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Dr James Hopkins- Golden Ratios: Pythagorean Harmonic Healing 1

Golden Ratios



FOR THIS SITE ONLY!!! Keep it here and be cool. Leaking gets you banned and shows how u do not enjoy nor respect the exclusives here!Man! This, aside from another box of rubbers I bought (so many I went through LOL!), is the best $20 I spent in a while!I am filled with joy to share it here with you guys. A fun note, it can be used for great sex too (see bottom).Quote: Golden Ratios  Dr. James HopkinsPythagorean Harmonic Healing with the Pythagorean MonochordAs a result of independent research on the life and teachings of Pythagoras, Dr. James B. Hopkins was inspired to comission a series of unique musical instruments for healing purposes.Pythagoras who lived 500 BC is credited with being the father of mathematics, the inventor of geometry, and the father of music. He was the first to calculate accurately the mathematical relationships between the musical scales, the harmonic ratios, and the overtone series.Pythagoras was the first person to prescribe harmonic frequencies and music to treat human conditions. He invented instruments and with the use of sound and vibration he was able to bring an individuals attention and awareness to their Divine Nature in order to facilitate healing.About the Pythagorean Monochord This Divinely Inspired Instrument is 7 feet long and has 117 strings. When all the strings are tuned to precise frequencies, the Instrument generates infinite harmonic overtone ratios. These frequencies emanate organically and combine mathematically to create exquisite cosmic symphonic orchestrations that unfold geometrically. I call them “audible fractals”. Within these pure harmonic overtone series you will hear fathomless galactic choirs and instruments unimagined.The Harmonic Proportions are to sound as the Golden Ratio is to structure- both of which are attributed to Pythagoras 569 BC.When you listen to this recording, it is hard to believe that it is entirely acoustic! There are no synthesizers, no computer enhancements, and no special effects. I use only my fingers on the strings which are attached to a wooden resonant chamber (like a giant guitar or a massive cello) The Instrument is designed to be played while a human being is lying on top the chamber so that your body is bathed in these Sublime Harmonic Frequencies. Even more difficult to believe is that all the strings are tuned to only two notes. (D&A) This Phenomena is known as the Lambdoma Sequence.”I purchased your CD and have had amazing & incredible results from playing it. I have had joint pain for more than 5 years that has traveled around in my body. It feels like nerve pain. Since January 2007, it has been in the joints of my left side of my body with the pain in my ankle being the most severe. Sometimes the pain shoots from my ankle up the left side of my body. I was unable to walk or stand while traveling to the conference. Within one hour of being at the conference, the pain was completely gone. I think this was primarily due to the vibrations present at the conference. I have become increasingly aware over the past year of being able to feel vibrations in my body. As soon as the conference was over the pain began to return. I should probably say that while narcotic pain killers, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, and non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drugs provide some relief, they do not completely make it go away and this is not a route I choose to take it there is any alternative. Since returning from the conference, my use of pain relief medication has decreased by more than 75%. I listen to your CD almost every day at least once. On these days, I am Pain FREE!!”Love, Peace, Joy, & Light,Angeline BlevinsQuote:HOW DOES IT WORK?_________________________________It works due to the law of physics. Resonance, entrainment, and brain wave synchronization are phenomena that enable the process to occur naturally and effortless. Imagine lying on top of a massive cello with hundreds of strings! Every string is precisely tuned to exact frequencies that generate infinite ranges of exquisite harmonic overtones. These Emanations unfold like audible fractals. The frequencies turn off the “disquieting mind” aligning your mind, body & spirit to the higher order of harmonics. Its healing effects occur on the deepest levels of our being. I play the strings from underneath like a cosmic harp. By sustaining it long enough, YOU HAVE TO SYNC UP WITH THE HARMONIC FREQUENCIES. It’s simply a law of physics and since your entire body is physically connected to the resonant sound chamber of the instrument you not only “HEAR” them, but you actually “FEEL” these HARMONIC frequencies throughout your entire body.WHO NEEDS A HARMONIC ALLIGNMENT?Anyone with a Body/Mind Matrix will benefit profoundly.MATHEMATICSThe hundreds of strings are tuned to EXACT frequencies. (cycles per second) Tuning hundreds of strings is extremely arduous and time consuming. If these strings are not tuned perfectly, it won’t work. When set into vibration these strings generate and bathe you in infinite layers of the exquisite harmonic overtones. It is a PURELY MATHEMATICAL function that Pythagoras figured out 2500 years ago. He knew that sound not only has