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Doug O’Brien – How Deep the Rabbit Hole?

How Deep the Rabbit Hole rips
[7 CDs – MP3]



This is an exclusive product – post it elsewhere and be banned.How Deep the Rabbit Hole? “Adventures in Neo Ericksonian Hypnosis” with Doug O Brien.This audio set is the 2006 UK workshop presented by Doug OBrien explores aspects of Ericksonian Hypnosis, Shamanic journeys and other altered states You can also download the Shamanic Journey CD as a stand alone item.Disk ListingDisk 1:Introduction and Orientation – Exploration – Who are YouGold Mining and metafivesDisk 2The Both / And Logic of the Unconcious MindBoth-at-the-same-time DebriefDisk 3Shamanic IntroductionShamanic Journey 1Shamanic Journey 2Shamanic Journey 3Disk 4Ericksonian Hypnotic Langage Patterns – Notice Breathing patterns and Speaking on the ExhaleDisk 5Debrief on Speaking on ExhaleFail-Safe HypnosisDisk 6Integration of Parts DanceBreathwalkHomework Reviewscript WritingDisk 7Multiple embedded metaphorGroup metaphor excerciseAcross-the-room pattern interruptsClosing Trance********************************This was a groupbuy but I had the product so I decided to u/l here.Note that I have checked and double checked the PDF pages. All of the pages are there and they are all correct.The mp3s are VBR with a max of 320kbit bitrate.Availability is open to everyone who is power user and above – less than that gets it after 2 weeks.This is a cool set. Have fun


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