David Grove & B.I. Panzer – Resolving Traumatic Memories: Metaphors and Symbols in Psychotherapy
David Grove & B.I. Panzer – Resolving Traumatic Memories (1989)(OCR).pdf
[1 ebook (PDF)]
This new exclusive material is the result of the “Training Attention-Systemic Modelling” group buy.This group buy forum is listed at: Traumatic Memories: metaphors and Symbols in PsychotherapyAuthor: David Grove & B.I. PanzerPublished: 1989Book Description: 279 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.The purpose of this book is to present therapists with guidelines for a disciplined use of language that allows the information born of traumatic experience to be resolved and transformed. This approach values the infrastructure of client’s language as the primary source that both defines the pathology and contains the seeds of healing. Freeing the client’s experience out of secondary processing language of words into primary processing language of metaphor, symbol, and imagery often brings the experience to life without retraumatizing the client. The procedure makes the experience malleable and amenable to change.This book constitutes a complete description of a new approach to producing breakthrough sessions with clients. The special emphasis is on rape, child abuse and incest. In addition the treatment of various phobias is discussed and the resolution of a case of unwanted love is reported in considerable detail. Six breakthrough sessions with six different clients are presented verbatim.New discoveries relating to the four different ways that clients formulate their complaints are reported.On the basis of these discoveries a new therapeutic language – “clean language”- is formulated for the therapist ‘s clinical use. The use of clean language elicits trance without induction, enables the clients to discover the infrastructure of their complaints and permits the therapist to communicate with nonconscious functions. Using clean language resistance is not evoked, and a healing evolution of the memories, metaphors, symbols and semantic constructs underlying the client’s disturbance is facilitated. Breakthrough sessions are frequently obtained. In many cases clients provide all the ingredients, knowledge, and energy for their own healing.Two websites about Clean Language materials are at:http://www.cleanlanguage.co.uk/&http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_LanguagePlease keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to ddelias for starting this group buy and to everyone who supported the “Training Attention-Systemic Modelling” group buy.This group buy forum is listed at:: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute These are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen
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