Derek Johanson – Living Like James Bond
Living Like James Bond
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Thanks to those who supported this very quick group buy. I haven’t reviewed the books yet in my whole half an hour of having them, but I would guess that this is not a lot of new information (or maybe we’ll be surprised?) in a somewhat entertaining package and context.—-Sales letter:You’ll Learn And Put To Use The Exact Steps Needed To Have This Amazing LifestyleThis is not a joke. This isn’t some cutesy book about buying James Bond memorabilia and walking around with a fake Walther PPK.This is a definitive guide to living a kick-ass, real lifestyle just like James Bond’s. I’m going to share with you the essential ingredients of how I live the ultimate 007 lifestyle.Follow this guide and you will feel like 007. Your friends will be jealous as they watch you travel the world with ease and take control of women’s hearts effortlessly.You will be able to design a lifestyle that rocks your boat. You will have more options and freedom to pursue your goals and ambitions. You will become a positive influence on others to live happy and fulfilling lives.Unfortunately most men and Bond fans will never live this way. Why? Because they don’t know the rules of the game…Deep down, every James Bond fan (and every man for that matter), wants to live like a 00-agent. The adventure, the style, the women. Who wouldn’t want that?But what do most of guys do with their lives? Absolutely nothing.They sit back and take whatever hand the world deals them – and it usually isn’t a lot. Maybe a nice cubicle down the hall from a window…Sure some get lucky and score amazing jobs or a get beautiful woman now and again. But this certainly isn’t what happens to the average guy.Just about every James Bond fan I know fantasizes about being in Bond’s shoes. But the funny thing is, most fans won’t go beyond those fantasies, because they think it is too difficult to pull off!They can quote an entire Bond movie, but they can’t tell you how to talk to a woman or what it feels like to exit the airport and enter a foreign country for the first time.Author’s Blog: http://liveuncomfortably.comAlsohttp://www.bondlife.comProduct Details * Audio CD * Publisher: Ronin Audio Books (June 7, 2007) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0971618380 * ISBN-13: 978-0971618381 * Product Dimensions: 5.7 x 5.1 x 0.7 inches * Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) 23 of 24 people found the following review helpful:5.0 out of 5 stars Licence to Live, October 20, 2000By J. H. Minde (Boca Raton, Florida and Brooklyn, New York) – See all my reviews(TOP 1000 REVIEWER) (REAL NAME) This review is from: How To Live The James Bond Lifestyle (Audio Cassette)Paul Kyriazi moves through the elements of living the James Bond lifestyle like a silken-sailed clipper ship in a fresh breeze. This 90 minute motivational tape is densely packed with practical information on personal improvement and developing a personal style–everything from organizing your thoughts to reading the wine list at your favorite Vegas hotel.You can take or leave Kyriazi’s specific advice on certain subjects (such as “Order the cheapest champagne by name so she won’t know.” Personally, my Bond Girl knows more about champagne than I do!) Still, 99% of this tape is an excellent primer for upgrading your life and lifestyleWhether you are a Bond man or a Bond woman this book on tape is well worth the price. I’m only sorry it isn’t on CD, since I expect I’ll wear mine out. It won’t make you Sean Connery, or Ursula Andress, but it will help to make you a better, more vibrant, you.The single drawback of this tape is that “How To Live The James Bond Lifestyle” should be an entire series of lectures. You may not agree with everything Mr. Kyriazi says or suggests, but this tape certainly gives you food for thought. And a taste of Dom Perignon to go with it.Enjoy!***LICENCE TO LIVE, PART TWOSeven years ago I had the pleasure of discovering Paul Kyriazi’s HOW TO LIVE THE JAMES BOND LIFEstyle in its 90-minute cassette tape audiobook format. At that time I was very impressed with most of what I heard. Despite the “James Bond” metaphor, Paul Kyriazi steered sharply away from the cheap and superficial womanizing, drinking, gambling and fighting elements of the Bond universe to draw out the best side of the character. Although some of Mr. Kyriazi’s specific advice was not applicable to my own lifestyle, or even my imagined James Bond Lifestyle, I could see where Mr. Kyriazi was going with this idea, and overall, HOW TO LIVE THE JAMES BOND LIFEstyle was a very positive condensed self-improvement course. The eponymous book that followed only expanded on the tape.Now he has re-released HOW TO LIVE THE JAMES BOND LIFEstyle on eight full-length CDs, and expanded on both the tape and the book. With each iteration of the course, Mr. Kyriazi gets further away from being intensely focused on the character of Bond and closer to being intensely focused on the individual seminar participant’s character. Perhaps Mr. Kyriazi’s residing in Japan is having a subtle effect: With his continuing reminders to stay focused and live mindfully, HOW TO LIVE THE JAMES BOND LIFEstyle has taken on a very spare, elegant, and Zen-like flavor, spiced in places with instruction of how to game (not gamble) in Las Vegas, and how to find and fall for your own Bond Girl (no sexy cyphers these, but exciting, enjoyable and intelligent women you will want to spend time with, and who will want to spend time with you).This daylong course is capped with a meditation technique (formerly, HOW TO CLEAR THE SUBCONSCIOUS FOR 00 AGENTS, previously available as a separate tape, now expanded as well).Never really a course on “How To Pretend To Be A Cinematic Secret Agent,” HOW TO LIVE THE JAMES BOND LIFEstyle has now developed to the point where it could really teach James Bond a thing or two. This diamond IS forever!Comment Comment | Permalink | Was this review helpful to you? YesNo (Report this) 16 of 16 people found the following review helpful:5.0 out of 5 stars A tape to upgrade your life!, August 26, 2001By Rhino (Saint George, Ut United States) – See all my reviewsThis review is from: How To Live The James Bond Lifestyle (Audio Cassette)At first I thought this tape was going to be some kind of joke. Man, was I surprised. The stuff talked about in this tape is certainly going to improve and upgrade your life, if you do what the tape says. Some great advice about money, clothes, and cars,as well as goal setting. What I found very good was the way he takes James Bond and makes Bond a metaphor for your life. I will never watch a James Bond movie the same way again. I tried several of the ideas, and they work. I now listen to this tape several times a week. If you’re looking to upgrade your lifestyle, this tape is a gem.Comment Comment | Permalink | Was this review helpful to you? YesNo (Report this) This is an update too this GB. All the PDFs are updates. 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