and into abundance and peace. This is where you seal the deal and sore to the highest levels – permanently – consciously:Step 1: How To Predict Your Results By Understanding Your World; Understanding how your world comes into being, and your exact role in it, is what will begin to get you out of the trap of suffering and shortage, and into freedom and abundance. Here, you will discover Nobel Prize winning scientific, and spiritual evidence that you are at cause for everything in your world – and that you can change the effect at any time…. (See step 1, Audio 2)Step 2: How To Understand Your Power And Think Yourself To Wealth; Source Thought has infinite creative ability, and You being an extension of source Thought, your Thought has the same power. That is why you can achieve whatever you believe, and even right now as we speak you are achieving exactly what you believe in most. This rule is never broken. However, due to the exclusive nature of being pinpointed in time by means of a physical body, we have forgotten What We Really Are. Here, you’ll remember… (See step 2, Audio 3)Step 3: How To Be Certain – The Key To Having The Wealth You Desire; For anything that you wish to be, be that state first, Now, Here, just like that. And the world will follow. Being is closely related to believing. Be Wealth and Wealth will be. Here’s how…. (See step 3, Audio 4)Did You Know?: The word Abundance comes from a Latin root meaning “to move in waves, undulate, flow.” The natural bountiful wave energy dance of the universe.Step 4: You Must Understand The Creation Process; And when you do, you no longer doubt, but know and even predict outcomes to create your wealth, consciousness and all areas of life. You already master the creation process. But it’s understanding it that puts you in control of your creations. Lets get started!… (See step 4, Audio 5)Step 5: Abide By The (#1) Law And Wealth Creation Is Child’s Play; The law of cause and effect is the prime law that runs the universe. It is the number one law. Every spiritual and scientific teacher has sought to teach it. They may have said you reap what you sow, or you get what you give, or what goes around comes around, or karma, or consequences, or every action has an equal and opposite reaction, or many other similar statements. Sit back as Bob Doyle explains this vital law of life and create your world your way…. (See step 5, Audio 6)Step 6: Understand Suffering, Happiness And Joy If Real Wealth Is What You Long For; Once you are present in the Now, and are aware of and in touch with your Self, the joy will be everywhere in you and it will never cease. It has always been, and can never ‘not be’, but you can be blind to it by not being Here, Now, fully present. Understand this and remove the limits that keep wealth out of your reach…. (See step 6, Audio 7)Did You Know?: The word Profit comes from Latin meaning “to make progress.”Step 7: What Is ‘Level Confusion’ And Why It Matters; Confusion can be the reason you have yet to reach the wealth consciousness levels you desire. A lot of suffering and ‘failure’ comes from level confusion. What are the levels again? They are Being, Thought, Word, Action, Physical Form (Body). When we say Body, I don’t just mean your body, we mean all physical things, including your body. Considering again that Cause and Effect is the prime law that runs the universe, let us now take a closer look at each individual level…. (See step 7, Audio 8.)Step 8: Understand ‘Infinite Loops’ And Their Starts; There are a few ‘loops’ you need to be aware of. These loops govern your life and it is important that you recognize them. Here they are… (See step 8, Audio 9)Step 9: Know Your Eternal History And Ego And You Will Have An Explanation Of Why Mind Can Be Against You; Understanding is what gives you power and releases you from your fears and limitations. This is why you need to understand your ego and its origins, for it is responsible for a lot of the pain you go through, especially financial pain. Here’s the story…. (See step 9, Audio 10)Step 10: Know What Can Never Save You Permanently And What Can; Have you noticed how your situations keep repeating themselves until you undergo a major breakthrough? For example, some people are always having money problems. When they fix one, sometime later another crops up and with some people it’s relationship problems. This is why… (See step 10, Audio 11)“Those few who can understand the system (check book money and credit) will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be little opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.”-The Rothschild Brothers of LondonStep 11: Know That There Is No Level Of Difficulty; This is so simple that it may escape your understanding unless you take time to consider it. So please consider it carefully: Every thought is a cause that has an effect at some level. That is the power of our thoughts and beliefs. Reality is abundant, peaceful and fully powerful, but the illusions are of scarcity and suffering. When we drop an illusion, Reality is naturally already there waiting to be uncovered; to be chosen over the illusion. Here’s how to understand this and move past any wealth creation and other difficulty you’ve experienced up to this point…. (See step 11, Audio 12)Step 12: Know Why You Are Here; Why would you build a house? To live in it, of course. Why would you buy a car? To drive it, of course. So, why do you think Spirit; The Source, created you? The answer is obvious, but your ego resists it and once you can see through ego’s illusions, you are free to move forward with your desires and purpose… (See step 12, Audio 13)Step 13: How To Internalize All That You’ll Learn; Here’s how to make sure you internalize and become the new you with this information. This may surprise you…1 (See step 13, Audio 14)Click The ‘PLAY’ Button Below For An Instant Free-Sample Of Part 2(length 7m, 32s – turn up your speakers!):And There’s Even More:    Learn About One, All That Is And How It Relates To Your Wealth Consciousness. Hint; You’re It!    (See p. 185, Audio 35)    Finally Learn Why There Is NO Way To Happiness, But Happiness IS The Way: Life Is Joy And Joy Is Life;    (See p. 198, Audios 37,38)    Learn To Receive, But First Through Giving: It’s What It’s All About;


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