David R Hawkins – Devotional Nonduality Intensive 2005 Video Lectures (Audio)
David Hawkins-Devotional Nonduality (Audio)
[30 MP3s, 3 PDFs]
This is the audio only 192 kbps.Video Here: R. Hawkins – Devotional Non-Dualitythe Direct Pathway to Enlightenment10 Lectures, February-December 2005, Sedona, ArizonaLecture 1: Vision (3 mp3s) – February 2005In this lecture, Dr. Hawkins addresses the differences between content and context; how things occur in our lives; the ego; and witnessing. He explains the purpose and characteristics of meditation and the somewhat dualistic nature of it.He talks about the emotions that exist above and below 200, the state of bliss, the awareness of one’s existence, the linear and the nonlinear realities, how truth threatens that which is false, and why we cannot hate the ego. He explains how we pick up the energy of a field when we identify with it and what happens after that.He says that those listening to the lecture are picking up the energy of truth and sending it out to the world because they are destined to be enlightened. We have the choice to curse or thank God as we are shown the karma from previous lives. He explains the state of being a witness.Dr. Hawkins gives a new perspective to alcoholism and how it can be a pathway to an advanced state of consciousness. He addresses the concept of cause and effect vs. concordance. We are pulled toward enlightenment for we are destined to experience it.At the end of the lecture, Dr Hawkins answers questions from the audience.Lecture 2: Alignment (3 mp3s) – April 2005Dr. Hawkins explains that everything is spontaneously being what it is and that nothing is causing anything. He talks about the pathway of negation and the Void, and goes into detail about karmic inheritance and how it affects our lives.Of great benefit is the information he supplies about relationships and the levels upon which they may exist, including the qualities of horizontal and vertical relationships (i.e., alignment vs. involvement).He goes into detail about the ego, how it loves suffering, loss, hatred, and even grieving, and the “juice” it gets out of that. We learn why it is so difficult to get out of that negativity and addiction to it. He then states that we have only one problem preventing us from reaching enlightenment and talks about the tenacity of the ego and why it is so hard to transcend it.Dr. Hawkins informs us about guilt, hate, and anxiety and that people hold on to those emotions because of the payoff. He states that there is really only one way out of the hold the ego has on us. He addresses humility, using kinesiology to determine what makes us go “weak” and to avoid it.The value and method of surrender is presented in detail. He talks about the joy of our own existence and how it plays out in our lives, along with spirituality and the world of the nonlinear.He goes into further detail about the qualities of aligned relationships and the power of spiritual alignment. He explains why this world offers maximum karmic opportunity. He reveals the source of joy and why the ego itself cannot transcend to a state of enlightenment. He elaborates on an understanding of the ego, its positionalities, and why renouncing the experience of its “juice” is beneficial.Dr. Hawkins tells us about the experiencer and what it does to make us feel alive. He then talks about Love as a quality of Divinity.At the end of the lecture, he answers questions from the audience regarding challenges that come up on the spiritual path, karmic blockages, the availability of spiritual growth opportunities, suffering to achieve spiritual growth, and kinesiology.Lecture 3: Intention (3 mp3s) – May 2005What you hold in mind tends to manifest. The effect of intention depends on the consciousness level. Choice is your intention, which is a way of saying where you are in the field. The power of intention is an effect of the field. Spiritual intention attracts higher energy fields which are experienced as grace.Becoming is the process whereby potentiality becomes actuality when the conditions are appropriate. One condition that comes up is intention. Potentiality doesn’t become an actuality until you add the ingredient of intention. The minute you add intention, that potentiality blossoms forth as an actuality. All it was waiting for is your Okay.Everything happens spontaneously of its own as a consequence of potentiality emerging as actuality. So you don’t see change. What you see is emergence. Phenomena come and go as potentiality becomes actuality when local conditions are favorable. With intention we can influence potentiality manifesting as actuality. The mere intention to progress in one’s level of consciousness, to become more and more spiritually evolved is already very powerful. In respect to the power of intention, what about the consciousness level of the observer? Could be that some people‘s consciousness level is not sufficiently strong to very seriously effect the outcome. However other people’s consciousness level is very powerful and they could profoundly effect outcomes.At the end of the lecture, Dr Hawkins answers questions from the audience.Lecture 4: Transcending Barriers (3 mp3s) – June 2005Dr. Hawkins begins by stating he is presenting spiritual truth within a new context for the modern world in order to validate it. He asks of what relevance to today’s world is what happened 2,000 years ago when people’s lives were quite different from those of today. He shares how consciousness research creates a context that is