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DBT Conference Practice-Based Intensive DBT Training

DBT Therapy Conference Practice-Based Intensive DBT Training
[12 MP4] [1 PDF]


***************************************************************Marsha Linehan Mega DBT Training Group Buy YEt another set of the Marsha Linehan Mega GB Project.Sharing it outside is absolutely forbidden *************************************************************** Dialectical Behavior Therapy Conference: Practice-Based Intensive DBT Training12 DVDs, 21 hours 55 mins with electronic manual & instructions.LANE PEDERSON, PSY.D.DBT has evolved from the go-to treatment for borderline personality disorder to one of the most recognized and sought after therapies for a variety of difficult to treat client problems. The increasing pressure to adopt treatments that work makes DBT skills and strategies a must-have for all types of therapists.This conference will teach you DBT from theory to application with up-to-date, accessible teaching and experiential exercises that emphasize evidence-based practice and therapeutic factors rather than rote adherence to a manual.In this seminar recording, therapists of all levels will learn DBT essentials to integrate into your own practice, to confidently practice from a DBT orientation, and to continue their own personal development as a DBT therapist.Grounding DBT into the contextual model of therapy, author and international speaker Lane Pederson, Psy.D., LP, DBTC will show you how to customize this empirically supported treatment across settings and populations to make it work for you and your clients.objectives:Developing the FoundationDescribe DBT from the contextual model of therapy    Evaluate DBT research in light of the contextual model and the Evidence-Based Practice of Psychology (EBPP)    Connect DBT philosophies and interventions to the therapeutic factors that most improve outcomes    Explain dialectic philosophies and their application in therapy    Demonstrate how the core assumptions of DBT are put into action    Explain how DBT theory drives interventions    Develop the fluid movement between validation and change strategies    Integrate mindfulness into therapy (and your own life)    Implement an effective therapy structure that includes identifying clear treatment targetsSkills Training    Effectively integrate skills training into therapy    Identify teaching strategies for skills training sessions    Effectively teach the 4 standard DBT skills modules    Explain and teach supplemental DBT skills and modules    Practice skills training techniques in small groups    Describe how to seamlessly integrate skills into individual therapyDBT Therapy    Summarize DBT from cognitive-behavioral, client-centered, and other approaches    Practice a multi-layered approach to validation    Balance validation with the most effective (and practical) methods of behavior change    Practice reciprocal and irreverent communication styles    Demonstrate the key differences between traditional cognitive interventions and DBT-style cognitive interventions    Practice therapy techniques with effective pacing, balance, and flow    Determine when to use (and not to use) exposure techniquesManaging Challenging Behaviors    Master DBT diary cards and chain (change) analysis    Effectively participate with consultative groups and treatment teams    Assess and manage self-injurious and suicidal behaviors with clear protocols and safety plans    Establish clear plans for hospitalizations    Establish a plan for your further development as a DBT therapist    Describe how you will use DBT in your practiceOutline:Developing the Foundation    Essentials of DBT        Explicit focus on validation        Cognitive-behavioral change strategies        Dialectical balance        Skills training        Mindfulness        Consultative approach    DBT and the Contextual Model        Understanding how therapy works        Six decades of empirical research        E vidence-based practice        Maximizing therapeutic factors, DBT-style    Dialectics in Practice        Dialectics explained        Dialectic assumptions        Dialectics in action    Core Assumptions of DBT        Acceptance and nonjudgmental stance        View of clients, therapists, and therapy        What’s needed in a DBT clinical process    Biosocial Model        Biosocial theory of difficulties        How theory drives therapy    Mindfulness and DBT        Mindfulness explained        Mindfulness of the approach        Mindfulness as a therapy technique        Mindfulness in life    Getting Started: Structuring Therapy        Structure as a therapeutic factor        Structuring the therapy environment        Identifying treatment targets: suicidality, self-injurious behavior (SIB), therapy-interfering behavior (TIB), and other targets    Making It Practical: Structuring Your Therapy or ProgramSkills Training    Skills Training        Integrating skills into therapy        Using skills to develop new behaviors    Mindfulness: The Path to Wise Mind        What skills: observe describe, participate        How skills: nonjudgmental, one-mindful, effectively        Mindfulness practice and application    Teaching Dialectics        Identify dialectical dilemmas        Activate Wise Mind action    Distress Tolerance        Wise mind ACCEPTS        IMPROVE the Moment        Pros and cons        Radical Acceptance/turning the mind    Emotion Regulation        Model of Emotions        PLEASED        Build positive experiences        Opposite action    Interpersonal Effectiveness        FAST skills        GIVE skills        DEAR MAN skills    Other Skill Modules        Boundaries        Problem-solvingDBT Therapy    Validation        Multi-layered approach to validation        Validation as an exposure technique        Balance of validation and change    Change Interventions        Behavioral principals        Contingency procedures        Best behavior change methods        DBT-style cognitive interventions    Exposure Techniques        When to use (and not to use)        E xposure protocols        Alternatives to exposure    Communication styles        Reciprocal        IrreverentManaging Challenging Behaviors    Diary Cards: Standard and Adapted Behavior Chain (Change) Analysis        Getting the client on board        Build awareness and options    Consultative Group and Treatment Teams        Increase your motivation        Develop effective responses        Qualities of effective treatment teams    Assess and Manage Self-Injurious Behavior (SIB)        SIB assessment techniques        When is SIB life-threatening?        Creating alternatives    Assess and Manage Suicidal Ideation (SI)        Suicide assessment techniques        Establishing safety protocols        Safety plans and safety commitments    Hospitalization Issues        Effective use of the hospital        Transitions in and out    Next Steps        What you learned and what you need        Developing your plan        Taking action… Downloads: Donors;   Ratio freeOthers:    As per elib rulesThnx to all who made this GB happenEnjoy


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