form…but that sound organizes matter.SClarification of Pythagorean Harmonic Mathematics Refer to:www.harmonictheory.comA visual for those not mathematically inclined:’ PERCEPTION OF THE “DIVINE”One of his most important discoveries was that the harmonic musical intervals could be expressed by perfect numerical ratios, a finding that led him to the realization that all sensible phenomena follow the pattern of number. Pythagoras used various intervals of harmonic ratios as a “medicine” for diseases of the body, mind & soul. “He aligned souls to their Divine Nature”. Through music, Pythagoras performed what he called “soul-adjustments”When Pythagoras spoke of “The Divine” he was not talking about a man in the clouds with a beard and a personality. His concept of “The Divine” referred to the observable & measurable fact that there is Absolute Order pervasive throughout the entire Universe (everywhere-all the time) AND that this Order has Intelligence. He taught that this Order with Universal Intelligence streaming through it could be accessed and realized through number. “Healing is restoring the Divinity Within.”Poorvaa MehraaABOUT DR. JAMES B. HOPKINSDr. Hopkins has dedicated himself to the healing arts for most of his fifty years. He has been blessed with purpose his entire life, finding tremendous satisfaction and personal reward by facilitating the well being of others. From experience he learned a Platinum Rule: “built into every great challenge is an equally great Gift.” (or opportunity). His work in Harmonic Healing is a result of this actually.As a chiropractor living in the Los Angeles area, Dr Hopkins cared for a “dream clientele” for over 25 years. Adhering to a strict policy of, “word of mouth only” he attracted many thousands of high caliber patients from all over the world (he learned much from this role).Since the age of 14, he has passionately pursued effective approaches in “alternative health care” methods. This was inspired at an early age when he incurred a severe accident that left him partially paralyzed. He was brought to the “best” doctors. After many consultations, examinations, diagnostics and failed treatments the medical profession sentenced him with the following advice: “learn to live with the condition.” He thought this was the final word. He had never heard of “chiropractic” (which was unpopular at the time) when his grandmother brought him to one. The treatments were dramatically successful! This was his first and immediate lesson to “Question Authority”!!! AND it reinforced with great clarity the “Platinum Rule” mentioned above. For hidden within his tragic challenge (paralysis) was a great gift… a purposeful career and his “calling”.HOW HE CAME TO SOUND HEALINGAfter decades of appreciating an exuberant lifestyle filled with travel and a supremely rewarding occupation, Dr Hopkins incurred SEVERE arthritis in both hands. This pain was so intense that it felt like he had smacked his knuckles on cement hundreds of times. It grew progressively worse for 6 years until his hands involuntarily curled into a “claw”. Nature had dictated that it was the end of his Chiropractic career. He explained that this massive tragedy was like,“telling Picasso he could no longer paint.” This was only the beginning of a series of losses. Within one year he lost EVERYTHING he identified himself with, including nearly loosing his life. But there was duality in the experience for him. Because he hadn’t forgotten the “Platinum Rule” and because his challenge was MASSIVE, he knew that the hidden Gift would be MASSIVE as well. A quote stuck in his mind, “If you’re falling, dive.” So he did.Dr, Hopkins dove DEEP into himself, his Meditations and his Yoga. He began to read things he never had time to for in the past. And all the healing energy and loving care that he gave to thousands of his patients… he now gave to himself. In his Meditations he kept the awareness that he was absolutely free now…free to do ANYTHING he wanted…including die. When he went into Meditation he asked the question; “Since I’m free…and I can do ANYTHING…what do I want to do?” Four Distinct Answers Came:1) He wanted to continue to “facilitate the well being of others”. (still alive in the healing arts!)2) He wanted to “facilitate continuous higher levels of consciousness in his own being”. (he couldn’t wait to see what THAT looked like)3) He wanted it to make sure he “did not overuse any one part of his body” (like he had with his hands)4) He wanted to bestow a service that would attract individuals of a superlative nature and quality of character.    