Deborah Deberry – BrainStorm Self-Esteem
[2 MP3s]
Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! There are 2 tracks in your download folder.Before you begin your new adventure in sound and subliminal technology, here is important information about your BrainStorm Silent SubliminalsTM.Each title contains two tracks of positive “silent” affirmations plus the 7.83 kHz Schumann resonance (the vibratory frequency of the Earth) embedded in a high frequency carrier. This listening format was recommended to us by our original 100 member test group, based on the results they produced during our research and development of BrainStorm.Track #1 combines carefully selected, audible sound patterns, with inaudible “silent” subliminals. It is designed to synchronize the left and right hemispheres of the brain and shift your brainwave patterns to an alpha-theta level – where you can experience deep relaxation, creativity and re-scripting of behaviors and beliefs.We recommend that you listen to this track with headphones, at a comfortable volume. Do NOT listen to this track while driving!Track #2 contains the same positive subliminal messages in our specially encoded silent format! You may listen to this track without headphones – anytime, anywhere, for any amount of time. Keep it on in the background while you work, watch TV, drive, or sleep. The subliminal messages re-program your subconscious mind while you go about your daily activities.We asked Bud Lowery, the inventor of the Silent SubliminalsTM process, to encode Track #2’s affirmations so that you can verify the presence of voices, if desired. All you have to do is boost the subliminal output by increasing the treble and decreasing the bass on your audio equipment. Or, just turn up the volume on your stereo or headset and you will hear the voices, although not clearly enough to make out the words.This patented technique vibrates the tympanic membrane of the ear at the strongest possible, yet totally safe, vibrational levels (100 decibels/dB).We recommend that you listen to your tracks at least once a day for a minimum of 30 days, a time-line that has been proven effective for re-educating the mind and body.Because your BrainStorm Silent SubliminalsTM are recorded at more powerful levels than other subliminals, they are effective without the use of headphones. Individuals who prefer to use headphones may experience a vibratory sensation of the high frequency carrier which, although not harmful, may not be as comfortable as listening without headphones (especially for women who can hear higher pitches more clearly than men).If you choose to listen to track 2 “actively”, using your headphones, follow these steps:1. Find a quiet place and select a time when you won’t be disturbed preferably the same time each day so that it becomes part of your daily routine. First thing in the morning or just before bed are good times to consider.2. Turn the volume up until you hear the sound patterns on Track #1 or “something” on Track #2. Then, adjust the volume down to a comfortable level for Track #1 or silence or a quiet hum for Track #2. Set your volume there.3. Take a nice, deep breath. Relax and have a pleasant trip!4. At the end of your listening session, take a moment to notice any shifts in your attitude, state of mind, or sense of well being. Keep a journal or jot down thoughts on your listening experiences.If you choose to listen “passively” without headphones, follow instruction #2, above. Or, try a combination of both active and passive listening sessions.You can watch TV, study, talk on the phone – basically go about your daily business, knowing that your subconscious mind is receiving powerful, positive messages. Follow your intuition – and have fun!We believe you’ll find that BrainStorm is a powerful tool for you to create positive results in your life. Your feedback is always appreciated, so feel free to e-mail us (
) or log on to if you have any questions or would like to share your experiences.As issues surface in your life, know that your BrainStorm subliminal tracks are designed to support you in dealing with your lifetime journey of growth and change.You’ve selected your specific titles because certain subjects have special meaning for you. They’re a priority and you’ve made a life-changing decision by committing to work on these issues.Whether it’s Commitment, Motivation, Strategic Thinking or any of the other powerful titles in the series, you’ve chosen to commit time and energy to enhance that aspect of your life – broadening your beliefs, expanding your ideas of what’s possible. And you’re already succeeding because of your commitment.If you have purchased more than one, choose a BrainStorm title that interests you and stick with it for a minimum of 30 days. Use track one once a day with headphone and play track two in the background (without headphones) as often as you can. We suggest that for best results, you not mix different titles during the initial 30 day period. Focus on one issue at a time.You may want to listen for 60 or 90 days, or more. The 30 day program we recommend is based upon research indicating that 21-30 day cycles have proven to be effective in learning and re-educating the mind and body.A very important, although optional, way of using your subliminals is to quietly visualize the results you want to achieve before, during, and after listening. See yourself in this new state of being.What does it feel like? How do you speak? Move? Who’s with you? Create this new aspect of yourself just as you want it to be. What is that like for you? Using a journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and images can help you strengthen these “mind pictures”.In order to maximize the results you want, you must be a co- creator of your own mental program. That’s what makes the sounds and subliminals so potent. No matter how you choose to use your subliminals, you’ll benefit. The results you produce are in direct relationship to your commitment and participation.It’s like synergy. Your visualizations and affirmations, combined with our positive subliminal messages AND the BrainStorm sound patterns equal more than you dreamed possible. It’s a process of allowing and unfoldment that increases in power every time you listen to your BrainStorm tracks.Transformation is a process and there will be little miracles every day. Know that you deserve them all. Notice them and acknowledge yourself for even the smallest changes. The results you want are already yours!Best personal regards,Peter Julian, MACEO / PublisherWhole Brain Learning Institute
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