David Tian – How to Demolish Your Deepest Insecurities Using Honesty (21 Convention)
David Tian _ How to Demolish Your Deepest Insecurities
[Webrip -1 MP4]
This is David Tian’s talk given at the 21 convention. It is one of the best videos I have seen on how to deal with inner game issues in a practical way. This video also sets a nice foundation for his desire system available here: you like the videos please consider joining the GB for David Tian’s Limitless system. It is time sensitive and will be closing soon. Link to thread Tian, Ph.D., outlines his system of ‘psychological archaeology’ for destroying limiting beliefs. He then illustrates a powerful method for personality change that revolves around honesty.In this video, you will learn:- How to identify and overcome limiting beliefs.- How to express yourself with honesty and authenticity during your interactions with women.- What matters most for your personal and interpersonal happiness.This is the outline I gave out as a hand-out. It should come in handy as you watch the video.OUTLINE1. InnerPsychological Archaeology• Use R&R (Reflection and Reframing) to overcome Limiting Beliefs (LB)• LB => True or False• If False, then Reflect, Research, and Condition• If True, then can you change it? Yes or No?• If Yes, change it!• If No, then Reframe, Research, and Condition2. OuterA=S+HBeing Attractive = Emotional Strength + Honest-Cyclical Process of a) becoming strong and b) expressing yourself honestly-Former accomplished through repeated attempts at the latter“Being yourself ” requires that you first “know yourself ”Honesty is necessary for…a) Coming to terms with all your current weaknessesb) Discovering and deciding who you really want to be-You feel inside when something’s off-Genuine “Game”Know Thyself => What emotions are you feeling and why?-Be comfortable and content with your flaws-Admit to yourself and othersEmotion = Judgement/Thought/Belief/Interpretation + Phenomenology
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