Dr. William Baldwin – Past Life Regression Therapy Workshop-
Dr. William Baldwin – Past Life Therapy
[13CDs+1 DOC]
Past Life Regression Therapy WorkshopMany people reject the idea of looking into a past lifetime for problems as they claim to have enough troubles in the present life. This sounds reasonable; however, in clinical practice, clients discover that present life conflicts and problems often stem from traumatic events in prior lifetimes.The Meaning of Past Life RecallThere are at least four levels of meaning of the past life regression experience. 1. At the most superficial level it is fun and interesting to explore one’s past, to see oneself as the various characters in earlier dramas. It is simply an excursion through time. 2. The second level is the therapeutic experience. Many emotional problems and conflicts are quickly and effectively resolved through past life regression therapy, usually in far fewer sessions than with conventional therapy. Many physical ailments are considered to be psychosomatic, and these conditions may begin to diminish or cease altogether with past life regression therapy. 3. The third level is an educational journey into the spiritual reality, the so-called “inner planes” of consciousness. The subject can experience the greater reality of spirit, past, present, and in some cases future. There is a deeper realization of purpose in life, or lives, a clearer sense of the meaning of relationships and the transpersonal aspects of existence. 4. The fourth level of the altered state regression experience is the ineffable feeling of Oneness, of being connected to all and everything in the Universe, being part of God, Goddess, All That Is, the Source. Past lives therapy has proven to be a rapid and effective method of healing present life issues. It is a profound experience for the therapist as well as the client. It is truly a spiritual psychotherapyMany physical ailments are considered to be psychosomatic, and these conditions may begin to diminish or cease altogether through past life regression therapy. The late world renowned Dr. Baldwin was considered the leading expert on Past Life regression developed this unique SRT Therapy deriving from various methods including psychology; Hypnotism and NLPfor more information please log into the following site:http://www.spiritreleasement.org/past_life_therapy.htmThese unique audios were recorded by a participant of the workshop and to the best of my knowledge have not been commercially distributedSince this therapy is very pwoerful I would ask you to keep it here so as not to fallinto inexperienced hands
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