comprehensible to modern man.Next, Dr. Hawkins explains where Truth lies, how it is not subject to error, and why it is the Absolute. He reveals that it was mind boggling to discover that everything that ever was, anything from the past or present, can be accessed at this moment in time – all exists completely everywhere all the time. He then presents the concepts of content and context. With this and more, he explains how the book Power vs. Force came into existence.He then describes how consciousness is independent of the body; the differences between near-death and out-of-body experiences; and how Truth appears differently at each level of conscious awareness. He further describes the Map of Consciousness and the characteristics of its various levels. He talks about karma, the “meaning” of something, consequences, and how to use the method of kinesiology to find out what is for one’s highest good in any situation.He explains why the world did not self-destruct eons ago, and why it is not doing so now; why this is a world of maximum karmic opportunity and how we can benefit; and about being responsible for our actions and how to evolve beyond them. He tells us that the animal kingdom is a wonderful example of evolution and why.Dr. Hawkins then discusses spiritual commitment, intention, and their relationship to enlightenment; love versus logic; and the development and existence of an etheric brain. He introduces the concept of the payoff (the “juice”) that keeps us stuck at a certain level of consciousness. The only reason we stick with something negative is due to the “juice,” and our addiction to it. He reveals the way out in detail.We learn how to do an honest self-inventory, and that we do not have to change others, just ourselves, in order to experience the world and people differently. We see how the ego keeps itself alive and why. Dr. Hawkins shares how to bring in the Kundalini energy and what effect it has in our lives.He presents the dualities of Guilt and Hate, how we get stuck in them, and how to work our way out. He discusses the role of fear in our lives, names the basic fears, and teaches us how to surrender them. He emphasizes the process of constant surrendering to God and the benefits that arise from that. Dr. Hawkins also states that God does not intervene unless asked. He then discusses the justice of God; why we procrastinate; the role intention plays in transformation; and the source of devotion.The presentation concludes with questions from the audience that bring further clarification on the subjects presented during the lecture and in the book, Power vs. Force.Lecture 5: Conviction (3 mp3s) – July 2005Dr. Hawkins begins this lecture by talking about the spiritual ego and how we have to constantly be aware that it wants to take credit for everything. Then he describes some general differences between the people who are below consciousness level 200 and those above 200. He notes that the kundalini energy begins to flow above level 200.Dr. Hawkins then goes into detail about the value of collective prayer and its effect on mankind, such as occurred in 1987 at the time of the Harmonic Convergence, and in 2003, at the time of the Harmonic Concordance. He discusses the origin of life, the characteristics of the ego, the role of the experiencer, and the job of the core of the ego. He lets us know why do not have to feel guilty about having an ego.At level 200, there is a major recontextualization in which anger and rage are no longer welcome. The next major recontextualization occurs at level 500, and Dr. Hawkins describes what happens at this time. He discusses spiritual intention and its relation to outcome. He shows us how poverty, unemployment, etc., are related to the level of consciousness, not to social conditions directly.Next, Dr. Hawkins reveals some of the challenges that arise as one starts the spiritual process and how to handle them. He addresses the changes when one moves from the linear paradigm below 500 to the nonlinear paradigm above 500, and the role of intention. He presents the concepts of contemplation and meditation and the differences between them. He clearly describes two kinds of meditative practice and how to incorporate them into daily living. He also explains how contemplation can become a way of life and gives the steps necessary to accomplish that.Dr. Hawkins discusses self-condemnation, wallowing in guilt, and how to get beyond it. He reveals the purpose of a secret, along with the purpose of this world as being the maximum karmic opportunity to maximize our level of consciousness and deal with karma. We learn how to bond with the heart of all humanity and how to bring about peace.We then learn the truth about “free speech” as exercised in the U.S. today; that the world is perfect as it is and why; that life cannot be destroyed; and that it is impossible for death to actually occur. Dr. Hawkins explains why the things that calibrate at 500 and above are not provable. He also addresses the condition of the Void as seeming to be “the ultimate,” what is missing, and why it can be a trap.Dr. Hawkins then presents the value of humor, how it reflects the human condition, its role in our lives, and its Divine nature.The lecture closes with questions from the audience being answered by Dr. Hawkins.Lecture 6: Serenity (3 mp3s) – August 2005Dr. Hawkins discusses several concepts in this lecture, including the fact that Unconditional Love is a very practical goal in the nonlinear domain, and that it is reachable. He explains