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Dr. Kraus – Change Your Life Software

[1 CD – Rip]



KEEP THIS EXCLUSIVEGoal getting software from Stephen Kraus Ph.D.-    Dr. Stephen Kraus  received his Ph.D. in social psychology from Harvard University at age 25, and twice won Harvard’s award for excellence in teaching.  He later taught psychology at the University of Florida, where he was a campus favorite thanks to his teaching style of busting popular myths, illustrating psychological principles with vivid demonstrations, and translating scientific research findings into practical learning.- Author of Psychological Foundations of Success: A Harvard-Trained Scientist Separates the Science of Success from Self-Help Snake Oil. ->…- Dr. Stephen Kraus coined the term “success scientist” to describe his pioneering work in synthesizing the  scientific research on success, motivation and happiness into straightforward, practical systems for success that anyone can use.  It is his ambition to popularize the science of psychology in much the same way that Carl Sagan popularized astronomy and Stephen Jay Gould popularized evolutionary biology.  Steve’s article on the relationship between attitudes and behavior is one of the most widely referenced works on the topic in the psychological literature, and is cited in major textbooks.  ————–ChangePlanet’s Change Your Life SoftwareGet more motivation, success & happiness in just five minutes a dayTake your success and happiness to the next level with ChangePlanet’s Change Your Life software.  It’s a powerful, science-based, easy-to-use tool for…   *      Setting and accomplishing goals   *      Tracking your progress toward goals   *      Identifying “success drivers” and “happiness drivers”   *      Making effective course corrections in life”One of my greatest challenges as a business owner is not being held accountable to anyone but myself.  Steve Kraus’s Change Your Life software is by far the easiest and most effective way I have ever found to stay focused and track my progress toward achieving my business and personal goals.  This is a powerful tool for anyone who really wants to succeed!”  Charles Legalos, President of Critical Contacts Inc.How It Works: Your “Five-Minute-a-Day” Program for Greater Motivation, Success and HappinessBooks and tapes are popular self-improvement tools, but they have their limits.  They don’t change or evolve.  They don’t grow as you grow.  A tape is the same each time you listen to it.  Books and tapes are also somewhat impersonal — they don’t deliver personalized, customized advice or insights based on your goals and your life.That’s why we’ve developed ChangePlanet’s Change Your Life Software.It helps you set goals, and accomplish them faster than ever before.  It helps you track your progress, and understand what truly drives success and happiness in your life.  It delivers these benefits through five fully-integrated, easy-to-use success tools…Success Tool #1:  Easy & Powerful Entry of Your Progress DataChange Your Life software helps you easily record progress toward your goals on a 0 to 10 scale each day, with 0 being no progress, and 10 meaning outstanding progress.  Recording progress alone leads to enhanced performance and greater success for several reasons…   *      It’s motivating, because giving yourself a “good grade” at the end of each day serves as a small reward for good progress   *      It’s motivating, because giving yourself a “bad grade” is a gentle but thought-provoking punishment   *      It forces you to be accountable and honest with yourself   *      It encourages you to recognize your successes, and not overlook them   *      It helps you avoid thinking of success in all-or-none terms.  This is crucial in preventing the “what the heck” effect — giving up after a small setback because you’ve labeled your effort a “failure””I love the software program! I didn’t have to spend hours setting up my goals, vision, mission statement, detailed plan – I was able to just get right into it. I love the measuring and graphing feature as well – it’s lacking in most programs. You’ve successfully pinpointed and incorporated the key factors of motivation into the software.”  Stacey MorrisSuccess Tool #2:  Summarizing Your SuccessAfter you have entered your progress data, you can call up sophisticated, empowering analyses of your progress data with point-and-click simplicity.  Start by Summarizing Your Success.  One click brings up simple bar charts reflecting your overall level of progress toward each goal.  You’ll know in an instant…   *      Your overall level of progress toward your goals   *      Which goals you are making strong progress toward   *      Which goals you are making weak progress toward   *      Which areas of your life need course corrections like greater effort, new strategies, and re-evaluated prioritiesSuccess Tool #3:  Tracking Your Success Over TimeGetting an overall view of which goals you are progressing toward is just the start.  The next step is Tracking Your Success Over Time.  With one click, you’ll get line charts that display the ups and downs of your progress toward each goal over time.  In an instant, you’ll know…   *      If you are making consistent upward progress toward your goals   *      If you are experiencing “volatility patches” of dramatic ups and downs   *      If you are suffering from “weekend snowballs” – strong progress during the week, but major setbacks on weekends (a common pattern for eating and weight loss goals)   *      What kinds of course corrections you need to make to achieve more.  (For example, if you learn that you are making weak progress toward your weight loss goals on weekends, you can start making course corrections like exercising more, or cooking at home instead of eating out).Success Tool #4:  Identifying Your Success DriversWith another click of the mouse, you’ll understand what factors drive success in your daily life.  Armed with this information, you’ll be able to reshape your physical and social environment to contribute to even greater success.  You’ll know…   *      If you accomplish more on the days you wake up early, or on the days you sleep in   *      How do your daily habits like eating and exercise affect progress toward your goals   *      How environmental factors like the weather shape progress toward your goalsSuccess Tool #5:  Identifying Your Happiness DriversSuccess is good.  Happiness is even better.  The final feature of Change Your Life software helps identify on which days you are the happiest, and which of your goals have the greatest impact on your happiness.  Armed with this information, you can then you restructure your life so that you can focus on the goals that bring you the most joy and happiness.The Science Behind Our Goal-Setting SystemsLike everything we offer, ChangePlanet’s Change Your Life software is based on sound scientific research.Recording progress toward your goals, and analyzing your success, is a process psychologists call self-monitoring.  Simply put, it works.  Dozens of published studies have shown that it can contribute to lasting weight loss, as well as reductions in alcohol consumption, smoking, disruptive classroom behavior, nail biting and even hallucinations!  (We review this research here)  Our Change Your Life software, and the five key success features outlined above, makes self-monitoring easier and more powerful than ever before.Our Goal-Setting Challenge, and Our Success GuaranteeSome people think the idea of recording progress toward their goals is too “hokey” or too “self-helpy.”  As I reviewed in my book, many highly-accomplished people throughout history have recorded progress toward their goals, including many famous authors, professional athletes, and the original American success guru Benjamin Franklin (yes, that’s why the popular organizer is called a “Franklin Planner”).But I’ve found the most effective response to those who think that recording progress toward is a little weird is to offer a challenge, and a guarantee.If you like this you might want to consider donating at …


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