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Dr. Stephen E. West – The Golden 7 Plus Two (The Art of Lymphasizing)

Dr. Stephen E. West – The Golden 7 Plus Two.pdf
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[Rebounding, The Art of Lymphasizing, Cellercizing, Lymphatic Drainage, Healthy Bounce, Mini-trampoline, Rebounder]CONQUER DISEASE WITH NINE KEYS TO HEALTH, BEAUTY, AND PEACEDISCOVER THE ART OF LYMPHASIZING, LEARN ABOUT CAUSE AND PREVENTIONTHIS TEXTBOOK WAS DEVELOPED TO ESTABLISH WORLD-WIDE FAMILY SELF-H.E.L.P. CENTERSNewly Revised & Improved Second Generation Version of The Golden Seven Plus One, by Dr. C. Samuel West, first published September 1982 by Dr. Stephen E. West, DL, PMD – A Doctor of Lymphology and Doctor of Preventive Medicine Internationally Known as an Authority on the Causes of Pain, Loss of Energy, and DiseaseThe “Golden Seven” refers to seven conditions that must exist for the body to produce healthy cells. Wrong habits of thinking, eating, and exercise lead to trapped blood plasma proteins (TPPs) in between cells. They interfere with the chemical balance required for healthy cells and produce conditions that, if uncorrected, decrease cell energy and lead to illness and death. According to the author:1. Every cell is an electrical generator, and produces an electrical field. The human body is electrical. Thought waves are electrical, as is energy for the eyes, etc. Muscles work by electrical impulses from the brain. Our health, strength and endurance depend on energy currents running through the body. 2. To keep cellular electrical generators going, (a) Cells must have oxygen to convert glucose into energy, and (b) Potassium inside cells must remain high in relation to sodium. Anything producing excess fluid and sodium around cells causes them to “drown” from lack of oxygen and upsets the delicate sodium-potassium balance in and around cells. This may explain why you feel tired after eating a big meal with too much salt. 3. For cells to remain healthy, they must remain in a “dry” state with only enough fluid to fill crevices around cells. Elevated pressure in the bloodstream, caused in part by eating too much animal-based protein, leads to the continual seeping of blood proteins through tiny capillary pores into the interstitial spaces around cells. These TPPs — trapped plasma proteins — must be continually returned to the blood stream via the lymphatic system. When the lymphatic system weakens, the TPPs are trapped in the inter-cellular areas of the body, and low energy results. 4. Trapped blood proteins attract excess sodium and pull water out of the bloodstream . This produces (a) Excess fluids, and (b) Excess sodium around cells. This leads to a lack of oxygen, which upsets the delicate sodium-potassium balance in and around cells. Loss of energy, disease, and cell death result. Trapped blood proteins on a moderate scale produce conditions that cause pain, inflammation, viral and bacterial infections, allergies, loss of energy, heart disease, cancer, obesity, hypertension, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, polio, cerebral palsy, and every other crippling and killer disease known to mankind. 5. The Art of Lymphasizing (Bouncing or jumping in a percussive fashion) on a small rebounder (mini-trampoline) — together with positive mental attitudes and good nutrition — support the circulation of blood proteins, and good health. Physical inactivity, poor mental attitudes, and poor nutrition allow blood proteins to become trapped, leading to poor health. Deep breathing and muscular movement are an essential part of the art, because the lymphatic system has no pump like the heart of the cardiovascular system. People who don’t choose to or are unable to exercise may use a small tramboline, which Dr. West calls a “lymphasizer.” It’s “like having a second set of lungs,” he says. Using it properly activates the body’s bio-electrical system — and helps a person reverse injury and disease. The book explains how-to’s in detail. 6. When trapped proteins reduce the cellular energy field, cells stick together or cluster, making it difficult for the lymphatic system to remove them. When a person injures any part of the body, poisons from damaged cells dilate tiny capillary pores. This produces a shock-like effect in that area. Trapped blood proteins result, with associated results: Reduced energy field (and loss of energy); fluid retention (swelling); lack of oxygen; and pain. 7. Trapped or clustered proteins can be dissipated or removed to help relieve pain, speed healing, and reverse injury or disease by proper use of bio-electric lymphasizing techniques. Unlike the arterial system, the lymphatic system does not have its own pump. It has no heart muscle to move the fluid around through its lymph vessels. There are just THREE WAYS TO ACTIVATE THE FLOW OF LYMPH away from the tissues it serves and back into the main pulmonary circulation. Lymphatic flow requires: 1. MUSCULAR CONTRACTION from exercise and movement, 2. GRAVITATIONAL PRESSURE, and 3. INTERNAL MASSAGE to the valves of lymph ducts.Rebounding supplies all three methods of removing waste products from the cells and from the body.  Then arterial blood enters the capillaries in order to furnish the cells with fresh tissue fluid containing food and oxygen. The bouncing motion effectively moves and recycles the lymph and the entire blood supply through the circulatory system many times during the course of the rebounding session. Rebounding is a lymphatic exercise. It has the similar effect on your body as jumping rope, but without any jarring effect to the ankles, knees, and lower back that comes from hitting the ground. Better than rope jumping, however, the lymphatic channels get put under hydraulic pressure to move fluids containing waste products of metabolism around and out of the body through the left subclavian vein.The product is from the Applied Lymphology Educational company, Zerodisease may want to check my related upload as example of Lymphatic Exercises, using a rebounder:Rebounding – Carol’s Health Bounce DVD


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