Dr Alexander Loyd – The Healing and Success Codes Manuals
The Healing Codes
[7 eBooks – PDF and Word DOC]
These are the manuals, produced by Dr Alexander Loyd, that I have on my hard drive. I do not, unfortunately, have any of the audio material pertaining to his courses.http://thehealingcodes.com/The Healing Codes activate a physical function built into the body that consistently and predictably removes the #1 cause of illness and disease from the body . . . stress. A key point to remember is that our bodies are designed to maintain optimal health! Every time we have a health problem, we should be asking, “What stress is causing this and how can I eliminate it?”. Stanford University Medical School, and numerous health experts, say the number one killer on the planet is stress. Most physical and nonphysical health problems have long-term, physiological stress as their origin. The CDC also estimates that 80% of all health care dollars are spent on illnesses related to stress.Bruce Lipton explains that if the body stays in this state long enough, illness and disease are likely to follow. This is the process that creates 95% of disease and illness. Dr. Lipton goes on to show the reason we are getting sicker as a population.The healing centers of The Healing Codes appear to be like a hidden fuse box that, when the correct switches are flipped back on, will allow healing of almost anything. They do this by removing the stress from the body, thus allowing the neuro-immune system to take over its job of healing whatever is wrong in the body. Contents:The Healing Codes ManualAdvanced Healing Codes Training manualQ Codes TechniqueQ2 CodesSuccess CodesSuccess Codes Pocket GuideSuccess Codes Journal
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