Simultaneous to these “answers” coming through he came across a book on the life of Pythagoras. Although he remembered nothing about Pythagoras at the time, the information struck a powerful chord in the depths of his Being (as if he was there). He continued to read anything he could about Pythagoras.When he read that Pythagoras used certain sounds, harmonic intervals and frequencies to treat “conditions” something REALLY woke him up. From then on he felt as if he had “moved into a current” to channel this work. It took years of preoccupation with the concept of harmonics as it applies to healing. It took years just to find master luthiers and years to commission, construct and collect these exquisite, precise and divinely inspired instruments. Finally making them available to share with others.THE STRING THEORYPythagoras said that “the prime substance of the universe is number” and that “a thing can be divided in half (or doubled) infinitely”. A concept only recently confirmed. Pythagoras used the phenomena of a vibrating string to demonstrate to his disciples the ubiquitous existence of harmony, (as it exists everywhere/all the time) not only within the human audible range, but “out” into the cosmic realm for infinity and “in” to the atomic level for infinity. “As above so below” he explained. It is no coincidence that after all these years experts in quantum physics have come up what they call, “The String Theory” in order to explain the “Unification of all things”Check it out www.superstringtheory.comTHE TREATMENTSTreatments are customized to individual needs and are usually divided into three stages:I)             (The Physical) Hands OnII)            (The Astral) Cosmic GongsIII)          (The Spiritual) Pythagorean MonochordsWe recognize that the physical body is usually the last place that humans manifest dis-ease. It is the densest aspect of one’s being. If we raise our awareness to other more subtle aspects of our being…we will find that dis-ease begins with negative thoughts and influences that occur in the mental, emotional, astral, causal and etheric levels. These under-stated levels are where we can prevent much physical suffering. Sound effectively cleanses and neutralizes these subtle levels.See “Inspirational Quotes” #65“Medicine only looks at the physical manifestation of molecules.  According to science, matter doesn’t exist w/o virtue of vibration… vibration interacting w/ consciousness.” – Poorvaa Mehraa“Problems can’t be solved at the level of the consciousness that created them.” – Albert Einstein                          THE BIG LIEWhile Dr. Hopkins has worked closely with the medical profession over the past quarter century, he finds it ironic that the medical profession has self-entitled itself with the nomenclature “traditional medicine”. (which doesn’t make sense since it has only been practiced for 1 or 2 hundred years) While at the same time the term “alternative” has been relegated to “ancient traditions” (which have been viable and in practice for thousands of years) such as acupuncture, chiropractic, herbalism, & sound healing.If you look up in a dictionary (right now) the words, “alternative medicine” you will read, “regarded as unorthodox by the medical profession.” Then if you immediately look up the word “unorthodox” you will read, “contrary to what is traditional.” The definition of “traditional = “a long established custom or belief.”Ladies and gentleman of the jury… You are being lied to!Dr. Hopkins would like to suggest that: it is by no accident that these defining terms have been “switched” on us and that this is nothing less than “slight of hand” with the intention to mislead and discredit.Another glaring example (that goes unnoticed) is the word, “side effect”. I don’t know what School of Logic you graduated from, but the fact is that there are only “cause & effect”. If you continually swallow aspirin and you get a stomach ulcer…the ulcer is a DIRECT EFFECT of putting that aspirin in your body. There is no such thing as a “side effect”. This is only brought up to substantiate, clarify and give credibility to this long forgotten method of using sound to facilitate human well being. If you study, research, and explore further, you will be Enlightened (look THAT word up) to the fact that: there is NOTHING “new age” about sound medicine.ITS ROOTS ARE ANCIENT…  SO IT’S FUTURE IS BRIGHT!Listen to a rare AEOLIAN HARP! They are never to be touched by human hands but are taken deep into the forest & left there… only to be PLAYED BY THE WIND!!! made a play list so when u DL this be sure to listen to the play list track to make it in order the 1st time through. After that just pick ur favs. It is very fun and makes me feel energized. After the 3rd session I feel super charged and tingly. Kind of scary but a real rush too!Man, I love it! Golden RatiosPythagorean Harmonic Healing 1Tracks:1) Golden Ratios 18:532) Lamdoma D&A 6:023) Divine Harmonics 3:114) Vesicae Piscis Madorla 17:005) Fibonacci’s Vigil 4:246) Infinite Overtones 14:48Great stuff. Now for fun the 2nd time I jerked off to it and had an orgasm like I never had be4! It was unreal. (TMI I know… But what the hell!)If u dig Hemi Sync stuff u will love this. It can he listened to w/ headphones or over the speakers.  I like over the stereo (it fills the room and vibrates all things in a super harmonic wave- it feels so amazing!) but note that if u have cheap tinny computer speakers it will rattle the hell out of them at full volume.Also put it on while fucking a girl! IT IS THE BEST! No doubt! I played this while a FB and me were getting down to it and she was so blissed out and came real hard. Then she wanted anal! She never wants anal… She was not clean tho and my sheets got real messy… Still so much fun while the CD was on. It turbo charged our sex for sure!Anyway, This CD is great! I’m going to rip it to my iPod in Apple Lossless and go around the city playing it and having a walking trance/trip!The FLAC sounds great tho. Enjoy!All can DL now.


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