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David Sereda – Quantum You –
[2 CDs – MP3,12 eBooks – PDF]


Description” Quantum You “Learn To Play The Great Computer Game On Earth – Awakening Your Very Own Self – To Your Max’The Law Of Attraction’ Plus, Plus, Plus ‘9’ Other Related – ‘Secrets’ – By Dr. Lynn & son David Sereda. Warning – Copyright: are the exclusive copyright holder of this material inclusively of all website content and design contained herein. Every idea contained in these pages have been both copyright & trademark Protected plus ccd to our legal team at Hopkins & Clary’s. Reproduction in any form or by any means including right-click-copy is strictly forbidden. may not be reproduced or adapted in whole or in part for commercial or industrial purposes with the consent of the author. Thanks very much to the advent of modern computer generated imagery – We hold these inalienable inner truths, ‘Life’, ‘Liberty’ & the pursuit of ‘Happiness’ – to be self-evident with all due respect to every human being ever born here – on our space ship Earth! Which is why we (at are completely dedicated toward helping every one we can, including ourselves. To develop our ability to manifest as much ‘Life’, & ‘Liberty’ in the relation to the ‘Pursuit of Our Much Totally Deserved – Happiness’ – as we possibly can! In the most inwardly profound penetrative sense – that the deepest meaning of these words can ever imply! Based on what we observe to be the way our very own – potentially positive brilliant – next generation total fulfillment oriented – ‘Whole Found Quantum Level Internal Processor’ – ‘Within’. Has actually been designed / evolved – to help us all actually realize exactly these ‘3’, most fundamental, innermost human longings – within us. Insofar as we will just take the responsibility required to clear ourselves of all those interfering viruses, which keep clouding or veiling our way toward our much clearer – way more unlimited potentials. To actually realize the very fullest sense of ‘Life’, ‘Liberty’ & a true found ‘Happiness’ within our very own beings, which we all of us at core – so much keep finding ourselves longing for. Insomuch as modern scientific inquiry is helping us to ever more know. That the more we encourage our own pure awareness principle to enter into that clearest level of pure quantum energy found to exist at the very underlying, to infinity & beyond lying Quantum Core – of all existence itself. The more we are discovering in relation to our very own very fullest possible ability to truly stand whole-sum-ly within. Exactly what these above immutable truths imply inside our most truly alive and thus most awakened possible fully quantum empowered state of being. With the utmost respect to how these inner principles apply to yes-we-do have the possibility to help ourselves invent / create the positively great life’s we not only keep longing for – but actually have been blessed to deserve. For example, thanks to modern leading edge scientific knowledge. We already know that to the extent we develop patterns of emotional avoiding and denying. Or other than wise resisting entering totally into our every own felling & emotional or vital energetic side of our nature. We thereby tend to keep losing more and more of our most vital real radiant alive possible – inner ‘life’ force. Which amounts to the very energy we require too much more fully power up our positively one-der-ful – ‘quantum level’ solution enabled processors – within. Whereas to the extent we go around merely ‘rationally logically thinking’ we already know everything about what ‘life’ is all about. We thereby tend to loose our ability to find that very sense of big mind awakened, positively huge whole life fulfillment oriented – inventive ‘liberty’. That comes with our ability to transcend being overly known it all ‘thought’. ‘idea’, ‘belief’, identified with every given so called ‘objective thing’ we ever abstract out of the unified field. As if to say these mere abstractions in themselves are now what we now consider to be what is real. The very opposite of that optimal sense of total creative ‘freedom’ we require to help ourselves be able effectively invent the great uniquely individual us – lives. We each of us in our own ways, in terms of our unique interests and talents – keep finding ourselves longing for! Such that to the extent we in any of these lesser than clear feeling & emotional, or mere linear sequential rational / logical limiting ways – of and by themselves. Keep going around ‘separating and dividing ourselves out’ of what amounts to ‘the larger singular most – quantum whole’. Including from our most integral possibility to actually be complete whole field of awareness unified, no longer mere left-brain / right brain divided, and thus much rather wholly integrated beings within. In the huge sense that more and more of us are now coming to realize that our hearts may very well be the very most intelligent core processing center – of our quantum level computers within. We thereby as a consequence of various levels of separation anxiety tend to shut down our capacity to true into the most fundamental underlying love hum harmonic nature – of the quantum field itself. Precisely in contradiction to, or against, those more awake ways within us that are designed / evolved to help us most full-on inspirationally – empower. The very core essence of who we in our most complete sense of quantum attuned total love of life wholly awaken beingness – really have the capacity to be! Wherein we have the possibility to much rather experience ourselves as being enabled to invent into reality, the whole happy, truly whole being fulfilled lives for ourselves, that we would all so love to have. And which we indeed have most graciously actually been designed / evolved to have. By way of helping ourselves to access that no-longer divided at-one-ment state within, which has the possibility to transcend being motivated by all kinds of one-up-man ship, better than or lesser than, me, me, me alone – at a cost towards whomever we may choose to run over – be dammed. In other words what this ultimately means, is that sooner hopefully than later. Each of us must become willing to take full response-ability to grow ourselves whole person integrated all up. In a direction that will enable us to re-open the whole of our beings completely – into a fully radiant state. Wherein we may now finally find ourselves ‘absolutely loving’ everything