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David Grissafi – The Stubborn Fat Solution

David Grissafi – The Stubborn Fat Solution [ 1 Book – PDF ].pdf
[ 1 Book – PDF ]


EVERYONE walking the face of this earth has an abundance offat cells throughout their bodies. In fact, if you’re a healthyadult with normal body composition, you have approximately30 billion fat cells. This is an astronomical number when youthink about it. Did you ever wonder why you have so many?Have you ever wondered what those fat cells are for?Fat Cells Are Genetically ProgrammedThe answer is, fat cells are part of our genetic code and theyenable us to use stored energy when food is scarce. This survivalmechanism works very much the same today as it did 10,000years ago. However, there is an abundance of food in modernsociety today, and we no longer need to store so much fat tosurvive.When you consume too many calories, your body goes intostorage mode for the “lean times,” so to speak, but the leantime never comes. So your body simply stores those extracalories as fat. When you eat fewer calories than your bodydemands, your cells release stored fat for energy. Pretty simpleequation; however, not all fat is the same.


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