David K. Reynolds – Pools of Lodging for the Moon – Strategy for a Positive Life-Style
David K. Reynolds – Pools of Lodging for the Moon – Strategy for a Positive Life-Style
[ eBook – 1 PDF , 1 JPEG ]
**** elib.tech Exclusive ****Help us keep elib.tech all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib.tech awesome! GB Status : CLOSED GB Page : Joseph Riggio – HACKING PERCEPTION :: The Series GB The strategy for positive living in this book may not turn you into an extraordinary person. But it could help you keep from bumping into yourself as you go about achieving your natural potential. Too often we interfere with our own progress. We hang onto what we no longer need. We dwell on our inadequacies. We daydream ourselves into inaction. We fear our propensity to fail.We don’t have to be this way. There is a way to accept our imperfections while Betting on with life, while working to achieve our goats using the flawed instruments of ourselves. And the byproduct of this approach toward productive living is a rebuilt character, less neurotic misery, a genuine chance at success. lt’s worth a try. lt requires purposeful attention and effort. But, as that Japanese physician named Morita put it, “Effort Is Success.”So, Constructive Living is not really a method to cure anything, it is rather a means of acquiring life wisdom. lt is applicable to everyone, acceptable to some, and applied by a few. You can usually tell who they are.Let s get on with it.https://www.amazon.com/dp/0688112781/
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