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Ed Strachar – Magical Concentration

Ed Strachar – Magical Concentration [7 CDs – MP3]
[7 CDs – MP3]



This has already been uploaded here: haven’t checked already uploaded version personally, but it clearly states that:Quote:Track 10 is missing and some other run for more than it should, so once you hear that session is over and you hear the music go to the next one.From this one can understand that the quality might be better.—————–This version that i’m uploading is 128kbps CD rip. Quality is great, voice and music clearand crisp.Yes this is the full version (7 CDs).—————–Sales pitch:…Quote:Magical Concentrationby Ed StracharHave you ever wondered how much easier life would be if you stayed focused on one thing at a time until it’s complete? Many times, we have so many demands on our time and so many distractions, that it seems too difficult to get anything done. If you’ve ever felt like throwing up your hands and saying “Enough!”, Mind Expert Ed Strachar can show you how to concentrate with such focus, you’ll be able to finish anything in at least half the time it normally does.Whether you’re trying to make more money, cope with stress, become a top athlete, find spiritual enlightenment, or anything else, your ability to focus on a single task and see it through to completion is the most important element to success.Magical Concentration will help you concentrate more effectively than you ever thought possible, and it doesn’t require you to do anything extra or put in a lot of effort. It’s about accomplishing more and doing far less than you’d imagine.Focus on any task with laser-like precisionand get everything done in half the time!When you know how to push the “magic” concentration button in yourself, you’ll:· Improve productivity in every area of your life by 100% or more!· Encounter breakthroughs in every area of your life!· Think far more clearly and accurately!· Instantly be smarter and more creative!· Learn faster and have a far stronger memory!· Be a better competitor who constantly improves!And so much more!Ed will not only show you techniques to concentrate much better — he’ll also teach you how to harmonize and balance yourself in a way that will eliminate clutter and emotion in your mind. Remember — without harmony and balance, you can experience destructive emotions like anger, sadness, anxiety, and not be able to concentrate well, or for that matter, at all!So whether it’s those annoying little voices inside you that tempt you or those that guide you… whether it be that thing you can’t stop thinking about…or a mental block you can’t seem to get past…this program will show you how to get beyond them and be extremelyproductive.This program will help you become more productive on every level of thought!On an emotional level, maybe it’s that thing that upsets you, or something that throws you off-kilter…this program will show you how to overcome it with ease so you can function regardless of what’s going on around you.On a physical level, it may be a pain in your side, a taunt from an opposing player, or not having that extra push at the end of a race…this program will show you how to get past these barriers so you set personal records and accomplish feats you never thought you could.On a spiritual level, you may have tried to meditate but can’t reach that place of inner calm that allows you to truly benefit from this exercise. This program will show you how to get to the point where you can sit still for hours and experience that inner calm.Think of it this way: once you have the ability to consolidate your energy and thoughts with your behavior, you can direct that power anywhere you choose, and suddenly anything you want to do is possible. And once you experience Magical Concentration, everything will be possible for you.Transform your level of thinking!If concentration has ever been a challenge for you, it’s time you improve it permanently. And even if concentration hasn’t been a strain for you, Magical Concentration will open your eyes to a new, deeper level of concentration that’s guaranteed to take you and magically transform your mental skills to a new, advanced level, beyond anything you’ve ever experienced!Start concentrating at a whole new level and get anything done in half the time, finish new projects, and act on ideas that you have been putting on the “back burner.” Order today!—————And here’s a short review of old, incomplete version of this product by a fellow tpmember Bro.Quote:Great course, very comprehensive in identifying all factors involved in concentration and focus. Offers techniques to improve all the factors and ultimately your life, if you do it well.5***** for working on your inner game and getting in ‘the zone’. Should be obligatory listening before you attempt any endeavor.————–P.S. Files are properly named so you can see what topic is covered on which track.


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