David L. Yeung, Idamarie Laquatra – The Heinz Handbook of Nutrition, 9 Ed
heinz 2003 handbook of nutrition
[1 eBook – PDF]
PREFACEThe Ninth Edition of Heinz Nutritional Data (now renamedHeinz Handbook of Nutrition) is a continuation of work started in1934, when the H.J. Heinz Company published the first editionof “Nutritional Charts”. This classic brochure of descriptive andtabular information relating to the nutritive value of foods wascompiled for the guidance of physicians, nutritionists, dietitians,public health workers and home economists to aid them indevising diets for both the sick and healthy.Through twelve editions, “Nutritional Charts” grew rapidly inscope and volume until it became necessary to change the formatto book form. Thus, in 1949 HEINZ NUTRITIONAL DATAbecame the greatly expanded successor to the original“Nutritional Charts” incorporating much additional materialfrom the fields of food, nutrition, biochemistry and medicine.Nine editions and several revised printings attest to the wide andfavorable reception given this publication. Most gratifying hasbeen its adoption as a teaching aid by certain medical schools inthis country. In this new edition, the RDAs have been replacedwhere available with the DRIs. Furthermore, a new chapter onFunctional Foods has been added. This reflects the currentinterest in this area of nutrition. It is our hope that the HEINZHANDBOOK OF NUTRITION, the title which better reflectsthe content of the book, will continue to be a useful referencemanual for those concerned with the theory and practice of thescience of nutrition.
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