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Dr. Donna Schwontkowski – Cure your Seborrheic Dermatitis

Dr. Donna Schwontkowski – Cure your Seborrheic Dermatitis
[1 eBook – PDF]


I bought this myself. This is an exclusive, so rules apply.Dear Seborrheic Dermatitis Sufferer,Are you sick and tired of trying shampoo after shampoo and still waking up every morning with a tight itchy scalp, brand new scales, flakes the size of thumbtacks, and red bumps that make you feel like you’re from another planet?What about the constant head-scratching? Or the feeling that you’ll never again have normal hair, so you might as well buy some new hats? Or a wig? Or maybe just hide in bed?Do you ever feel like it’s hopeless? Or wonder…why me?The emotional toll of Seborrheic Dermatitis can be overwhelming at times…I know.The good news is that Seborrheic Dermatitis is 100% fully curable – despite what your doctor may tell you. You can get better. And you can do it yourself.Take charge of your health once and for all!Hi, my name is Dr. Donna Schwontkowski and I’m a retired chiropractic physician with a Master’s degree in nutrition and a Master’s degree in herbology. I’ve spent my whole life continually searching for natural cures on every imaginable illness. Over the past 25 years, I’ve worked with thousands of patients for dozens of health problems, and what I’ve found is that every single health issue can be solved with natural remedies.On the Internet, you’re sure to find a never ending supply of miracle products that all claim to be the answer to your prayers. If you think it’s that simple, then I’m sorry…but you’re in for a rude awakening.No doubt you’ve already seen claims that your Seborrheic Dermatitis will disappear almost immediately if you drink this juice or use that shampoo, but the problem is that even if you do get lucky and find temporary relief……it will almost certainly return with a vengeance!Look hard enough and you may come across a few tid bits of seemingly helpful information. Some natural health websites tell you how to get to the root cause of your Seborrheic Dermatitis, but if you read in between the lines, all they do is give you lists of different homemade concoctions or herbs and expect you to keep trying them until you find the right one. There’s no organized plan to any of this.It could take you years to figure out what works on your Seborrheic Dermatitis on your own. Do you really have that kind of time?Do you really want to miss out on life for another ten years?The truth is, you can…Start the healing of your Seborrheic Dermatitis and your scalp with your next meal if you knew what to eat, and more importantly…what not to eat.Kill the microbes that cause Seborrheic Dermatitis with your next scalp treatment if you knew what to use.Stop the craziness of the ups and downs and all the worry that goes along with Seborrheic Dermatitis, just by having a real plan that you control at all times.Shock your doctor with how fast you grow back every hair you’ve ever lost to Seborrheic Dermatitis…and how healthy it is.Regain your self-esteem, and once again shake your head without having to worry about flakes falling like confetti.You can do all this while you improve your overall health along the way. That’s because the condition of your scalp is a predictor of your future health. It’s a clue there’s something else wrong with you, even though……most doctors will never tell you that!A typical doctor’s visit for a Seborrheic Dermatitis sufferer…1:45pm – Arrive 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork2:00pm – You expect to be called in2:15pm – Still waiting…2:30pm – Called back to an examination room2:45pm – Still waiting…2:55pm – Doctor finally enters2:56pm – Doctor looks at your head for 10 seconds, diagnoses you with Seborrheic Dermatitis, explains that they don’t know what causes it and that there’s no cure for it2:59pm – Doctor writes you a prescription for corticosteroids and/or a harsh dandruff shampoo3:00pm – Doctor leavesDoes this scenario sound all too familiar to you?You don’t need a doctor to patronize you and make you feel hopeless about your Seborrheic Dermatitis. You don’t need to waste $100 (and your whole afternoon) on a 5 minute office visit. You don’t need to throw away another $50 on useless prescriptions that just end up causing more health problems.What you need is knowledge. The knowledge of how to properly use natural healing principles to create a simple plan for curing your Seborrheic Dermatitis. That’s the only way you’ll ever get to the real cause, and the only way you’ll ever……fully cure your Seborrheic Dermatitis FOREVER!I’m being straight with you because I don’t see anyone else telling you the truth.In my ebook, you’ll find out…What exactly Seborrheic Dermatitis is…and the real reason you still have it. (page 8)Why medical doctors and Dermatologists are absolutely useless when it comes to treating Seborrheic Dermatitis. (page 11)What it really means when your doctor says there’s no cure for Seborrheic Dermatitis. (page 14)Three natural healing principles that give you the underlying reasons why you have Seborrheic Dermatitis (and other health problems) in the first place. (page 20)How to restore the balance in your body’s chemistry and get the bad flora under control once and for all. (page 23)One essential nutrient deficiency that “predicts” someone with cradle cap as a baby will have unrelentless Seborrheic Dermatitis as an adult. (page 32)Seven other nutrient deficiencies that cause or contribute to Seborrheic Dermatitis…and what foods can help correct it. (page 35)Why your body’s fat ratio is so out of whack, which fats are beneficial to your scalp, and which ones to avoid at all costs. (page 38)Diet guidelines formulated just for Seborrheic Dermatitis sufferers by a true nutrition expert. (page 41)How toxins in your soap and shampoo may be making matters worse. (page 44)An in depth analysis of Seborrheic Dermatitis testimonials…why do some people find relief with specific treatments while others don’t? (page 47)An extensive list of safe shampoos you can use without worrying about hidden chemicals and toxins aggravating your Seborrheic Dermatitis. (page 56)And even a checklist to get you started creating your plan. (page 60)source:


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