Designer Life – Relaxation For Manifestation
Relaxation For Manifestation
[6 MP3s, 5 PDFs]
So, how can the Relaxation For Manifestation help me? Learn to create Super-FocusImagine trying to boil some water in a kettle that tripped the mains fuse every SIX seconds. You couldn’t do it, right? The kettle would never be switched ON for long enough to generate the heat needed to boil the water and the water would remain cold. In the same way, how can you expect to IMPACT your brain when your mind is distracted every SIX seconds.Give a seed water and it will grow into a healthy, strong plant. Thoughts, like seeds, have a natural tendency to grow and manifest on the material level if they are fed with Super Focus.While listening to the Relaxation For Manifestation, you create Super-Focus, an intense focused attention, so COMPLETE that you are not even aware that you are focussing. Super-Focus ACTIVATES the Law Of Attraction, powerfully bringing you the opportunities to fulfil your goals and manifest the life of your dreams. At this point, the experience of miracles is NOT uncommon.Dual voice commands reprogram your mind to begin attracting successThe Relaxation For Manifestation contains powerful suggestions specifically designed to reprogram your unconscious mind and enhance your manifesting. As you listen you’ll hear dual voice commands (two very different voices, one in each ear), a powerful tool to unlock your unconscious mind.You need to experience this to BELIEVE it. Eventually, your conscious mind gives up trying to follow both voices and, the suggestions sink deep into your unconscious mind, where they make PERMANENT positive changes.NOTE: You can hear each suggestion and can RELAX in the knowledge that YOU are making POSITIVE changes to your unconscious programming.Quit procrastinating and begin taking ACTIONWhat do all HIGH performance people have in common? They all TAKE ACTION, whether they are afraid to or not. Even the word ATTRACTION contains the word ACTION within it.If you want to end procrastination NOW, use your Relaxation For Manifestation to program your mind to take ACTION now. In fact, you can program your mind to do just about anything you want. If you are a procrastinator, you are missing out on so much of life. Once you kick the procrastination HABIT and begin taking actions towards your goals, you’ll discover that not only will you begin ticking your goals off your list, but you’ll begin attracting ‘miracles’ into your life. I don’t use the word ‘miracles’ lightly. Attraction + Action = effortless results.Make manifesting child’s play:By listening to your Relaxation For Manifestation, you imprint your goal on your unconscious mind. If you know anything about the Law Of Attraction, then you’ll understand that your thoughts attract people, opportunities and experiences into your world. What you think about – comes about. Once you have imprinted your goal on your unconscious mind, you automatically begin thinking the kinds of thoughts that attract the exact opportunities to accomplish your goal easily. This is when manifesting becomes effortless.ATTRACTION + ACTION = effortless RESULTS.Tick your goals off your list and make more MONEY, attract a dream RELATIONSHIP, become HEALTHIER and stay HAPPY.Do you have some BIG goals and dreams for your life? Would your quality of life improve if you had more money? I know mine did. When I ask people in my seminars what they want more of, generally the response is more money, better relationships, improved health and more happiness – with the guys throwing in a few EXPENSIVE toys for good measure…Most people don’t realize that the reason they lack these things in the first place is not because they are unlucky, but simply because they don’t THINK in a way that allows them to ACHIEVE and RECEIVE such things. Success in any endeavour in life begins with the mind. Unless you can believe it possible to accomplish your goal, you won’t take any ACTION to move you closer to your goal.NO new ACTION = NO new RESULTS.The Relaxation For Manifestation is designed to build your BELIEF in yourself and in the possibility of your goal manifesting. It can do this because it guides you through imagining your goal in so much detail, that when the time comes to take action in the real world, you’ll JUMP at the opportunity because you will have done it so many times before in your imagination. If you remember the movie THE SECRET, you’ll remember that your mind cannot tell the difference between a real and an imagined experience. This is the reason why mental rehearsal is such a powerful way to increase your chances of success. Albert Einstein told us that “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” After a few weeks of rehearsal in your imagination using your Relaxation For Manifestation, you too can be ticking your goals off your goal list like a veteran pro.Think positively – automatically!One reason why so many of us struggle to attract what we want into our lives is that we cannot control our own thinking. Thoughts just POP into our head chaotically, like popcorn popping on the stove. Research shows that 76% of the thoughts that POP into people’s heads are negative. Knowing that the Law Of Attraction responds to thought, it becomes obvious why we struggle to consistently attract the positive things we desire into our lives.The Relaxation For Manifestation conditions your mind to think positive thoughts automatically, thereby increasing your chances of attracting positive people, lucrative opportunities and powerful resources into your life.
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