about – just what the very process of learning to co-creatively live out – whomever we most find ourselves wanting to be – to the fullest – is really all about. By way of learning how to clear through all those old inner held self sabotaging X self limiting: feeling & emotional resistive & thus evasive viruses; narrow band linear sequential only so called rational logical viruses; combined with all manner of hating & thus always at some level revengefully viruses. Which very much as consequence of these various inner held self contradictory and thus ultimately law of attraction self sabotaging patterns. Far to constantly tend to keep clouding our way forward by the force of their constantly attracting into our lives – exactly what we don’t want – in spite of our best intentions. What follows on the next page, is a quick summary outline for your preliminary understanding – within all due respect to just what our ‘9’ Secret Protocols of Awareness – Are All About. Here – Up-On Reading This Summary – Is A Positively Great Time To Order Now! Our2 Volume – ‘Quantum You’Incidentally, now that you get what our ‘quantum you’ empowering process is all about. We want you to know how much we do appreciate any support you may give us. Inasmuch as our next intention is too not only offer weekly q & a helpful guidance sessions on our website. As well as to also create a 9 level dvd internally oriented, holographical cartoon character image based, computer game. Along with a fantastic movie showing what happens to people when they grow fully up into their most effortlessly empowered vortices of light. So that we may finally show all of our children how they can learn to power up their internal processors within – into a totally actually inwardly experienced – actually quantum level empowered ability to manifest every one of their most whole person, total whole-sum, complete ful-fill-ment oriented dreams. ‘9 Special’ – Whole Being Progressive – Real ‘Life’, ‘Liberty’, & ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ – Self Empowering Protocols Designed To Help You Fully Mobilize Your – ‘Giant Quantum Wisdom Awakened’ – Total Fulfillment Enabled Wizard – ‘Within’. First – 3 Protocols To Help You Learn To Expand Your Own Inner Sense of Truly ‘Life’ Force Awake Aliveness To The Max – By Learning To Feel Every Emotion That Comes Your Way Fully. Level # 1 – ‘Really Getting-It’ – Initiating Wake-Ful-Ness too pure living Energy – By way of coming to fully internalize that being Here & Now aware Present – Is all about attuning your inner being so fully Alive – That you Now begin to always feel the thrilling whirl of pure Quantum Energy ‘Dancing & Hum Singing’ – It’s way all through You. Level # 2 – ‘Growing Vital Energetic Radiance’ – By learning to shift from feeling & emoting based on contractive fear – To feeling the same emotions within radiant Open-Ness – In such a way that you end up dissolving all Old Un-Necessary contractive – Self sabotaging energy losing Patterns. Level # 3 – Now For – ‘Total House Clearing’ One’s very best intentions of all Self Doubt – By way of discovering how to Trans-Form every old Familiar I-Can’t because I’m Not ________ Enough (fill in blank) – Tendency to emotional contract – Into it’s exact Yes I-Can now empower opposite. Next – 3 Protocols To Help You Open Your Full On Supra Logical – Big Mind Holographic Awareness Matrix – Into the Sense of Unlimited ‘Liberty’ Required For You To Be Enabled To Invent – The Absolutely Great Life For Your Self – & Everyone Around You – That You Long For. Level # 4 – Transcending beyond all Old Limits by ‘Expanding’ From Here ‘To Infinity & Beyond’ – In the greater sense of supporting your own pure Spirit Energy – To penetrate right inside the Quantum Energy Dynamics – Of so called separate from you ‘Things’ in the World Outside Your Self. Level # 5 – ‘Re-claiming’ – Your State of – ‘Innocent One-Der’ – By way of encouraging such a newfound Wow Wonder-filled pure energy appreciative Awareness – For the absolutely amazingly singular most level of Reality – Which keeps manifesting into form right under your very I – That you will now find your mind space truly open liberated – Well beyond the confines of your old limiting mere ideas. Level # 6 – ‘In-Stilling’ – One’s Now Soaring Essence Within – Into a Place of ‘Peace-Fully-Inspired Guidance’ – In such a way that one will now feel enabled to constantly activate one’s Inner Visionary Process of Holographic Insight – Toward helping one to generate one’s very best possible In the moment ongoing – Ever emergent truly Visionary positively greatest whole being oriented Solutions. Finally – 3 Last Protocols To Help You Center Your Awareness So Wholly Within The Very Heart Of Your Beyond Ordinary Sense of – ‘Quantum You’ – That You Find Your Whole Self Fully Able To Bloom Into The Positively Great – Total Above All Else ‘Real Pursuit of Happiness’ Enabled – Shining Super Star Person – You Were Most Exquisitely Designed/Evolved To Be. Level # 7 – ‘Fully Groking’ Full-On Heart-Awakened – ‘Totally Great-Ful Appreciation’ – By respecting every moment you are Here – In such a way that you now agree to engage the very core of you with all that appears to Manifest out of the Great Quantum Source – Right under your now much more fully appreciative ‘I’ – From within your most heartfelt resonant state of truly Reverent Loving Being. Level # 8 – ‘Mobilizing Your’ Most Precious’ Beyond Self Connected – ‘Giant Inner Yes I-Now Know How I-Can’ – Actually Fulfill ‘All of My Dreams’ – By way of constantly agreeing to trust enlist one’s own inner most whole field attuned – Yet uniquely You – Most One-Der-Ful great life oriented – Continuously positively brilliant Intuitive arising – In your flow zone – Wizard Within. Level # 9 – ‘Manifesting From Our Truly Great Mystery Source Connected’ – ‘& Thus Always in Our Flow Zone’ – ‘Most Effortless Vortex of Empowerment’ – By way of taking full Response-Ability – To Co-Creatively celebrate the sharing of our own special given talents – From within a state that is so truly ‘Huge Unbound Big Picture Attuned Unlimited’ – That our I-Am within now finds itself ‘Super Star’ enabled – To manifest from the larger context of whatever our core awakened totally in Love With Life – Whole Here & Now Being-Ness may now thus best intend. P.s – This author studied with Tom Stone author of Pure Awareness Techniques and some of the material is similar to that.


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