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Dick Sutphen – The Enhancer

Dick Sutphen – The Enhancer [1 MP3]
[1 MP3]



Here’s a mini flood of Dick Sutphen’s cd’s not posted here before. Enjoy!THE ENHANCERListening to the Enhancer is a bit like lucid dreaming without going to sleep, or getting high without inhaling. The Enhancer state of mind is the same as that induced by long-distance running, or the level a writer obtains while sitting at the keyboard for lengthy periods. But in listening to this CD you get there within a few moments. Relating mind levels to cycle-per-second activity, the hypnogogic state is the bottom of alpha, top of theta. This is the level Albert Einstein claimed to have received his ideas and Mozart composed music. But we’ve tweaked the electronics to take you deeper into theta, while at the same time remaining alert and focused on your creative endeavors. Play the CD while you create, think, study or have sex. You can expect your level of focus to become so intense that time will seem to disappear (you go into FLOW). NOTE: You must fully awaken yourself after turning off the CD.A Note from D. Sutphen:Any of our mind-electronics programs can be used with your eyes open or closed, depending up what you seek to accomplish. But I’ll start with The Enhancer, because it was created to be used with your eyes open.Here’s how I use it: As I am writing the words you’re now reading, the CD is playing in the background, so I’m writing in trance. Because I spend a lot of time at the keyboard, I automatically go into an altered-state when I write, but not as deep and not with the degree of focus I attain when also listening to The Enhancer. Writing like this, alone in my home studio, time literally disappears. I might write all morning without a break and it feels as if only a few minutes have gone by. At this mind level, to some degree, I’ve removed the filters that normally block access to my subconscious mind. This means, I more easily draw upon greater knowledge in my area of focus. The subconscious is a memory bank and contains memories of everything you’ve every said, done or learned.For those accepting metaphysical concepts, another value to writing/creating at this level is the potential of channeling information from more evolved entities on the other side. I usually ask for this kind of help when I want it. But sometimes upon editing my words, I realize I’ve written about a concept I had no conscious knowledge of. I always say a silent “thank you” to whoever may be standing over my shoulder.I also put on The Enhancer when I am painting — fine-art painting, which is one of my favorite spare-time activities. Most of my paintings are subjective abstracts about spiritual searching, so a little divine inspiration is always welcomed. A few weeks ago, while preparing a talk I was to give at a convention, I studied my words while listening to the CD. And every few minutes, I said out loud, “I quickly memorize all the key points I desire to express.” I was giving myself a strong suggestion while in trance. The suggestion greatly increased mind-programming power. If I were not so experienced at talking in front of groups, I would have added additional phrases such as, “I confidently speak to my audience in a commanding manner. I deliver a flawless performance. I project a commanding presence in front of any audience.” Et cetera.Although The Enhancer was created for eyes-open focus, I’ve also been using it for eyes-closed meditation. I’m an overly-conditioned subject and if at all tired, I can easily drift off into a nap. When meditating with The Enhancer I’m less likely to do this. I should add here that I would normally use The Zapper for a eyes-closed meditation I planned to self-direct.When working with the “I Ching,” tarot cards or a pendulum, put on the CD. At the end of the day, Tara and I tend to curl up on the couches in our living room in front of the fireplace. We read or study and play music or mind-electronics on the stereo. A few nights ago, Tara wondered out loud why I so love a particular era of folk music. So just for the fun of it, I put on The Enhancer and began to work with a pendulum, asking yes and no questions, and used a fan system to obtain answers. The pendulum was twice as responsive as it usually is, probably become my focus was twice as intense. I soon learned of two incarnations in which I enjoyed this music. One of the lifetimes I was already familiar with, while the other I may have purposely avoided examining up until now. One last suggestion: Listen to The Enhancer during any form of sexual experience. The intensity of your focus may greatly enhance the experience.Other People’s Reactions:A couple dozen people have written me claiming they use the Enhancer CD while working to both block out distractions and focus concentration. Here are some unusual-use excerpts: A woman at a DMV desk claims she runs a single earplug from the player in her drawer. “I play it low and that sound just lulls me through my day. I can still talk to people, and it helps me cope with the all the crazy cases that come in here,” she said.A man with a small retail store says he plays the CD quietly in the background. “It mellows me out, and when customers come in and ask about items, my sales pitch is phrased with suggestions such as, ‘You really want this, because it makes you feel good.’” (Personally, I don’t think this is karmically acceptable. I wrote back telling him to fully awaken his customers before they went out the door.)An older woman sent us a picture of herself and her cat. “When I play the CD, my cat becomes so mellow, he’s hardly responsive. Is it meant to hypnotize animals?” I had to write her back telling her I didn’t know.The following is a portion on an e-mail I received: “I now put on The Enhancer when it’s time to do something I don’t want to do. The other day I decided it was time to put a big box of photos into photo books — something I’d been putting off for two years. So I put on the CD, got out the books and photos … and low and behold, six hours later the job was done and I hardly remember doing it. It was like I disappeared for awhile. No drudgery. I’ve decided the next time my husband goes off on one of his habitual rants, I’ll just put on the CD and disappear again.”


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