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Dr. Joseph Riggio – Million Dollar High-Ticket Group or Program 2.0 – Part 2

Dr. Joseph Riggio – HTGP 2.0
[11 DVD- MP4, 1 CD – MP3, 13 ebooks – PDF, 1 ebook – txt, 2 slides – jpg]



Dr. Joseph Riggio – Million-Dollar High-Ticket Groups & Programs 2.0How To Design & Deliver A Million Dollar Group Or Program Without Any Heavy-Duty Marketing Required!This is a GB with cummulative uploads, so everything uploaded previously is included in this upload. Following content will be integrated in the existing file structure. This is part 2 of the GB and it includes in addition to the previous materials from this upload: 2: Bonus Module 1 – $ 2.000 Mini-ProgramOkay, here’s “where the rubber hits the road” so to speak … get this right and your tribe will find you! What are the issues you clients are facing today … that they want to do something about and also will invest in to make something happen What are the significant questions about those issues that you need to address and answer for your client to be willing to invest with you todayHow do you convey the right information and tone in how you present the outcome so that your clients feel a sense of urgencyHow to test your outcome with you Ideal Tribe before you make any big investments of time or money in chasing after and outcome they don’t care about as much as you do … THIS IS A CRITICAL STEP YOU MUST DO! Week 3: Module 2 – Identifying Your Ideal TribeThis step is critical to creating your tribe and your success, start focusing on only attracting the right kind of clients. Identifying the “right” kinds of clients and why they are a good fit for you and why you’re a good fit for them Understanding the difference between demographics and psychographics, and why getting the psychographic piece right will allow you to successfully launch your High-Ticket Group or Program more than any other factor you can focus on up front Putting together the “right” psychographic profile so you can take your expertise and aim it at the clients who will be perfect for you Using the demographic and psychographic profile of your ideal tribe to target your ideal clients and get them to notice you 365 days a year … this is the difference between getting clients to chase you and you chasing themGB status: openIf you are interested in this material, please pledge here: you for making this GB possible!Waiting times will be set after the GB is fully funded.VIP: TBAPU: TBAUser: Please upgrade to PU


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