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Don Mottin -Stage hypnosis training: pre-talk and induction

Don Mottin – Stage Training Course [1 VCR- RIP,1 eBook – PDF]
[1 VHS- Rip,1 eBook – PDF]



Im sorry Gents-couldn’t find any infoa 17 min rip from a VCR source-quality of sound and video is good for vcr,the actual video is called “Don Mottin – Stage Training Course pre-talk and induction”,and u can see Mottin demonstrate these-with lots of detailed instructions.About Don Mottin:Don Mottin first became interested in hypnosis while stationed in Japan serving in the United States Marine Corps in1972. After viewing a few demonstrations of hypnosis Mottin was skeptical. After all he was from Missouri, “TheShow Me State” He volunteered for a hypnotic demonstration and was amazed at how different hypnosis was than hispreconceived notions. He discovered that he was not asleep. He did not float about the room. He was not out ofcontrol. He was however able to create total anesthesia. He could recall events from the age of five as if theyhappened yesterday. He was free of all stress and worries.He was hooked and knew what to do with his life. He spent the next year in Japan studying hypnosis. When Donreturned home to the United States his quest for knowledge continued. He began studying and reading as much aspossible on the subject.  Around 1976, Mottin joined the police department and began refining his hypnotictechniques in the field of criminal investigations. Most people who are involved in a crime only recall how large the gunappeared. With hypnosis the witness may be regressed back to the time of the crime, and recall the event withoutexperiencing any of the emotions. Don was appointed to the Major Case Squad. He has since used hypnosis to helpthe police with cases involving murder, rape, kidnapping, robberies, burglaries, and other major crimes.By 1980, Mottin found himself working 8 hours a day with the police department, and another 8 hours a day withtherapeutic hypnosis for smoking, weight loss, and motivation. There was not enough time to do both well. Mottinchose to leave the police department and concentrate on hypnotherapy, and teaching others how to use hypnosis. Herecalls how his original plan was to work three days a week and still make a good living for himself, and his family.The plan did not work out. Don had under-estimated the market for his hypnosis services. He was seeing 11 clients aday, and many times had a waiting period of over a month in advance. Mottin spent the next five years training newhypnotherapists, and delivering his hypnosis services to the public. Around 1985, word of Mottin’s successfultechniques spread to other established hypnotherapists around the country. Hypnotherapists from every state in thiscountry, as well as hypnotherapists from Canada, Mexico, England, New Zealand, Korea, Australia, Japan, Italy,Germany, Ireland, and Saudi Arabia have trained with Don Mottin. Over the last 15 years Don Mottin has gained aninternational reputation as one of the foremost experts in hypnosis today. Every major hypnosis organization haspresented Don with awards for his unique teaching abilities. These include, Educator of the Year, Instructor of theYear, and the prestigious Ormond McGill award, just to name a few. Don has also been featured on the cover of theJournal of Hypnotism. Mottin loves teaching hypnosis, and he does it very well.


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