E. H. Shattock – Mind Your Body – A Practical Method of Self-healing (1979)
E. H. Shattock – Mind Your Body – A Practical Method of Self-healing (1979).pdf
[1 Scan OCR – 1 PDF]
elib.tech Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!This product is brought to you by Reichian Therapy/Orgonomy Books GB with the need for two serious operations – to replacea hip joint and to remove an enlarged prostate – AdmiralShattock decided to treat himself. He developed a methodof conscious contact with the subconscious and was able togive the necessary instructions for the repair and rebuildingof the hip joint and the reduction in size of the prostate.Mind Your Body is the story of the development of thisremarkable method of self-healing. Admiral Shattock ex-plains the visualization technique he used to direct thehealing once he had studied the physiology and pathologyof the affected areas.This little book raises profound and fascinating questionsabout the nature of healing and disease and the inter-relationof mind and body.as always a big appreciation goes to trance33 for doing all the amazing OCRs for everything I have been scanning and I don’t always mention her name.Access times:Contributors: Now, ratio-freeVIP+: 2 WeeksPU+: 8 WeeksUsers: upgrade to Power User
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