Dick Sutphen – Ultra-Depth Hypnosis – Past Life Regression
Dick Sutphen – Ultra-Depth Hypnosis – Past Life Regression
Dick Sutphen – Ultra-Depth Hypnosis – Past Life RegressionULTRA-DEPTH — The ultimate hypnotic induction plus unique subjective explorations. If you’ve never been entirely satisfied with your past-life regressions, you may need to go “deeper.” If your regression experiences have been wonderful, they may be awesome when you go “deeper.” If you’ve never been regressed, start with the best.Dick Sutphen’s Ultra-Depth Hypnosis technique generates the ultimate altered-state-of-consciousness. Following a full body relaxation and self-release suggestion, Dick begins a 40-minute hypnotic induction that guides you down long steps to a beautiful garden. For a few minutes you explore and enjoy the garden, enhanced with 3-D sound effects that make it real. Next, you descend more steps, going deeper into an altered-state, until you reach a wildflower meadow and cozy cabin. Again, you enjoy the environment and effects.Finally you descend many tiers of stairs to a sandy beach where you relax and play for awhile before wandering down the beach to a cave in an outcropping of rocks. You feel secure about entering the cave where an enlightening adventure awaits. Dick says, “You’re ready to explore so you boldly enter the cave … moving from the light into total darkness … safely guided, deeper and deeper and deeper into the darkness.” You’ll soon begin to see light in the distance: “… and as you walk toward the light, your Higher mind is choosing a past life that will be of most value for you to explore at this time.”While re-experiencing this past life, Dick directs you from event to event, asking you a question, then giving you time to perceive answers in the form of visualizations or inner knowing.This is the ultimate past-life regression. With continued use, it will help you to understand all your motivations, aversions and restrictions:- A workaholic man, in regression, observed himself burying his child who had starved to death in a famine. Today, to avoid such devastating pain, he works night and day to make sure his children are always fed. False-fear karma. – A woman art director saw herself serving as a male apprentice to a prominent portrait painter in Renaissance Italy. Balancing and reward karma. – A young woman with a birthmark on her arm regressed to 1938 and observed herself sitting before a fireplace. A large coal popped out and landed on her arm, causing a severe burn. Physical carry-over karma. – A man fearful of responsibility, saw himself as a sea captain who abandoned his burning ship in the first lifeboat, leaving many of his crew to die. Balancing karma. – A woman wanting to write New Age articles broke into a trembling sweat every time she tried. In regression she saw herself being burned at the stake for communicating similar ideas. False-fear karma. – An overly possessive husband observed a life in which the roles were reversed, and his mate (his wife in this life) ran away with a lover, leaving him alone to raise three children. Balancing karma. Knowing the cause of your conflicts can often free you from the effects. At the very least, you’ll know why you feel as you do, which is the first step to resolving the fear.You can use Ultra-Depth Past-Life Regression over and over, always learning about new lives or new aspects of incarnations you’re already aware of. Or gather a group of friends for a group regression. You’ll all have plenty to talk about for a long time to come.n-Joy! – HallucinogeN –
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