that at level 600, we experience phenomena in a different way and provides examples of this.He then discusses the concept of cause and effect, including the components of emergence and intention and how they relate scientifically to the Heisenberg principle, which he further explains, along with the differences between actuality and potentiality.Dr Hawkins compares humans with animal life, shows how the opportunities for power within the self are infinite, and explains the how the level of consciousness affects manifestation in our lives. He goes into detail about kinesiology as a research tool, how to use it, and emphasizes that calibration levels are not written in stone and why they can vary.There is a discussion concerning the positionalities of “I can’t” and “I won’t” and how the ego thrives on the juice of positions, even to the point of being willing to die for them. He then talks about how long it takes to become enlightened, how the mind is unable to tell truth from falsehood, how we are influenced by every choice we make, and the justice of God.Dr. Hawkins reveals the truth about “serenity” and why that state seems like suicide to the ego. He talks about politics, the difference between sympathy and empathy, the purpose of human life, and how people choose the perceptions and emotions of the ego. He tells us that God said there has got to be maximum karmic opportunity for all to evolve. He reveals that the brain processes information differently for people below level 200 and why and then introduces the existence of the “etheric brain” in people above level 200, along with its characteristics and the role it plays in our lives.People think they are attached to the world, and Dr. Hawkins tells us why that is not correct. He informs us of what people are attached to and how to let go of those attachments. He also talks about what is needed to break an addiction and that being rich or poor is relatively irrelevant in our lives. He adds that there is safety in being ordinary.He talks about the media feeding frenzy over free speech; the essence of Divinity; how to overcome the fear of death; the unfolding of creation; predestination; thankfulness; and how to open the door to the real Self so that one’s life becomes a prayer.The presentation concludes with answers to questions from the audience concerning the dream state; the “straight and narrow path”; the value of 12-step groups; the experience of frequent crying; death; energy states; spiritual pride; conflict in the workplace; the meaning of “surrender”; some techniques for investigating past lives, and more.Lecture 7: Transcending Obstacles (3 mp3s) – September 2005In this presentation, Dr. Hawkins tells why it is valuable to live life in a contemplative style, what it means to do so, and the role of thinkingness in that state. He explains why catastrophes offer the full expression of karmic potential.He talks about the characteristics of the skeptic and skepticism, passivity, why there is no such thing as an accident, and the relationship between science and theology. He explores the concept of potentiality and how it becomes actuality.Dr. Hawkins then reveals how a contemplative lifestyle leads to nondualistic understanding and discusses the role of intention in spiritual evolution. He shares what it means to be with the silence in contrast to thinkingness. He explains the role of thinkingness in our lives, how the ego thrives on the juice it gets out of it, and how to give up the self-indulgence that arises.The existence of the “experiencer” comes into play as well as the concept of surrender, which Dr. Hawkins discusses in detail. He shows us the way to reach a state of serenity, and how to overcome the obstacles that block Enlightenment. H to understand the role of the ego throughout the process.He talks about the level of happiness; the meaning of commitment to spirituality; humility; strength; attractions and aversions; near-death experiences; fear; guilt; the dualities of shame; and gift of life. He shows how the hypothetical is always wrong and how we deny the Divinity within ourselves.Dr. Hawkins then gives guidance on how to receive answers for any question we may have. He explains in detail what it means to practice spiritual principles and what one must do to reach higher states of consciousnessIn the question-and-answer session at the end of the lecture, Dr. Hawkins goes into greater detail regarding surrender, attachments, karmic “stacks,” and payoffs. He also discusses the benefits of a mentor or spiritual counselor.He also puts the experience of a “good” day and a “bad” day into perspective, showing the benefits of a “bad day. Dr. Hawkins concludes the presentation by answering other questions from the audience.Lecture 8: Spiritual Traps (3 mp3s) – October 2005Dr. Hawkins begins with spiritual traps and how they can block our movement toward a state of Enlightenment. He then talks about evolution and creation and the need to transcend the Newtonian paradigm of cause and effect. He then explains how potentiality becomes an actuality, and why we are not seeing causality. He tells why we hold to the Newtonian paradigm of the level of the 400s.Dr. Hawkins talks about the value of love versus possession, and the trap of rejecting the source of happiness. He shows us the advantage of being okay with conditions as they are and how to get to that place. He shares the conditions of attachment/suffering and value/nonattachment. He shares why mystique, mentalization, and becoming enamored of the “spiritual” are traps, and why Unconditional Love at level 540 is so rare.During this lecture, a group of men arrived to play the bagpipes for the audience to give the experience of how valor feels at level 535. Dr. Hawkins talks about the emotions that come forth at this level and explains the true meaning of valor. He calls it a bonding experience for the audience.Next, Dr. Hawkins discusses the general misunderstanding of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the challenges that have arisen from that. He reveals how we get brainwashed without even knowing it and the role of the media in the process. He talks about the error in putting the source of our survival on something outside ourselves.He reveals that at a certain level of consciousness, things can be picked up from the collective unconscious and cause excruciating pain. He then shares what to do when this happens. We eventually arrive at a state where we do not care what our colleagues think about us as long as we are in integrity.Dr. Hawkins reminds us that Enlightenment begins at level 600. He talks about what gives our thoughts power; how things manifest; how to remove anxiety in our lives; why we do not get out of the ego; and the difference between animal energy and spiritual energy, and when it arises. He reminds us about the power of what we hold in mind and how to be happy; about what we have to “give up”; about individual will power; and about what happens the instant we surrender completely to God.There is discussion about the calibratable level of consciousness at birth; being ready to hear the truth; and learning what one can do in this life. Dr. Hawkins explains why death is not a possibility, and why we should not try to force the rising of the Kundalini energy.He then answers questions from the audience about prayer, surrender, the individual soul, karmic responsibility and personal accountability, the possibility of the raising of consciousness due to the Unity Day of Prayer, reincarnation, dealing with a dark spirit, how to handle someone’s negative treatment, despair and faith, fear, and more.Lecture 9: Valid Teachers and Teachings (3 mp3s) – November 2005Dr Hawkins here explains Truth vs. Falsehood. He lists verified teachers from 400 up, but LOC doesn’t mean one is better over another, start where you belong and move on. Heck, you can follow the principles of the Boy & Girl Scouts (450) morals based on traditional America – very different from today where the media has been the biggest drive of the decline of morality. Have intuitive understanding of something greater than yourself, be grateful you are human! Spiritual practice is not just reading about it, it’s living it, spiritual principles must became operative. “It’s not what you know, it’s what you become.” Also… dictators, power, spiritual seduction of glamor, freedom, being good humored, and suicide.Before closing, Dr. Hawkins answers questions from the audience.Lecture 10: God, Religion, and Spirituality (3 mp3s) – December 2005Dr. Hawkins begins this lecture by sharing that when we discover there is something beyond the mind, the spiritual quest starts. It can be an arduous undertaking, and to assist us, he wrote the book, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness,” which reveals how to make a spiritual ideal an experiential reality. He also lets us know that kinesiology is very useful as a research tool but is not essential for enlightenment, so if it doesn’t work for us, we shouldn’t worry about it.He reminds us that consciousness, evolution, and creation are still evolving. He explains the essence of power, along with spiritual integrity and why life can only originate from life. He also gives a brief review of kinesiology.Dr. Hawkins talks about the nature of happiness, reviews calibrations of various religious church offices and various religious denominations. He discusses a variety of spiritual practices and their characteristics. He talks about various yogas, the different Buddhistic sects, and several spiritual texts. He covers the White Brotherhood, Indigo Children, Celestial Prophecy, the Da Vinci Code, and more.He talks about being clear of guilt with regard to erroneous belief systems, and how we pick things up from the unconscious belief systems of mankind. He lets us know that there would be no point to this incarnation if the future could be predicted, and why this world of karmic opportunity is so valuable to us. Dr. Hawkins continues with the calibrations of the components of the Bible, the calibrations of historical and modern spiritual sites, and explains why they are at those levels.At the end of the lecture, Dr. Hawkins answers questions from the audience in detail. The topics here include a discussion about the common experience of Grief and how to release it; the emergence of potentiality as actuality; the definition of Compassion and how it allows us to see the Divinity of all Creation; the purpose and benefits of A Course in Miracles; a person’s karmic opportunities and choices and how not to interfere with that; sexual appeal, addiction, 12-step groups, and prayer; the possible disadvantages of intervention; desire as a negation; wantingness; work choices; and benevolence.Other answers relate to karmic destiny; the act of surrender; the Garden of Eden; artistic activity; staying in the world vs. leaving the world; the role of projection; why spiritual intention pulls up negative karma; awareness and continuity, and more.
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